in jessie-rcmd
other distributions: | experimental sid2experimental sid sid-strict sid-nodoc sid-merged-usr sid-broken-symlinks testing2sid bookworm bookworm-rcmd bullseye bullseye-rcmd bullseye-security bullseye-pu bullseye2next stable2sid stable22sid buster buster-rcmd buster-security buster-pu buster2next stretch2buster stretch2Xbuster stretch2buster-rcmd stretch2Xbuster-rcmd stretch2bpo2buster stretch2bpo stretch stretch-rcmd stretch-security stretch-pu stretch2next oldstable222sid oldstable22testing jessie2stretch jessie2Xstretch jessie2stretch-rcmd jessie2Xstretch-rcmd jessie-lts2stretch jessie2bpo2stretch jessie2bpo jessie2lts jessie jessie-security wheezy2jessie-lts wheezy2jessie wheezy2jessie-rcmd wheezy2bpo2jessie wheezy2lts wheezy wheezy-security squeeze2wheezy-lts squeeze2wheezy squeeze2bpo-sloppy squeeze2bpo2wheezy squeeze2squeeze-lts squeeze lenny2squeeze |
fail: | 23 | aegisub fso-deviced fso-frameworkd fso-specs fso-usaged gstreamer0.10-rtsp libfso-glib libfsoframework libgisi libgsm0710 libphone-ui libphone-ui-shr libphone-utils libshr-glib openbmap-logger s2tc stringencoders swt-paperclips swtcalendar tint2 vala-0.26 valabind valadoc |
unknown: | 9 | fso-datad fso-gsmd innoextract intone phonefsod tinyos tinyos-tools vala-dbus-binding-tool vala-terminal |
pass: | 5 | mdbus nescc radare2 shr-specs xf86-video-omap |
aegisub in jessie-rcmd |
Source: | aegisub | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 3.1.2-1 |
Maintainer: | Sebastian Reichel <> |
Binary: | aegisub | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 3.1.2-1+b2 |
Binary: | aegisub-dbg | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 3.1.2-1+b2 | Version: | 3.1.2-1+b2 |
Binary: | aegisub-l10n:all | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 3.1.2-1 | Version: | 3.1.2-1 |
fso-deviced in jessie-rcmd |
Source: | fso-deviced | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.12.0-5 |
Maintainer: | Debian FreeSmartphone.Org Team <> |
Uploaders: | Heiko Stuebner <>, Rico Rommel <>, Sebastian Reichel <>, Simon Busch <> |
Binary: | fso-deviced | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 0.12.0-5 | Version: | 0.12.0-5 |
Binary: | fso-deviced-dbg | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 0.12.0-5 |
Binary: | fso-deviced-ezx | unknown package |
Binary: | fso-deviced-gta04 | unknown package |
Binary: | fso-deviced-htc | unknown package |
Binary: | fso-deviced-n900 | unknown package |
Binary: | fso-deviced-nexusone | unknown package |
Binary: | fso-deviced-openmoko | unknown package |
Binary: | fso-deviced-player-canberra | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 0.12.0-5 |
Binary: | fso-deviced-player-gstreamer | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 0.12.0-5 |
fso-frameworkd in jessie-rcmd |
Source: | fso-frameworkd | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | |
Maintainer: | Debian Team <> |
Uploaders: | Joachim Breitner <>, Luca Capello <>, Sebastian Reichel <>, Rico Rommel <> |
Binary: | fso-frameworkd:all | piuparts-result: | failed-testing | Version: | |
Binary: | fso-frameworkd-gta01 | unknown package |
Binary: | fso-frameworkd-gta02 | unknown package |
fso-specs in jessie-rcmd |
Source: | fso-specs | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2012.07.27.2-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian FreeSmartphone.Org Team <> |
Uploaders: | Heiko Stuebner <>, Rico Rommel <>, Sebastian Reichel <> |
Binary: | fso-specs:all | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 2012.07.27.2-1 | Version: | 2012.07.27.2-1 |
fso-usaged in jessie-rcmd |
Source: | fso-usaged | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.12.0-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian FreeSmartphone.Org Team <> |
Uploaders: | Heiko Stuebner <>, Rico Rommel <>, Sebastian Reichel <> |
Binary: | fso-usaged | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 0.12.0-3 | Version: | 0.12.0-3 |
Binary: | fso-usaged-dbg | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 0.12.0-3 |
Binary: | fso-usaged-htc | unknown package |
Binary: | fso-usaged-openmoko | unknown package |
gstreamer0.10-rtsp in jessie-rcmd |
Source: | gstreamer0.10-rtsp | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.10.8-3 |
Maintainer: | Sebastian Reichel <> |
Uploaders: | Maintainers of GStreamer packages <>, Sebastian Dröge <> |
Binary: | gir1.2-gst-rtsp-server-0.10 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.10.8-3 | Version: | 0.10.8-3 |
Binary: | libgstrtspserver-0.10-0 | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 0.10.8-3 |
Binary: | libgstrtspserver-0.10-dev | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 0.10.8-3 | Version: | 0.10.8-3 |
Binary: | python-gst0.10-rtsp | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 0.10.8-3 |
libfso-glib in jessie-rcmd |
Source: | libfso-glib | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2012.07.27.2-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian FreeSmartphone.Org Team <> |
Uploaders: | Heiko Stuebner <>, Rico Rommel <>, Sebastian Reichel <> |
Binary: | libfso-glib-dbg | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 2012.07.27.2-2 | Version: | 2012.07.27.2-2 |
Binary: | libfso-glib-dev | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 2012.07.27.2-2 |
Binary: | libfso-glib2 | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 2012.07.27.2-2 | Version: | 2012.07.27.2-2 |
libfsoframework in jessie-rcmd |
Source: | libfsoframework | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.12.0-5 |
Maintainer: | Debian FreeSmartphone.Org Team <> |
Uploaders: | Heiko Stuebner <>, Rico Rommel <>, Sebastian Reichel <> |
Binary: | libfsobasics3 | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 0.12.0-5 |
Binary: | libfsoframework-dbg | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 0.12.0-5 | Version: | 0.12.0-5 |
Binary: | libfsoframework-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.12.0-5 | Version: | 0.12.0-5 |
Binary: | libfsoframework3 | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 0.12.0-5 |
Binary: | libfsoresource3 | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 0.12.0-5 |
Binary: | libfsosystem3 | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 0.12.0-5 |
Binary: | libfsotest3 | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 0.12.0-5 |
Binary: | libfsotransport3 | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 0.12.0-5 |
Binary: | libgsm0710mux3 | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 0.12.0-5 |
libgisi in jessie-rcmd |
Source: | libgisi | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.1.0-1 |
Maintainer: | Sebastian Reichel <> |
Binary: | libgisi-dbg | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 0.1.0-1 | Version: | 0.1.0-1 |
Binary: | libgisi-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.0-1 | Version: | 0.1.0-1 |
Binary: | libgisi0 | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 0.1.0-1 |
Binary: | libgisicomm-dev | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 0.1.0-1 | Version: | 0.1.0-1 |
Binary: | libgisicomm0 | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 0.1.0-1 |
libgsm0710 in jessie-rcmd |
Source: | libgsm0710 | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.2.2-5 |
Maintainer: | Debian FreeSmartphone.Org Team <> |
Uploaders: | Heiko Stuebner <>, Sebastian Reichel <> |
Binary: | libgsm0710-0 | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 1.2.2-5 | Version: | 1.2.2-5 |
Binary: | libgsm0710-dbg | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 1.2.2-5 | Version: | 1.2.2-5 |
Binary: | libgsm0710-dev | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 1.2.2-5 | Version: | 1.2.2-5 |
libphone-ui in jessie-rcmd |
Source: | libphone-ui | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1:0.0.1+git20110825-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian Team <> |
Uploaders: | Sebastian Reichel <>, Rico Rommel <> |
Binary: | libphone-ui-20110825 | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1:0.0.1+git20110825-3+b1 |
Binary: | libphone-ui-20110825-dbg | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 1:0.0.1+git20110825-3+b1 | Version: | 1:0.0.1+git20110825-3+b1 |
Binary: | libphone-ui-common:all | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 1:0.0.1+git20110825-3 | Version: | 1:0.0.1+git20110825-3 |
Binary: | libphone-ui-dev | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1:0.0.1+git20110825-3+b1 |
libphone-ui-shr in jessie-rcmd |
Source: | libphone-ui-shr | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.1+git20130901-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian Team <> |
Uploaders: | Sebastian Reichel <>, Rico Rommel <> |
Binary: | libphone-ui-shr | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 0.1+git20130901-3 |
Binary: | libphone-ui-shr-data | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 0.1+git20130901-3 | Version: | 0.1+git20130901-3 |
Binary: | libphone-ui-shr-dbg | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 0.1+git20130901-3 | Version: | 0.1+git20130901-3 |
libphone-utils in jessie-rcmd |
Source: | libphone-utils | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.1+git20110523-2.1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Team <> |
Uploaders: | Sebastian Reichel <>, Rico Rommel <> |
Binary: | libphone-utils-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1+git20110523-2.1 | Version: | 0.1+git20110523-2.1 |
Binary: | libphone-utils0 | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 0.1+git20110523-2.1 | Version: | 0.1+git20110523-2.1 |
Binary: | libphone-utils0-dbg | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 0.1+git20110523-2.1 | Version: | 0.1+git20110523-2.1 |
libshr-glib in jessie-rcmd |
Source: | libshr-glib | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2011.03.08.2~git20110930-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian FreeSmartphone.Org Team <> |
Uploaders: | Rico Rommel <>, Sebastian Reichel <> |
Binary: | libshr-glib-dbg | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 2011.03.08.2~git20110930-3 |
Binary: | libshr-glib-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2011.03.08.2~git20110930-3 | Version: | 2011.03.08.2~git20110930-3 |
Binary: | libshr-glib0 | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 2011.03.08.2~git20110930-3 | Version: | 2011.03.08.2~git20110930-3 |
openbmap-logger in jessie-rcmd |
Source: | openbmap-logger | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.4.0-6 |
Maintainer: | Debian Team <> |
Uploaders: | Sebastian Reichel <> |
Binary: | openbmap-logger:all | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 0.4.0-6 | Version: | 0.4.0-6 |
s2tc in jessie-rcmd |
Source: | s2tc | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0~git20131104-1.1 |
Maintainer: | Lennart Weller <> |
Uploaders: | Sebastian Reichel <> |
Binary: | libtxc-dxtn-s2tc-bin | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 0~git20131104-1.1 |
Binary: | libtxc-dxtn-s2tc-dev | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 0~git20131104-1.1 | Version: | 0~git20131104-1.1 |
Binary: | libtxc-dxtn-s2tc0 | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 0~git20131104-1.1 |
stringencoders in jessie-rcmd |
Source: | stringencoders | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 3.10.3-2 |
Maintainer: | Lennart Weller <> |
Uploaders: | Sebastian Reichel <> |
Binary: | libmodpbase64-0 | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 3.10.3-2 |
Binary: | libmodpbase64-dbg | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 3.10.3-2 | Version: | 3.10.3-2 |
Binary: | libmodpbase64-dev | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 3.10.3-2 | Version: | 3.10.3-2 |
swt-paperclips in jessie-rcmd |
Source: | swt-paperclips | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.0.4-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Java maintainers <> |
Uploaders: | Sebastian Reichel <> |
Binary: | libpaperclips-java:all | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 1.0.4-1 | Version: | 1.0.4-1 |
Binary: | libpaperclips-java-doc:all | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 1.0.4-1 | Version: | 1.0.4-1 |
swtcalendar in jessie-rcmd |
Source: | swtcalendar | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.5-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Java maintainers <> |
Uploaders: | Sebastian Reichel <> |
Binary: | libswtcalendar-java:all | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 0.5-1 | Version: | 0.5-1 |
tint2 in jessie-rcmd |
Source: | tint2 | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.11+svn20121014-3 |
Maintainer: | Sebastian Reichel <> |
Binary: | tint2 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.11+svn20121014-3 | Version: | 0.11+svn20121014-3 |
Binary: | tint2-dbg | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 0.11+svn20121014-3 | Version: | 0.11+svn20121014-3 |
vala-0.26 in jessie-rcmd |
Source: | vala-0.26 | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.26.1-1.1 |
Maintainer: | Maintainers of Vala packages <> |
Uploaders: | Marc-Andre Lureau <>, Loic Minier <>, Sebastian Dröge <>, Emilio Pozuelo Monfort <>, Sjoerd Simons <>, Sebastian Reichel <> |
Binary: | libvala-0.26-0 | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 0.26.1-1.1 | Version: | 0.26.1-1.1 |
Binary: | libvala-0.26-0-dbg | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 0.26.1-1.1 |
Binary: | libvala-0.26-dev | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 0.26.1-1.1 |
Binary: | vala-0.26-doc:all | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 0.26.1-1.1 | Version: | 0.26.1-1.1 |
Binary: | valac:all | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 0.26.1-1.1 |
Binary: | valac-0.26 | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 0.26.1-1.1 |
Binary: | valac-0.26-dbg | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 0.26.1-1.1 |
Binary: | valac-0.26-vapi:all | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 0.26.1-1.1 | Version: | 0.26.1-1.1 |
valabind in jessie-rcmd |
Source: | valabind | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.8.0-2.1 |
Maintainer: | David Martínez Moreno <> |
Uploaders: | Sebastian Reichel <> |
Binary: | valabind | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 0.8.0-2.1 | Version: | 0.8.0-2.1 |
valadoc in jessie-rcmd |
Source: | valadoc | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.23.2~git20140902-3 |
Maintainer: | Sebastian Reichel <> |
Binary: | libvaladoc-data:all | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 0.23.2~git20140902-3 | Version: | 0.23.2~git20140902-3 |
Binary: | libvaladoc-dev | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 0.23.2~git20140902-3 |
Binary: | libvaladoc3 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.23.2~git20140902-3 | Version: | 0.23.2~git20140902-3 |
Binary: | valadoc | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 0.23.2~git20140902-3 | Version: | 0.23.2~git20140902-3 |
fso-datad in jessie-rcmd |
Source: | fso-datad | piuparts summary: | unknown | Version: | 0.12.0-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian FreeSmartphone.Org Team <> |
Uploaders: | Rico Rommel <>, Sebastian Reichel <> |
Binary: | fso-datad | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 0.12.0-3 |
Binary: | fso-datad-dbg | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 0.12.0-3 |
fso-gsmd in jessie-rcmd |
Source: | fso-gsmd | piuparts summary: | unknown | Version: | 0.12.0-4 |
Maintainer: | Debian FreeSmartphone.Org Team <> |
Uploaders: | Sebastian Reichel <>, Rico Rommel <>, Simon Busch <> |
Binary: | fso-gsmd | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 0.12.0-4 |
Binary: | fso-gsmd-dbg | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 0.12.0-4 |
Binary: | fso-gsmd-ezx | unknown package |
Binary: | fso-gsmd-gta04 | unknown package |
Binary: | fso-gsmd-htc | unknown package |
Binary: | fso-gsmd-n900 | unknown package |
Binary: | fso-gsmd-openmoko | unknown package |
Source: | innoextract | piuparts summary: | unknown | Version: | 1.4-1 |
Maintainer: | Lennart Weller <> |
Uploaders: | Sebastian Reichel <> |
Binary: | innoextract | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.4-1+b1 |
intone in jessie-rcmd |
Source: | intone | piuparts summary: | unknown | Version: | 0.77+git20120308-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Team <> |
Uploaders: | Sebastian Reichel <>, Timo Jyrinki <> |
Binary: | intone | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 0.77+git20120308-1+b1 |
phonefsod in jessie-rcmd |
Source: | phonefsod | piuparts summary: | unknown | Version: | 0.1+git20121018-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian Team <> |
Uploaders: | Sebastian Reichel <>, Rico Rommel <> |
Binary: | phonefsod | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 0.1+git20121018-2 |
tinyos in jessie-rcmd |
Source: | tinyos | piuparts summary: | unknown | Version: | 2.1.2+dfsg-1 |
Maintainer: | Sebastian Reichel <> |
Binary: | tinyos-source:all | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 2.1.2+dfsg-1 |
tinyos-tools in jessie-rcmd |
Source: | tinyos-tools | piuparts summary: | unknown | Version: | 1.4.2-1 |
Maintainer: | Sebastian Reichel <> |
Binary: | tinyos-tools | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.4.2-1 |
vala-dbus-binding-tool in jessie-rcmd |
Source: | vala-dbus-binding-tool | piuparts summary: | unknown | Version: | 0.4.0-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian FreeSmartphone.Org Team <> |
Uploaders: | Heiko Stuebner <>, Lukas Märdian <>, Rico Rommel <>, Sebastian Reichel <> |
Binary: | vala-dbus-binding-tool | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 0.4.0-2 |
vala-terminal in jessie-rcmd |
Source: | vala-terminal | piuparts summary: | unknown | Version: | 1.3-5 |
Maintainer: | Debian Team <> |
Uploaders: | Joachim Breitner <>, Philipp Kaluza <>, Sebastian Reichel <> |
Binary: | vala-terminal | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.3-5 |
mdbus in jessie-rcmd |
Source: | mdbus | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.3.0-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian FreeSmartphone.Org Team <> |
Uploaders: | Sebastian Reichel <>, Simon Busch <> |
Binary: | mdbus2 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.3.0-3 | Version: | 2.3.0-3 |
nescc in jessie-rcmd |
Source: | nescc | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.3.5-1 |
Maintainer: | Sebastian Reichel <> |
Binary: | nescc | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.3.5-1 | Version: | 1.3.5-1 |
radare2 in jessie-rcmd |
Source: | radare2 | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.9.6-3.1+deb8u1 |
Maintainer: | David Martínez Moreno <> |
Uploaders: | Sebastian Reichel <> |
Binary: | libradare2-0.9.6 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.6-3.1+deb8u1 | Version: | 0.9.6-3.1+deb8u1 |
Binary: | libradare2-0.9.6-dbg | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.6-3.1+deb8u1 | Version: | 0.9.6-3.1+deb8u1 |
Binary: | libradare2-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.6-3.1+deb8u1 | Version: | 0.9.6-3.1+deb8u1 |
Binary: | libradare2-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.6-3.1+deb8u1 | Version: | 0.9.6-3.1+deb8u1 |
Binary: | radare2 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.6-3.1+deb8u1 | Version: | 0.9.6-3.1+deb8u1 |
Binary: | radare2-plugins | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.6-3.1+deb8u1 | Version: | 0.9.6-3.1+deb8u1 |
shr-specs in jessie-rcmd |
Source: | shr-specs | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2011.03.08.2-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Team <> |
Uploaders: | Sebastian Reichel <> |
Binary: | shr-specs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2011.03.08.2-1 | Version: | 2011.03.08.2-1 |
xf86-video-omap in jessie-rcmd |
Source: | xf86-video-omap | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.4.3-1 |
Maintainer: | Sebastian Reichel <> |
Binary: | xserver-xorg-video-omap | unknown package |
Binary: | xserver-xorg-video-omap-dbg | unknown package |