jspricke@debian.org in sid-strict
other distributions: | experimental sid2experimental sid sid-nodoc sid-merged-usr sid-broken-symlinks testing2sid trixie trixie-rcmd bookworm bookworm-rcmd bookworm-security bookworm-pu bookworm2next bullseye bullseye-rcmd bullseye-security bullseye-pu bullseye2next stable2sid stable22sid buster buster-rcmd buster-security buster-pu buster2next stretch2buster stretch2Xbuster stretch2buster-rcmd stretch2Xbuster-rcmd stretch2bpo2buster stretch2bpo stretch stretch-rcmd stretch-security stretch-pu stretch2next oldstable222sid oldstable22testing jessie2stretch jessie2Xstretch jessie2stretch-rcmd jessie2Xstretch-rcmd jessie-lts2stretch jessie2bpo2stretch jessie2bpo jessie2lts jessie jessie-rcmd jessie-security |
fail: | 0 | |
unknown: | 25 | bemenu gpsbabel gpxviewer hibiscus jameica pcl python-pywebview remind ros-actionlib ros-geometry ros-geometry2 ros-image-common ros-image-pipeline ros-image-transport-plugins ros-joint-state-publisher ros-kdl-parser ros-metapackages ros-opencv-apps ros-perception-pcl ros-rviz ros-urdf ros-vision-opencv sxmo-utils wayout wvkbd |
pass: | 142 | bugwarrior collada-dom cruft-ng eclipse-emf efm-langserver fdroidcl flann golang-github-haya14busa-go-checkstyle golang-github-haya14busa-go-sarif golang-github-mattn-go-unicodeclass golang-github-reviewdog-errorformat golang-github-sourcegraph-jsonrpc2 h2database hbci4java hifiberry-dsp hxtools jameica-datasource jameica-h2database jameica-util jupyter-comm kothic libloc libloc-database libpam-mount lisgd maven-jaxb2-plugin mckoisqldb micropython-mpremote obantoo openni openni-sensor-pointclouds openni-sensor-primesense openni2 orocos-bfl orocos-kdl pamixer pnc pssh python-docstring-to-markdown python-littleutils python-lsp-black python-lsp-isort python-lsp-jsonrpc python-lsp-mypy python-lsp-rope python-lsp-server python-matrix-nio python-recurring-ical-events python-tasklib python-x-wr-timezone ros-angles ros-bloom ros-bond-core ros-catkin ros-catkin-lint ros-catkin-pkg ros-catkin-tools ros-class-loader ros-cmake-modules ros-collada-urdf ros-common-msgs ros-diagnostics ros-dynamic-reconfigure ros-eigen-stl-containers ros-gencpp ros-genlisp ros-genmsg ros-genpy ros-geometric-shapes ros-interactive-markers ros-laser-geometry ros-message-generation ros-message-runtime ros-navigation-msgs ros-nodelet-core ros-osrf-pycommon ros-pcl-msgs ros-pluginlib ros-random-numbers ros-resource-retriever ros-robot-state-publisher ros-ros ros-ros-comm ros-ros-comm-msgs ros-ros-environment ros-rosconsole ros-rosconsole-bridge ros-roscpp-core ros-rosdep ros-rosdistro ros-rosinstall-generator ros-roslisp ros-rospack ros-rospkg ros-std-msgs ros-vcstool ros-vcstools ros2-ament-cmake ros2-ament-cmake-ros ros2-ament-lint ros2-ament-package ros2-colcon-argcomplete ros2-colcon-bash ros2-colcon-cd ros2-colcon-cmake ros2-colcon-core ros2-colcon-defaults ros2-colcon-devtools ros2-colcon-library-path ros2-colcon-metadata ros2-colcon-notification ros2-colcon-output ros2-colcon-package-information ros2-colcon-package-selection ros2-colcon-parallel-executor ros2-colcon-pkg-config ros2-colcon-python-setup-py ros2-colcon-recursive-crawl ros2-colcon-ros ros2-colcon-test-result ros2-colcon-zsh ros2-rcpputils ros2-rcutils rust-base-x rust-blake2s-simd rust-cid rust-cid-npm rust-multibase rust-multihash rust-multihash-codetable rust-multihash-derive rust-multihash-derive-impl rust-quick-protobuf rust-ripemd rust-rust-unixfs rust-strobe-rs rust-unsigned-varint sbuild super-csv vit whatthepatch wyrd |
Source: | bemenu | piuparts summary: | unknown | Version: | 0.6.15+dfsg-1 |
Maintainer: | Sway and related packages team <team+swaywm@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Peter Colberg <peter@colberg.org>, Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir@debian.org>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, |
Binary: | bemenu | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.6.15+dfsg-1+b4 | Version: | 0.6.15+dfsg-1+b4 |
Binary: | libbemenu-curses | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.6.15+dfsg-1+b4 | Version: | 0.6.15+dfsg-1+b4 |
Binary: | libbemenu-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.6.15+dfsg-1+b4 | Version: | 0.6.15+dfsg-1+b4 |
Binary: | libbemenu-wayland | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 0.6.15+dfsg-1+b4 |
Binary: | libbemenu-x11 | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 0.6.15+dfsg-1+b4 |
Binary: | libbemenu0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.6.15+dfsg-1+b4 | Version: | 0.6.15+dfsg-1+b4 |
gpsbabel in sid-strict |
Source: | gpsbabel | piuparts summary: | unknown | Version: | 1.10.0+ds-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian GPS team <gpsbabel@packages.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Bernd Zeimetz <bzed@debian.org>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | gpsbabel | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.10.0+ds-1 | Version: | 1.10.0+ds-1 |
Binary: | gpsbabel-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.10.0+ds-1 | Version: | 1.10.0+ds-1 |
Binary: | gpsbabel-gui | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.10.0+ds-1 |
gpxviewer in sid-strict |
Source: | gpxviewer | piuparts summary: | unknown | Version: | 1.2.0-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian Python Team <team+python@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Andrew Gee <andrew@andrewgee.org>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | gpxviewer:all | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.2.0-2 |
hibiscus in sid-strict |
Source: | hibiscus | piuparts summary: | unknown | Version: | 2.10.24+dfsg-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Java Maintainers <pkg-java-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | hibiscus:all | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 2.10.24+dfsg-1 |
Binary: | hibiscus-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.10.24+dfsg-1 | Version: | 2.10.24+dfsg-1 |
jameica in sid-strict |
Source: | jameica | piuparts summary: | unknown | Version: | 2.10.5+dfsg-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Java Maintainers <pkg-java-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | jameica:all | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 2.10.5+dfsg-1 |
Binary: | jameica-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.10.5+dfsg-1 | Version: | 2.10.5+dfsg-1 |
pcl in sid-strict |
Source: | pcl | piuparts summary: | unknown | Version: | 1.15.0+dfsg-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net> |
Binary: | libpcl-apps1.15 | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.15.0+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | libpcl-common1.15 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.15.0+dfsg-2 | Version: | 1.15.0+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | libpcl-dev | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.15.0+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | libpcl-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.15.0+dfsg-2 | Version: | 1.15.0+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | libpcl-features1.15 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.15.0+dfsg-2 | Version: | 1.15.0+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | libpcl-filters1.15 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.15.0+dfsg-2 | Version: | 1.15.0+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | libpcl-io1.15 | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.15.0+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | libpcl-kdtree1.15 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.15.0+dfsg-2 | Version: | 1.15.0+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | libpcl-keypoints1.15 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.15.0+dfsg-2 | Version: | 1.15.0+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | libpcl-ml1.15 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.15.0+dfsg-2 | Version: | 1.15.0+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | libpcl-octree1.15 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.15.0+dfsg-2 | Version: | 1.15.0+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | libpcl-outofcore1.15 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.15.0+dfsg-2 | Version: | 1.15.0+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | libpcl-people1.15 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.15.0+dfsg-2 | Version: | 1.15.0+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | libpcl-recognition1.15 | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.15.0+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | libpcl-registration1.15 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.15.0+dfsg-2 | Version: | 1.15.0+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | libpcl-sample-consensus1.15 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.15.0+dfsg-2 | Version: | 1.15.0+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | libpcl-search1.15 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.15.0+dfsg-2 | Version: | 1.15.0+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | libpcl-segmentation1.15 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.15.0+dfsg-2 | Version: | 1.15.0+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | libpcl-stereo1.15 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.15.0+dfsg-2 | Version: | 1.15.0+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | libpcl-surface1.15 | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.15.0+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | libpcl-tracking1.15 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.15.0+dfsg-2 | Version: | 1.15.0+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | libpcl-visualization1.15 | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.15.0+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | pcl-tools | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.15.0+dfsg-2 |
python-pywebview in sid-strict |
Source: | python-pywebview | piuparts summary: | unknown | Version: | 5.0.5+dfsg-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian Python Team <team+python@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, |
Binary: | python3-webview:all | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 5.0.5+dfsg-2 |
remind in sid-strict |
Source: | remind | piuparts summary: | unknown | Version: | 05.03.04-1 |
Maintainer: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | remind | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 05.03.04-1 | Version: | 05.03.04-1 |
Binary: | remind-tools | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 05.03.04-1 |
Binary: | tkremind:all | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 05.03.04-1 |
ros-actionlib in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-actionlib | piuparts summary: | unknown | Version: | 1.14.0-8 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | cl-actionlib:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.14.0-8 | Version: | 1.14.0-8 |
Binary: | libactionlib-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.14.0-8 | Version: | 1.14.0-8 |
Binary: | libactionlib1d | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.14.0-8 | Version: | 1.14.0-8 |
Binary: | python3-actionlib:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.14.0-8 | Version: | 1.14.0-8 |
Binary: | python3-actionlib-tools:all | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.14.0-8 |
ros-geometry in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-geometry | piuparts summary: | unknown | Version: | 1.13.2-11 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | cl-tf:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.13.2-11 | Version: | 1.13.2-11 |
Binary: | libtf-conversions-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.13.2-11 | Version: | 1.13.2-11 |
Binary: | libtf-conversions0d | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.13.2-11 | Version: | 1.13.2-11 |
Binary: | libtf-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.13.2-11 | Version: | 1.13.2-11 |
Binary: | libtf1d | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.13.2-11 | Version: | 1.13.2-11 |
Binary: | python3-tf | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.13.2-11 | Version: | 1.13.2-11 |
Binary: | python3-tf-conversions | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.13.2-11 | Version: | 1.13.2-11 |
Binary: | tf-tools | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.13.2-11 |
ros-geometry2 in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-geometry2 | piuparts summary: | unknown | Version: | 0.7.7-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | cl-tf2-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.7-3 | Version: | 0.7.7-3 |
Binary: | cl-tf2-srvs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.7-3 | Version: | 0.7.7-3 |
Binary: | libtf2-2d | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.7-3+b2 | Version: | 0.7.7-3+b2 |
Binary: | libtf2-bullet-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.7-3+b2 | Version: | 0.7.7-3+b2 |
Binary: | libtf2-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.7-3+b2 | Version: | 0.7.7-3+b2 |
Binary: | libtf2-eigen-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.7-3+b2 | Version: | 0.7.7-3+b2 |
Binary: | libtf2-geometry-msgs-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.7-3+b2 | Version: | 0.7.7-3+b2 |
Binary: | libtf2-kdl-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.7-3+b2 | Version: | 0.7.7-3+b2 |
Binary: | libtf2-msgs-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.7-3+b2 | Version: | 0.7.7-3+b2 |
Binary: | libtf2-ros-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.7-3+b2 | Version: | 0.7.7-3+b2 |
Binary: | libtf2-ros1d | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.7-3+b2 | Version: | 0.7.7-3+b2 |
Binary: | libtf2-sensor-msgs-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.7-3+b2 | Version: | 0.7.7-3+b2 |
Binary: | python3-tf2 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.7-3+b2 | Version: | 0.7.7-3+b2 |
Binary: | python3-tf2-geometry-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.7-3 | Version: | 0.7.7-3 |
Binary: | python3-tf2-kdl:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.7-3 | Version: | 0.7.7-3 |
Binary: | python3-tf2-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.7-3 | Version: | 0.7.7-3 |
Binary: | python3-tf2-ros:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.7-3 | Version: | 0.7.7-3 |
Binary: | python3-tf2-sensor-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.7-3 | Version: | 0.7.7-3 |
Binary: | ros-tf2-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.7-3 | Version: | 0.7.7-3 |
Binary: | tf2-tools | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 0.7.7-3+b2 |
ros-image-common in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-image-common | piuparts summary: | unknown | Version: | 1.12.0-14 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | camera-calibration-parsers-tools | piuparts-result: | waiting-for-dependency-to-be-tested N/A | Version: | 1.12.0-14+b5 |
Binary: | cl-polled-camera:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.12.0-14 | Version: | 1.12.0-14 |
Binary: | image-transport-tools | piuparts-result: | waiting-for-dependency-to-be-tested N/A | Version: | 1.12.0-14+b5 |
Binary: | libcamera-calibration-parsers-dev | piuparts-result: | waiting-for-dependency-to-be-tested N/A | Version: | 1.12.0-14+b5 |
Binary: | libcamera-calibration-parsers0t64 | piuparts-result: | waiting-to-be-tested N/A | Version: | 1.12.0-14+b5 |
Binary: | libcamera-info-manager-dev | piuparts-result: | waiting-for-dependency-to-be-tested N/A | Version: | 1.12.0-14+b5 |
Binary: | libcamera-info-manager0t64 | piuparts-result: | waiting-for-dependency-to-be-tested N/A | Version: | 1.12.0-14+b5 |
Binary: | libimage-transport-dev | piuparts-result: | waiting-for-dependency-to-be-tested N/A | Version: | 1.12.0-14+b5 |
Binary: | libimage-transport0t64 | piuparts-result: | waiting-to-be-tested N/A | Version: | 1.12.0-14+b5 |
Binary: | libpolled-camera-dev | piuparts-result: | waiting-for-dependency-to-be-tested N/A | Version: | 1.12.0-14+b5 |
Binary: | libpolled-camera0t64 | piuparts-result: | waiting-for-dependency-to-be-tested N/A | Version: | 1.12.0-14+b5 |
Binary: | polled-camera-tool | piuparts-result: | waiting-to-be-tested N/A | Version: | 1.12.0-14+b5 |
Binary: | python3-camera-calibration-parsers | piuparts-result: | waiting-for-dependency-to-be-tested N/A | Version: | 1.12.0-14+b5 |
Binary: | python3-polled-camera:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.12.0-14 | Version: | 1.12.0-14 |
ros-image-pipeline in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-image-pipeline | piuparts summary: | unknown | Version: | 1.17.0-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Johannes 'josch' Schauer <josch@debian.org>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | libdepth-image-proc-dev | piuparts-result: | waiting-for-dependency-to-be-tested N/A | Version: | 1.17.0-2+b1 |
Binary: | libdepth-image-proc0d | piuparts-result: | waiting-for-dependency-to-be-tested N/A | Version: | 1.17.0-2+b1 |
Binary: | libimage-proc-dev | piuparts-result: | waiting-for-dependency-to-be-tested N/A | Version: | 1.17.0-2+b1 |
Binary: | libimage-proc0d | piuparts-result: | waiting-for-dependency-to-be-tested N/A | Version: | 1.17.0-2+b1 |
Binary: | libimage-publisher-dev | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.17.0-2+b1 |
Binary: | libimage-publisher0d | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.17.0-2+b1 |
Binary: | libimage-rotate-dev | piuparts-result: | waiting-for-dependency-to-be-tested N/A | Version: | 1.17.0-2+b1 |
Binary: | libimage-rotate0d | piuparts-result: | waiting-for-dependency-to-be-tested N/A | Version: | 1.17.0-2+b1 |
Binary: | libimage-view-dev | piuparts-result: | waiting-for-dependency-to-be-tested N/A | Version: | 1.17.0-2+b1 |
Binary: | libimage-view0d | piuparts-result: | waiting-for-dependency-to-be-tested N/A | Version: | 1.17.0-2+b1 |
Binary: | libstereo-image-proc-dev | piuparts-result: | waiting-for-dependency-to-be-tested N/A | Version: | 1.17.0-2+b1 |
Binary: | libstereo-image-proc0d | piuparts-result: | waiting-for-dependency-to-be-tested N/A | Version: | 1.17.0-2+b1 |
Binary: | python3-camera-calibration:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.17.0-2 | Version: | 1.17.0-2 |
Binary: | python3-image-proc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.17.0-2 | Version: | 1.17.0-2 |
Binary: | python3-image-publisher:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.17.0-2 | Version: | 1.17.0-2 |
Binary: | python3-image-rotate:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.17.0-2 | Version: | 1.17.0-2 |
Binary: | python3-image-view:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.17.0-2 | Version: | 1.17.0-2 |
Binary: | python3-stereo-image-proc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.17.0-2 | Version: | 1.17.0-2 |
Binary: | ros-camera-calibration:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.17.0-2 | Version: | 1.17.0-2 |
Binary: | ros-image-proc | piuparts-result: | waiting-for-dependency-to-be-tested N/A | Version: | 1.17.0-2+b1 |
Binary: | ros-image-publisher | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.17.0-2+b1 |
Binary: | ros-image-rotate | piuparts-result: | waiting-for-dependency-to-be-tested N/A | Version: | 1.17.0-2+b1 |
Binary: | ros-image-view | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.17.0-2+b1 |
Binary: | ros-stereo-image-proc | piuparts-result: | waiting-for-dependency-to-be-tested N/A | Version: | 1.17.0-2+b1 |
ros-image-transport-plugins in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-image-transport-plugins | piuparts summary: | unknown | Version: | 1.15.0-5 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Dima Kogan <dkogan@debian.org>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | cl-theora-image-transport:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.15.0-5 | Version: | 1.15.0-5 |
Binary: | python3-compressed-depth-image-transport:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.15.0-5 | Version: | 1.15.0-5 |
Binary: | python3-compressed-image-transport:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.15.0-5 | Version: | 1.15.0-5 |
Binary: | python3-theora-image-transport:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.15.0-5 | Version: | 1.15.0-5 |
Binary: | ros-compressed-depth-image-transport | piuparts-result: | waiting-for-dependency-to-be-tested N/A | Version: | 1.15.0-5+b1 |
Binary: | ros-compressed-depth-image-transport-dev | piuparts-result: | waiting-for-dependency-to-be-tested N/A | Version: | 1.15.0-5+b1 |
Binary: | ros-compressed-image-transport | piuparts-result: | waiting-for-dependency-to-be-tested N/A | Version: | 1.15.0-5+b1 |
Binary: | ros-compressed-image-transport-dev | piuparts-result: | waiting-for-dependency-to-be-tested N/A | Version: | 1.15.0-5+b1 |
Binary: | ros-theora-image-transport | piuparts-result: | waiting-for-dependency-to-be-tested N/A | Version: | 1.15.0-5+b1 |
Binary: | ros-theora-image-transport-dev | piuparts-result: | waiting-for-dependency-to-be-tested N/A | Version: | 1.15.0-5+b1 |
ros-joint-state-publisher in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-joint-state-publisher | piuparts summary: | unknown | Version: | 1.15.1-4 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Johannes 'josch' Schauer <josch@debian.org>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | joint-state-publisher:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.15.1-4 | Version: | 1.15.1-4 |
Binary: | joint-state-publisher-gui:all | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.15.1-4 |
ros-kdl-parser in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-kdl-parser | piuparts summary: | unknown | Version: | 1.14.2-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | libkdl-parser-dev | piuparts-result: | waiting-for-dependency-to-be-tested N/A | Version: | 1.14.2-3+b3 |
Binary: | libkdl-parser1d | piuparts-result: | waiting-for-dependency-to-be-tested N/A | Version: | 1.14.2-3+b3 |
ros-metapackages in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-metapackages | piuparts summary: | unknown | Version: | 1.18 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net> |
Binary: | ros-base:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.18 | Version: | 1.18 |
Binary: | ros-base-dev:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.18 | Version: | 1.18 |
Binary: | ros-base-lisp-dev:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.18 | Version: | 1.18 |
Binary: | ros-base-python-dev:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.18 | Version: | 1.18 |
Binary: | ros-core:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.18 | Version: | 1.18 |
Binary: | ros-core-dev:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.18 | Version: | 1.18 |
Binary: | ros-core-lisp-dev:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.18 | Version: | 1.18 |
Binary: | ros-core-python-dev:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.18 | Version: | 1.18 |
Binary: | ros-core-rosbuild-dev:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.18 | Version: | 1.18 |
Binary: | ros-desktop:all | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.18 |
Binary: | ros-desktop-dev:all | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.18 |
Binary: | ros-desktop-full:all | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.18 |
Binary: | ros-desktop-full-dev:all | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.18 |
Binary: | ros-desktop-full-lisp-dev:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.18 | Version: | 1.18 |
Binary: | ros-desktop-full-python-dev:all | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.18 |
Binary: | ros-desktop-lisp-dev:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.18 | Version: | 1.18 |
Binary: | ros-desktop-python-dev:all | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.18 |
Binary: | ros-perception:all | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.18 |
Binary: | ros-perception-dev:all | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.18 |
Binary: | ros-perception-lisp-dev:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.18 | Version: | 1.18 |
Binary: | ros-perception-python-dev:all | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.18 |
Binary: | ros-robot:all | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.18 |
Binary: | ros-robot-dev:all | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.18 |
Binary: | ros-robot-lisp-dev:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.18 | Version: | 1.18 |
Binary: | ros-robot-python-dev:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.18 | Version: | 1.18 |
Binary: | ros-simulators:all | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.18 |
Binary: | ros-simulators-dev:all | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.18 |
Binary: | ros-simulators-lisp-dev:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.18 | Version: | 1.18 |
Binary: | ros-simulators-python-dev:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.18 | Version: | 1.18 |
Binary: | ros-viz:all | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.18 |
Binary: | ros-viz-dev:all | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.18 |
Binary: | ros-viz-python-dev:all | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.18 |
ros-opencv-apps in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-opencv-apps | piuparts summary: | unknown | Version: | 2.0.2-10 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | cl-opencv-apps:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.0.2-10 | Version: | 2.0.2-10 |
Binary: | libopencv-apps-dev | piuparts-result: | waiting-for-dependency-to-be-tested N/A | Version: | 2.0.2-10+b1 |
Binary: | libopencv-apps2d | piuparts-result: | waiting-for-dependency-to-be-tested N/A | Version: | 2.0.2-10+b1 |
Binary: | python3-opencv-apps:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.0.2-10 | Version: | 2.0.2-10 |
Binary: | ros-opencv-apps | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.0.2-10+b1 | Version: | 2.0.2-10+b1 |
ros-perception-pcl in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-perception-pcl | piuparts summary: | unknown | Version: | 1.7.5-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Johannes 'josch' Schauer <josch@debian.org> |
Binary: | libpcl-conversions-dev | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.7.5-2+b2 |
Binary: | libpcl-ros-dev | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.7.5-2+b2 |
Binary: | libpcl-ros-features0t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.7.5-2+b2 | Version: | 1.7.5-2+b2 |
Binary: | libpcl-ros-filter1t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.7.5-2+b2 | Version: | 1.7.5-2+b2 |
Binary: | libpcl-ros-filters0t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.7.5-2+b2 | Version: | 1.7.5-2+b2 |
Binary: | libpcl-ros-io0t64 | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.7.5-2+b2 |
Binary: | libpcl-ros-segmentation0t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.7.5-2+b2 | Version: | 1.7.5-2+b2 |
Binary: | libpcl-ros-surface0t64 | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.7.5-2+b2 |
Binary: | libpcl-ros-tf1t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.7.5-2+b2 | Version: | 1.7.5-2+b2 |
Binary: | pcl-ros-tools | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.7.5-2+b2 |
Binary: | python3-pcl-ros:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.7.5-2 | Version: | 1.7.5-2 |
ros-rviz in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-rviz | piuparts summary: | unknown | Version: | 1.14.25+dfsg-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org> |
Binary: | librviz-dev | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.14.25+dfsg-1+b8 |
Binary: | librviz8d | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.14.25+dfsg-1+b8 |
Binary: | python3-rviz | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.14.25+dfsg-1+b8 |
Binary: | rviz | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.14.25+dfsg-1+b8 |
ros-urdf in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-urdf | piuparts summary: | unknown | Version: | 1.13.2-10 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | liburdf-dev | piuparts-result: | waiting-for-dependency-to-be-tested N/A | Version: | 1.13.2-10+b3 |
Binary: | liburdf-parser-plugin-dev | piuparts-result: | waiting-for-dependency-to-be-tested N/A | Version: | 1.13.2-10+b3 |
Binary: | liburdf1d | piuparts-result: | waiting-to-be-tested N/A | Version: | 1.13.2-10+b3 |
ros-vision-opencv in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-vision-opencv | piuparts summary: | unknown | Version: | 1.16.2+ds-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org> |
Binary: | libcv-bridge-dev | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.16.2+ds-3+b7 |
Binary: | libcv-bridge2d | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.16.2+ds-3+b7 |
Binary: | libimage-geometry-dev | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.16.2+ds-3+b7 |
Binary: | libimage-geometry1d | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.16.2+ds-3+b7 | Version: | 1.16.2+ds-3+b7 |
Binary: | python3-cv-bridge | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.16.2+ds-3+b7 |
Binary: | python3-image-geometry:all | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.16.2+ds-3 |
sxmo-utils in sid-strict |
Source: | sxmo-utils | piuparts summary: | unknown | Version: | 1.12.0-7 |
Maintainer: | DebianOnMobile Maintainers <debian-on-mobile-maintainers@alioth-lists.debian.net> |
Uploaders: | Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir@debian.org>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, |
Binary: | sxmo-utils | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 1.12.0-7+b2 |
wayout in sid-strict |
Source: | wayout | piuparts summary: | unknown | Version: | 0.1.4-1 |
Maintainer: | Sway and related packages team <team+swaywm@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir@debian.org>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, |
Binary: | wayout | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 0.1.4-1 |
wvkbd in sid-strict |
Source: | wvkbd | piuparts summary: | unknown | Version: | 0.15-1 |
Maintainer: | DebianOnMobile Maintainers <debian-on-mobile-maintainers@alioth-lists.debian.net> |
Uploaders: | Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir@debian.org>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, |
Binary: | wvkbd | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 0.15-1 |
bugwarrior in sid-strict |
Source: | bugwarrior | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.8.0-12 |
Maintainer: | Debian Tasktools Team <team+tasktools@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | bugwarrior:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.8.0-12 | Version: | 1.8.0-12 |
collada-dom in sid-strict |
Source: | collada-dom | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.5.0+ds1-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Rosen Diankov <rosen.diankov@gmail.com>, Wookey <wookey@debian.org> |
Binary: | libcollada-dom-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.5.0+ds1-3+b4 | Version: | 2.5.0+ds1-3+b4 |
Binary: | libcollada-dom2.4-dp-dev:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.5.0+ds1-3 | Version: | 2.5.0+ds1-3 |
Binary: | libcollada-dom2.5-dp0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.5.0+ds1-3+b4 | Version: | 2.5.0+ds1-3+b4 |
cruft-ng in sid-strict |
Source: | cruft-ng | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.9.66 |
Maintainer: | Debian Security Tools <team+pkg-security@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Alexandre Detiste <tchet@debian.org>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, |
Binary: | cruft:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.66 | Version: | 0.9.66 |
Binary: | cruft-ng | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.66 | Version: | 0.9.66 |
Binary: | dh-cruft:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.66 | Version: | 0.9.66 |
eclipse-emf in sid-strict |
Source: | eclipse-emf | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.32.0+dfsg-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Java Maintainers <pkg-java-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jakub Adam <jakub.adam@ktknet.cz>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | libeclipse-emf-common-java:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.27.0+eclipse2.32.0+dfsg-1 | Version: | 2.27.0+eclipse2.32.0+dfsg-1 |
Binary: | libeclipse-emf-ecore-change-java:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.14.0+eclipse2.32.0+dfsg-1 | Version: | 2.14.0+eclipse2.32.0+dfsg-1 |
Binary: | libeclipse-emf-ecore-java:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.29.0+eclipse2.32.0+dfsg-1 | Version: | 2.29.0+eclipse2.32.0+dfsg-1 |
Binary: | libeclipse-emf-ecore-xmi-java:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.17.0+eclipse2.32.0+dfsg-1 | Version: | 2.17.0+eclipse2.32.0+dfsg-1 |
Binary: | libeclipse-emf-edit-java:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.17.0+eclipse2.32.0+dfsg-1 | Version: | 2.17.0+eclipse2.32.0+dfsg-1 |
efm-langserver in sid-strict |
Source: | efm-langserver | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.0.54-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Go Packaging Team <team+pkg-go@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | efm-langserver | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.0.54-1+b1 | Version: | 0.0.54-1+b1 |
fdroidcl in sid-strict |
Source: | fdroidcl | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.7.0-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Go Packaging Team <team+pkg-go@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | fdroidcl | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.0-1+b8 | Version: | 0.7.0-1+b8 |
Binary: | golang-github-mvdan-fdroidcl-dev:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.0-1 | Version: | 0.7.0-1 |
flann in sid-strict |
Source: | flann | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.9.2+dfsg-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, |
Binary: | flann-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.9.2+dfsg-2 | Version: | 1.9.2+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | libflann-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.9.2+dfsg-2+b2 | Version: | 1.9.2+dfsg-2+b2 |
Binary: | libflann1.9 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.9.2+dfsg-2+b2 | Version: | 1.9.2+dfsg-2+b2 |
golang-github-haya14busa-go-checkstyle in sid-strict |
Source: | golang-github-haya14busa-go-checkstyle | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.0~git20170303.5e9d09f-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian Go Packaging Team <team+pkg-go@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | golang-github-haya14busa-go-checkstyle-dev:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.0~git20170303.5e9d09f-2 | Version: | 0.0~git20170303.5e9d09f-2 |
golang-github-haya14busa-go-sarif in sid-strict |
Source: | golang-github-haya14busa-go-sarif | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.0~git20240630.a3ba8d7-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Go Packaging Team <team+pkg-go@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | golang-github-haya14busa-go-sarif-dev:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.0~git20240630.a3ba8d7-1 | Version: | 0.0~git20240630.a3ba8d7-1 |
golang-github-mattn-go-unicodeclass in sid-strict |
Source: | golang-github-mattn-go-unicodeclass | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.0.2-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Go Packaging Team <team+pkg-go@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | golang-github-mattn-go-unicodeclass-dev:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.0.2-1 | Version: | 0.0.2-1 |
golang-github-reviewdog-errorformat in sid-strict |
Source: | golang-github-reviewdog-errorformat | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.0~git20240608.1d3280e-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Go Packaging Team <team+pkg-go@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | golang-github-reviewdog-errorformat-dev:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.0~git20240608.1d3280e-1 | Version: | 0.0~git20240608.1d3280e-1 |
golang-github-sourcegraph-jsonrpc2 in sid-strict |
Source: | golang-github-sourcegraph-jsonrpc2 | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.2.0-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Go Packaging Team <team+pkg-go@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | golang-github-sourcegraph-jsonrpc2-dev:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.2.0-1 | Version: | 0.2.0-1 |
h2database in sid-strict |
Source: | h2database | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.2.220-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Java Maintainers <pkg-java-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Emmanuel Bourg <ebourg@apache.org>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | libh2-java:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.2.220-1 | Version: | 2.2.220-1 |
hbci4java in sid-strict |
Source: | hbci4java | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 3.1.85+dfsg-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Java Maintainers <pkg-java-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | libhbci4j-core-java:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.1.85+dfsg-1 | Version: | 3.1.85+dfsg-1 |
Binary: | libhbci4j-core-java-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.1.85+dfsg-1 | Version: | 3.1.85+dfsg-1 |
hifiberry-dsp in sid-strict |
Source: | hifiberry-dsp | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.21-2 |
Maintainer: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | hifiberry-dsp:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.21-2 | Version: | 0.21-2 |
hxtools in sid-strict |
Source: | hxtools | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 20231224-2 |
Maintainer: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | hxtools | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 20231224-2+b2 | Version: | 20231224-2+b2 |
jameica-datasource in sid-strict |
Source: | jameica-datasource | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.8.1+dfsg-5 |
Maintainer: | Debian Java Maintainers <pkg-java-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | libjameica-datasource-java:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.8.1+dfsg-5 | Version: | 2.8.1+dfsg-5 |
jameica-h2database in sid-strict |
Source: | jameica-h2database | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.4.199-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Java Maintainers <pkg-java-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | jameica-h2database:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.4.199-1 | Version: | 1.4.199-1 |
jameica-util in sid-strict |
Source: | jameica-util | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.8-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian Java Maintainers <pkg-java-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | libjameica-util-java:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.8-3 | Version: | 2.8-3 |
Binary: | libjameica-util-java-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.8-3 | Version: | 2.8-3 |
jupyter-comm in sid-strict |
Source: | jupyter-comm | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.2.1-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Python Team <team+python@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Roland Mas <lolando@debian.org> |
Binary: | python3-comm:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.2.1-1 | Version: | 0.2.1-1 |
kothic in sid-strict |
Source: | kothic | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.0~git20231126.2796db7-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian Python Team <team+python@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Federico Ceratto <federico@debian.org> |
Binary: | python3-mapcss:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.0~git20231126.2796db7-2 | Version: | 0.0~git20231126.2796db7-2 |
libloc in sid-strict |
Source: | libloc | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.9.17-1 |
Maintainer: | libloc maintainers <team+libloc@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Hans-Christoph Steiner <hans@eds.org>, Stefan Schantl <stefan.schantl@ipfire.org>, Michael Tremer <michael.tremer@ipfire.org>, |
Binary: | libloc-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.17-1 | Version: | 0.9.17-1 |
Binary: | libloc1t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.17-1 | Version: | 0.9.17-1 |
Binary: | location:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.17-1 | Version: | 0.9.17-1 |
Binary: | python3-location | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.17-1 | Version: | 0.9.17-1 |
libloc-database in sid-strict |
Source: | libloc-database | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0~20240319-1 |
Maintainer: | libloc maintainers <team+libloc@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Hans-Christoph Steiner <hans@eds.org>, Stefan Schantl <stefan.schantl@ipfire.org>, Michael Tremer <michael.tremer@ipfire.org>, |
Binary: | libloc-database:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0~20240319-1 | Version: | 0~20240319-1 |
libpam-mount in sid-strict |
Source: | libpam-mount | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.20-3 |
Maintainer: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | libpam-mount | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.20-3+b2 | Version: | 2.20-3+b2 |
Binary: | libpam-mount-bin | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.20-3+b2 | Version: | 2.20-3+b2 |
lisgd in sid-strict |
Source: | lisgd | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.3.7-1 |
Maintainer: | DebianOnMobile Maintainers <debian-on-mobile-maintainers@alioth-lists.debian.net> |
Uploaders: | Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir@debian.org>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, |
Binary: | lisgd | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.3.7-1 | Version: | 0.3.7-1 |
maven-jaxb2-plugin in sid-strict |
Source: | maven-jaxb2-plugin | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.15.1-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Java Maintainers <pkg-java-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | libmaven-jaxb2-plugin-java:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.15.1-1 | Version: | 0.15.1-1 |
mckoisqldb in sid-strict |
Source: | mckoisqldb | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.0.6-5 |
Maintainer: | Debian Java Maintainers <pkg-java-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | libmckoisqldb-java:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.6-5 | Version: | 1.0.6-5 |
micropython-mpremote in sid-strict |
Source: | micropython-mpremote | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.24.1-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Python Team <team+python@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Dave Jones <dave@waveform.org.uk>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, |
Binary: | micropython-mpremote:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.24.1-1 | Version: | 1.24.1-1 |
obantoo in sid-strict |
Source: | obantoo | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.1.12+ds1-4 |
Maintainer: | Debian Java Maintainers <pkg-java-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | libobantoo-java:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.1.12+ds1-4 | Version: | 2.1.12+ds1-4 |
openni in sid-strict |
Source: | openni | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | |
Maintainer: | Debian Multimedia Maintainers <debian-multimedia@lists.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Nobuhiro Iwamatsu <iwamatsu@debian.org>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | libopenni-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested | Version: | |
Binary: | libopenni-java | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested | Version: | |
Binary: | libopenni0t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested | Version: | |
Binary: | openni-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested | Version: | |
Binary: | openni-utils | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested | Version: | |
openni-sensor-pointclouds in sid-strict |
Source: | openni-sensor-pointclouds | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | |
Maintainer: | Debian Multimedia Maintainers <debian-multimedia@lists.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | libopenni-sensor-pointclouds-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested | Version: | |
Binary: | libopenni-sensor-pointclouds0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested | Version: | |
openni-sensor-primesense in sid-strict |
Source: | openni-sensor-primesense | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | |
Maintainer: | Debian Multimedia Maintainers <debian-multimedia@lists.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | libopenni-sensor-primesense-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested | Version: | |
Binary: | libopenni-sensor-primesense0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested | Version: | |
openni2 in sid-strict |
Source: | openni2 | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | |
Maintainer: | Debian Multimedia Maintainers <debian-multimedia@lists.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Nobuhiro Iwamatsu <iwamatsu@debian.org>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | libopenni2-0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested | Version: | |
Binary: | libopenni2-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested | Version: | |
Binary: | openni2-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested | Version: | |
Binary: | openni2-utils | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested | Version: | |
orocos-bfl in sid-strict |
Source: | orocos-bfl | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.8.0-6 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Johannes Schauer <josch@debian.org> |
Binary: | liborocos-bfl-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.8.0-6+b3 | Version: | 0.8.0-6+b3 |
Binary: | liborocos-bfl-examples:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.8.0-6 | Version: | 0.8.0-6 |
Binary: | liborocos-bfl0.8 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.8.0-6+b3 | Version: | 0.8.0-6+b3 |
orocos-kdl in sid-strict |
Source: | orocos-kdl | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.5.1-4 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, |
Binary: | liborocos-kdl-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.5.1-4+b4 | Version: | 1.5.1-4+b4 |
Binary: | liborocos-kdl1.5 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.5.1-4+b4 | Version: | 1.5.1-4+b4 |
Binary: | python3-pykdl | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.5.1-4+b4 | Version: | 1.5.1-4+b4 |
pamixer in sid-strict |
Source: | pamixer | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.6-1 |
Maintainer: | Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir@debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, |
Binary: | pamixer | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.6-1+b1 | Version: | 1.6-1+b1 |
pnc in sid-strict |
Source: | pnc | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.9.4-3 |
Maintainer: | DebianOnMobile Maintainers <debian-on-mobile-maintainers@alioth-lists.debian.net> |
Uploaders: | Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir@debian.org>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, |
Binary: | pnc | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.4-3+b2 | Version: | 0.9.4-3+b2 |
pssh in sid-strict |
Source: | pssh | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.3.5-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian Python Team <team+python@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Hilmar Preusse <hille42@web.de>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | pssh:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.3.5-2 | Version: | 2.3.5-2 |
Binary: | python3-psshlib:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.3.5-2 | Version: | 2.3.5-2 |
python-docstring-to-markdown in sid-strict |
Source: | python-docstring-to-markdown | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.15-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Python Team <team+python@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | python3-docstring-to-markdown:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.15-1 | Version: | 0.15-1 |
python-littleutils in sid-strict |
Source: | python-littleutils | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.2.4-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Python Team <team+python@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | python3-littleutils:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.2.4-1 | Version: | 0.2.4-1 |
python-lsp-black in sid-strict |
Source: | python-lsp-black | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.0.0-5 |
Maintainer: | Debian Python Team <team+python@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Julian Gilbey <jdg@debian.org>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | python3-pylsp-black:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.0.0-5 | Version: | 2.0.0-5 |
python-lsp-isort in sid-strict |
Source: | python-lsp-isort | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.2.2+really+0.1-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Python Team <team+python@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | python3-pylsp-isort:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.2.2+really+0.1-1 | Version: | 0.2.2+really+0.1-1 |
python-lsp-jsonrpc in sid-strict |
Source: | python-lsp-jsonrpc | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.1.2-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Python Team <team+python@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Otto Kekäläinen <otto@debian.org>, Pablo Mestre Drake <pmdcuba@gmail.com>, Julian Gilbey <jdg@debian.org>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | python3-pylsp-jsonrpc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.1.2-1 | Version: | 1.1.2-1 |
python-lsp-mypy in sid-strict |
Source: | python-lsp-mypy | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.6.9-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Python Team <team+python@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | python3-pylsp-mypy:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.6.9-1 | Version: | 0.6.9-1 |
python-lsp-rope in sid-strict |
Source: | python-lsp-rope | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.1.17-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Python Team <team+python@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | python3-pylsp-rope:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.17-1 | Version: | 0.1.17-1 |
python-lsp-server in sid-strict |
Source: | python-lsp-server | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.12.0-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian Python Team <team+python@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Pablo Mestre Drake <pmdcuba@gmail.com>, Julian Gilbey <jdg@debian.org>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | python3-pylsp:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.12.0-3 | Version: | 1.12.0-3 |
python-matrix-nio in sid-strict |
Source: | python-matrix-nio | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.25.2-1 |
Maintainer: | Matrix Packaging Team <pkg-matrix-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | python3-matrix-nio:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.25.2-1 | Version: | 0.25.2-1 |
Binary: | python3-matrix-nio-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.25.2-1 | Version: | 0.25.2-1 |
python-recurring-ical-events in sid-strict |
Source: | python-recurring-ical-events | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 3.3.3-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian Python Team <team+python@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | python3-recurring-ical-events:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.3.3-2 | Version: | 3.3.3-2 |
python-tasklib in sid-strict |
Source: | python-tasklib | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.5.1-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian Tasktools Team <team+tasktools@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | python3-tasklib:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.5.1-3 | Version: | 2.5.1-3 |
python-x-wr-timezone in sid-strict |
Source: | python-x-wr-timezone | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.0.1-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Python Team <team+python@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | python3-x-wr-timezone:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.1-1 | Version: | 1.0.1-1 |
ros-angles in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-angles | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.16.0-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net> |
Binary: | libangles-dev:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.16.0-1 | Version: | 1.16.0-1 |
Binary: | python3-angles:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.16.0-1 | Version: | 1.16.0-1 |
ros-bloom in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-bloom | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.12.0-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | python3-bloom:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.12.0-3 | Version: | 0.12.0-3 |
ros-bond-core in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-bond-core | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.8.6-11 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | cl-bond:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.8.6-11 | Version: | 1.8.6-11 |
Binary: | libbond-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.8.6-11 | Version: | 1.8.6-11 |
Binary: | libbondcpp-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.8.6-11 | Version: | 1.8.6-11 |
Binary: | libbondcpp1d | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.8.6-11 | Version: | 1.8.6-11 |
Binary: | libsmc-dev:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.8.6-11 | Version: | 1.8.6-11 |
Binary: | python3-bond:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.8.6-11 | Version: | 1.8.6-11 |
Binary: | python3-bondpy:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.8.6-11 | Version: | 1.8.6-11 |
Binary: | python3-smclib:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.8.6-11 | Version: | 1.8.6-11 |
ros-catkin in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-catkin | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.8.10-17 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | catkin:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.8.10-17 | Version: | 0.8.10-17 |
Binary: | python3-catkin:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.8.10-17 | Version: | 0.8.10-17 |
ros-catkin-lint in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-catkin-lint | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.6.25-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Debian Robotics Team <team+robotics@tracker.debian.org>, |
Binary: | catkin-lint:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.6.25-1 | Version: | 1.6.25-1 |
ros-catkin-pkg in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-catkin-pkg | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.0.0-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | python3-catkin-pkg:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.0-2 | Version: | 1.0.0-2 |
ros-catkin-tools in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-catkin-tools | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.9.4+ds-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timon Engelke <debian@timonengelke.de>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | catkin-tools:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.4+ds-1 | Version: | 0.9.4+ds-1 |
ros-class-loader in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-class-loader | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.8.0-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | libclass-loader-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.8.0-1+b1 | Version: | 2.8.0-1+b1 |
Binary: | libclass-loader3d | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.8.0-1+b1 | Version: | 2.8.0-1+b1 |
ros-cmake-modules in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-cmake-modules | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.5.0-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | ros-cmake-modules:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.5.0-3 | Version: | 0.5.0-3 |
ros-collada-urdf in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-collada-urdf | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.12.13-11 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Johannes Schauer <josch@debian.org>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | collada-urdf-tools | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.12.13-11+b2 | Version: | 1.12.13-11+b2 |
Binary: | libcollada-parser-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.12.13-11+b2 | Version: | 1.12.13-11+b2 |
Binary: | libcollada-parser1d | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.12.13-11+b2 | Version: | 1.12.13-11+b2 |
Binary: | libcollada-urdf-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.12.13-11+b2 | Version: | 1.12.13-11+b2 |
Binary: | libcollada-urdf1d | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.12.13-11+b2 | Version: | 1.12.13-11+b2 |
ros-common-msgs in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-common-msgs | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.13.1-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | cl-actionlib-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.13.1-3 | Version: | 1.13.1-3 |
Binary: | cl-diagnostic-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.13.1-3 | Version: | 1.13.1-3 |
Binary: | cl-geometry-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.13.1-3 | Version: | 1.13.1-3 |
Binary: | cl-nav-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.13.1-3 | Version: | 1.13.1-3 |
Binary: | cl-sensor-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.13.1-3 | Version: | 1.13.1-3 |
Binary: | cl-shape-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.13.1-3 | Version: | 1.13.1-3 |
Binary: | cl-stereo-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.13.1-3 | Version: | 1.13.1-3 |
Binary: | cl-trajectory-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.13.1-3 | Version: | 1.13.1-3 |
Binary: | cl-visualization-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.13.1-3 | Version: | 1.13.1-3 |
Binary: | libactionlib-msgs-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.13.1-3 | Version: | 1.13.1-3 |
Binary: | libdiagnostic-msgs-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.13.1-3 | Version: | 1.13.1-3 |
Binary: | libgeometry-msgs-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.13.1-3 | Version: | 1.13.1-3 |
Binary: | libnav-msgs-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.13.1-3 | Version: | 1.13.1-3 |
Binary: | libsensor-msgs-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.13.1-3 | Version: | 1.13.1-3 |
Binary: | libshape-msgs-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.13.1-3 | Version: | 1.13.1-3 |
Binary: | libstereo-msgs-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.13.1-3 | Version: | 1.13.1-3 |
Binary: | libtrajectory-msgs-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.13.1-3 | Version: | 1.13.1-3 |
Binary: | libvisualization-msgs-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.13.1-3 | Version: | 1.13.1-3 |
Binary: | python3-actionlib-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.13.1-3 | Version: | 1.13.1-3 |
Binary: | python3-diagnostic-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.13.1-3 | Version: | 1.13.1-3 |
Binary: | python3-geometry-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.13.1-3 | Version: | 1.13.1-3 |
Binary: | python3-nav-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.13.1-3 | Version: | 1.13.1-3 |
Binary: | python3-sensor-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.13.1-3 | Version: | 1.13.1-3 |
Binary: | python3-shape-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.13.1-3 | Version: | 1.13.1-3 |
Binary: | python3-stereo-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.13.1-3 | Version: | 1.13.1-3 |
Binary: | python3-trajectory-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.13.1-3 | Version: | 1.13.1-3 |
Binary: | python3-visualization-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.13.1-3 | Version: | 1.13.1-3 |
Binary: | ros-actionlib-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.13.1-3 | Version: | 1.13.1-3 |
Binary: | ros-diagnostic-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.13.1-3 | Version: | 1.13.1-3 |
Binary: | ros-geometry-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.13.1-3 | Version: | 1.13.1-3 |
Binary: | ros-nav-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.13.1-3 | Version: | 1.13.1-3 |
Binary: | ros-sensor-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.13.1-3 | Version: | 1.13.1-3 |
Binary: | ros-shape-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.13.1-3 | Version: | 1.13.1-3 |
Binary: | ros-stereo-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.13.1-3 | Version: | 1.13.1-3 |
Binary: | ros-trajectory-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.13.1-3 | Version: | 1.13.1-3 |
Binary: | ros-visualization-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.13.1-3 | Version: | 1.13.1-3 |
ros-diagnostics in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-diagnostics | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.11.0+ds-8 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Johannes 'josch' Schauer <josch@debian.org> |
Binary: | libdiagnostic-aggregator-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.11.0+ds-8+b1 | Version: | 1.11.0+ds-8+b1 |
Binary: | libdiagnostic-aggregator-tools | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.11.0+ds-8+b1 | Version: | 1.11.0+ds-8+b1 |
Binary: | libdiagnostic-aggregator1d | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.11.0+ds-8+b1 | Version: | 1.11.0+ds-8+b1 |
Binary: | libdiagnostic-updater-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.11.0+ds-8+b1 | Version: | 1.11.0+ds-8+b1 |
Binary: | libdiagnostic-updater0d | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.11.0+ds-8+b1 | Version: | 1.11.0+ds-8+b1 |
Binary: | libself-test-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.11.0+ds-8+b1 | Version: | 1.11.0+ds-8+b1 |
Binary: | libself-test-tools | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.11.0+ds-8+b1 | Version: | 1.11.0+ds-8+b1 |
Binary: | python3-diagnostic-analysis:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.11.0+ds-8 | Version: | 1.11.0+ds-8 |
Binary: | python3-diagnostic-common-diagnostics | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.11.0+ds-8+b1 | Version: | 1.11.0+ds-8+b1 |
Binary: | python3-diagnostic-updater:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.11.0+ds-8 | Version: | 1.11.0+ds-8 |
Binary: | rosdiagnostic:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.11.0+ds-8 | Version: | 1.11.0+ds-8 |
ros-dynamic-reconfigure in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-dynamic-reconfigure | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.7.3-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | cl-dynamic-reconfigure:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.7.3-2 | Version: | 1.7.3-2 |
Binary: | libdynamic-reconfigure-config-init-mutex-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.7.3-2 | Version: | 1.7.3-2 |
Binary: | libdynamic-reconfigure-config-init-mutex0d | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.7.3-2 | Version: | 1.7.3-2 |
Binary: | python3-dynamic-reconfigure:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.7.3-2 | Version: | 1.7.3-2 |
ros-eigen-stl-containers in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-eigen-stl-containers | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.1.8-5 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | libeigen-stl-containers-dev:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.8-5 | Version: | 0.1.8-5 |
ros-gencpp in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-gencpp | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.7.0-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | python3-gencpp:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.0-2 | Version: | 0.7.0-2 |
ros-genlisp in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-genlisp | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.4.18-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | python3-genlisp:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.4.18-3 | Version: | 0.4.18-3 |
ros-genmsg in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-genmsg | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.6.0-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | python3-genmsg:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.6.0-3 | Version: | 0.6.0-3 |
ros-genpy in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-genpy | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.6.16-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | python3-genpy:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.6.16-3 | Version: | 0.6.16-3 |
ros-geometric-shapes in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-geometric-shapes | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.7.6-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | libgeometric-shapes-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.6-2 | Version: | 0.7.6-2 |
Binary: | libgeometric-shapes5d | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.6-2 | Version: | 0.7.6-2 |
ros-interactive-markers in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-interactive-markers | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.12.0-10 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | libinteractive-markers-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.12.0-10 | Version: | 1.12.0-10 |
Binary: | libinteractive-markers2d | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.12.0-10 | Version: | 1.12.0-10 |
Binary: | python3-interactive-markers:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.12.0-10 | Version: | 1.12.0-10 |
ros-laser-geometry in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-laser-geometry | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.6.7-5 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net> |
Binary: | liblaser-geometry-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.6.7-5+b2 | Version: | 1.6.7-5+b2 |
Binary: | liblaser-geometry0d | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.6.7-5+b2 | Version: | 1.6.7-5+b2 |
Binary: | python3-laser-geometry:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.6.7-5 | Version: | 1.6.7-5 |
ros-message-generation in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-message-generation | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.4.1-6 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | ros-message-generation:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.4.1-6 | Version: | 0.4.1-6 |
ros-message-runtime in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-message-runtime | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.4.13-6 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | ros-message-runtime | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.4.13-6 | Version: | 0.4.13-6 |
ros-navigation-msgs in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-navigation-msgs | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.14.1-4 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | cl-map-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.14.1-4 | Version: | 1.14.1-4 |
Binary: | cl-move-base-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.14.1-4 | Version: | 1.14.1-4 |
Binary: | libmap-msgs-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.14.1-4 | Version: | 1.14.1-4 |
Binary: | libmove-base-msgs-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.14.1-4 | Version: | 1.14.1-4 |
Binary: | python3-map-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.14.1-4 | Version: | 1.14.1-4 |
Binary: | python3-move-base-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.14.1-4 | Version: | 1.14.1-4 |
Binary: | ros-map-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.14.1-4 | Version: | 1.14.1-4 |
Binary: | ros-move-base-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.14.1-4 | Version: | 1.14.1-4 |
ros-nodelet-core in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-nodelet-core | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.11.1-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | cl-nodelet:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.11.1-1 | Version: | 1.11.1-1 |
Binary: | libnodelet-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.11.1-1+b1 | Version: | 1.11.1-1+b1 |
Binary: | libnodelet-topic-tools-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.11.1-1+b1 | Version: | 1.11.1-1+b1 |
Binary: | libnodeletlib-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.11.1-1+b1 | Version: | 1.11.1-1+b1 |
Binary: | libnodeletlib-tools | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.11.1-1+b1 | Version: | 1.11.1-1+b1 |
Binary: | libnodeletlib1d | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.11.1-1+b1 | Version: | 1.11.1-1+b1 |
Binary: | python3-nodelet:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.11.1-1 | Version: | 1.11.1-1 |
Binary: | python3-nodelet-topic-tools:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.11.1-1 | Version: | 1.11.1-1 |
ros-osrf-pycommon in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-osrf-pycommon | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.1.4-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timon Engelke <debian@timonengelke.de> |
Binary: | python3-osrf-pycommon:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.1.4-1 | Version: | 2.1.4-1 |
ros-pcl-msgs in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-pcl-msgs | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.3.0-4 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | cl-pcl-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.3.0-4 | Version: | 0.3.0-4 |
Binary: | libpcl-msgs-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.3.0-4 | Version: | 0.3.0-4 |
Binary: | python3-pcl-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.3.0-4 | Version: | 0.3.0-4 |
Binary: | ros-pcl-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.3.0-4 | Version: | 0.3.0-4 |
ros-pluginlib in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-pluginlib | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 5.5.0-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net> |
Binary: | pluginlib-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.5.0-2 | Version: | 5.5.0-2 |
ros-random-numbers in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-random-numbers | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.3.3-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | librandom-numbers-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.3.3-1 | Version: | 0.3.3-1 |
Binary: | librandom-numbers0d | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.3.3-1 | Version: | 0.3.3-1 |
ros-resource-retriever in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-resource-retriever | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.12.7-6 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | libresource-retriever-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.12.7-6 | Version: | 1.12.7-6 |
Binary: | libresource-retriever0d | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.12.7-6 | Version: | 1.12.7-6 |
Binary: | python3-resource-retriever:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.12.7-6 | Version: | 1.12.7-6 |
ros-robot-state-publisher in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-robot-state-publisher | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.15.2-5 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Johannes 'josch' Schauer <josch@debian.org>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org> |
Binary: | libjoint-state-listener1d | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.15.2-5+b5 | Version: | 1.15.2-5+b5 |
Binary: | librobot-state-publisher-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.15.2-5+b5 | Version: | 1.15.2-5+b5 |
Binary: | librobot-state-publisher-solver1d | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.15.2-5+b5 | Version: | 1.15.2-5+b5 |
Binary: | ros-robot-state-publisher | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.15.2-5+b5 | Version: | 1.15.2-5+b5 |
ros-ros in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-ros | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.15.8-7 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | libroslib-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.15.8-7 | Version: | 1.15.8-7 |
Binary: | libroslib0d | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.15.8-7 | Version: | 1.15.8-7 |
Binary: | python3-rosboost-cfg:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.15.8-7 | Version: | 1.15.8-7 |
Binary: | python3-rosclean:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.15.8-7 | Version: | 1.15.8-7 |
Binary: | python3-roscreate:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.15.8-7 | Version: | 1.15.8-7 |
Binary: | python3-roslib:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.15.8-7 | Version: | 1.15.8-7 |
Binary: | python3-rosmake:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.15.8-7 | Version: | 1.15.8-7 |
Binary: | python3-rosunit:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.15.8-7 | Version: | 1.15.8-7 |
Binary: | ros-mk:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.15.8-7 | Version: | 1.15.8-7 |
Binary: | rosbash:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.15.8-7 | Version: | 1.15.8-7 |
Binary: | rosbuild:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.15.8-7 | Version: | 1.15.8-7 |
Binary: | roslang:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.15.8-7 | Version: | 1.15.8-7 |
ros-ros-comm in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-ros-comm | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.17.0+ds-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | cl-roscpp-msg:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.17.0+ds-2 | Version: | 1.17.0+ds-2 |
Binary: | cl-topic-tools:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.17.0+ds-2 | Version: | 1.17.0+ds-2 |
Binary: | libmessage-filters-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.17.0+ds-2+b5 | Version: | 1.17.0+ds-2+b5 |
Binary: | libmessage-filters1t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.17.0+ds-2+b5 | Version: | 1.17.0+ds-2+b5 |
Binary: | librosbag-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.17.0+ds-2+b5 | Version: | 1.17.0+ds-2+b5 |
Binary: | librosbag-storage-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.17.0+ds-2+b5 | Version: | 1.17.0+ds-2+b5 |
Binary: | librosbag-storage4t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.17.0+ds-2+b5 | Version: | 1.17.0+ds-2+b5 |
Binary: | librosbag4t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.17.0+ds-2+b5 | Version: | 1.17.0+ds-2+b5 |
Binary: | libroscpp-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.17.0+ds-2+b5 | Version: | 1.17.0+ds-2+b5 |
Binary: | libroscpp-msg-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.17.0+ds-2+b5 | Version: | 1.17.0+ds-2+b5 |
Binary: | libroscpp4t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.17.0+ds-2+b5 | Version: | 1.17.0+ds-2+b5 |
Binary: | libroslz4-1t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.17.0+ds-2+b5 | Version: | 1.17.0+ds-2+b5 |
Binary: | libroslz4-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.17.0+ds-2+b5 | Version: | 1.17.0+ds-2+b5 |
Binary: | librostest-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.17.0+ds-2+b5 | Version: | 1.17.0+ds-2+b5 |
Binary: | libtopic-tools-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.17.0+ds-2+b5 | Version: | 1.17.0+ds-2+b5 |
Binary: | libtopic-tools2t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.17.0+ds-2+b5 | Version: | 1.17.0+ds-2+b5 |
Binary: | libxmlrpcpp-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.17.0+ds-2+b5 | Version: | 1.17.0+ds-2+b5 |
Binary: | libxmlrpcpp3t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.17.0+ds-2+b5 | Version: | 1.17.0+ds-2+b5 |
Binary: | python3-message-filters:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.17.0+ds-2 | Version: | 1.17.0+ds-2 |
Binary: | python3-rosbag | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.17.0+ds-2+b5 | Version: | 1.17.0+ds-2+b5 |
Binary: | python3-roscpp-msg:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.17.0+ds-2 | Version: | 1.17.0+ds-2 |
Binary: | python3-rosgraph:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.17.0+ds-2 | Version: | 1.17.0+ds-2 |
Binary: | python3-roslaunch:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.17.0+ds-2 | Version: | 1.17.0+ds-2 |
Binary: | python3-roslz4 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.17.0+ds-2+b5 | Version: | 1.17.0+ds-2+b5 |
Binary: | python3-rosmaster:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.17.0+ds-2 | Version: | 1.17.0+ds-2 |
Binary: | python3-rosmsg:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.17.0+ds-2 | Version: | 1.17.0+ds-2 |
Binary: | python3-rosnode:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.17.0+ds-2 | Version: | 1.17.0+ds-2 |
Binary: | python3-rosparam:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.17.0+ds-2 | Version: | 1.17.0+ds-2 |
Binary: | python3-rospy | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.17.0+ds-2+b5 | Version: | 1.17.0+ds-2+b5 |
Binary: | python3-rosservice:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.17.0+ds-2 | Version: | 1.17.0+ds-2 |
Binary: | python3-rostest:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.17.0+ds-2 | Version: | 1.17.0+ds-2 |
Binary: | python3-rostopic:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.17.0+ds-2 | Version: | 1.17.0+ds-2 |
Binary: | python3-roswtf:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.17.0+ds-2 | Version: | 1.17.0+ds-2 |
Binary: | python3-topic-tools:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.17.0+ds-2 | Version: | 1.17.0+ds-2 |
Binary: | ros-roscpp-msg:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.17.0+ds-2 | Version: | 1.17.0+ds-2 |
Binary: | ros-topic-tools-srvs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.17.0+ds-2 | Version: | 1.17.0+ds-2 |
Binary: | rosout | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.17.0+ds-2+b5 | Version: | 1.17.0+ds-2+b5 |
Binary: | topic-tools | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.17.0+ds-2+b5 | Version: | 1.17.0+ds-2+b5 |
ros-ros-comm-msgs in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-ros-comm-msgs | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.11.3-4 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | cl-rosgraph-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.11.3-4 | Version: | 1.11.3-4 |
Binary: | cl-std-srvs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.11.3-4 | Version: | 1.11.3-4 |
Binary: | libros-rosgraph-msgs-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.11.3-4 | Version: | 1.11.3-4 |
Binary: | libstd-srvs-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.11.3-4 | Version: | 1.11.3-4 |
Binary: | python3-rosgraph-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.11.3-4 | Version: | 1.11.3-4 |
Binary: | python3-std-srvs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.11.3-4 | Version: | 1.11.3-4 |
Binary: | ros-rosgraph-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.11.3-4 | Version: | 1.11.3-4 |
Binary: | ros-std-srvs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.11.3-4 | Version: | 1.11.3-4 |
ros-ros-environment in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-ros-environment | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.3.2-4 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | ros-environment:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.3.2-4 | Version: | 1.3.2-4 |
ros-rosconsole in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-rosconsole | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.14.3-13 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | librosconsole-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.14.3-13 | Version: | 1.14.3-13 |
Binary: | librosconsole3d | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.14.3-13 | Version: | 1.14.3-13 |
ros-rosconsole-bridge in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-rosconsole-bridge | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.5.4-5 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | librosconsole-bridge-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.5.4-5 | Version: | 0.5.4-5 |
Binary: | librosconsole-bridge0d | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.5.4-5 | Version: | 0.5.4-5 |
ros-roscpp-core in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-roscpp-core | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.7.3-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | libcpp-common0d | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.3-3 | Version: | 0.7.3-3 |
Binary: | libroscpp-core-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.3-3 | Version: | 0.7.3-3 |
Binary: | libroscpp-serialization0d | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.3-3 | Version: | 0.7.3-3 |
Binary: | librostime1d | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.3-3 | Version: | 0.7.3-3 |
ros-rosdep in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-rosdep | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.25.1-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | python3-rosdep2:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.25.1-2 | Version: | 0.25.1-2 |
ros-rosdistro in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-rosdistro | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.0.1-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | python3-rosdistro:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.1-2 | Version: | 1.0.1-2 |
ros-rosinstall-generator in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-rosinstall-generator | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.1.23-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org> |
Binary: | python3-rosinstall-generator:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.23-1 | Version: | 0.1.23-1 |
ros-roslisp in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-roslisp | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.9.25-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | roslisp:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.9.25-2 | Version: | 1.9.25-2 |
ros-rospack in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-rospack | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.6.2-10 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | librospack-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.6.2-10+b2 | Version: | 2.6.2-10+b2 |
Binary: | librospack0d | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.6.2-10+b2 | Version: | 2.6.2-10+b2 |
Binary: | rospack-tools | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.6.2-10+b2 | Version: | 2.6.2-10+b2 |
ros-rospkg in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-rospkg | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.5.1-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org> |
Binary: | python3-rospkg:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.5.1-1 | Version: | 1.5.1-1 |
ros-std-msgs in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-std-msgs | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.5.13-4 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | cl-std-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.5.13-4 | Version: | 0.5.13-4 |
Binary: | libstd-msgs-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.5.13-4 | Version: | 0.5.13-4 |
Binary: | python3-std-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.5.13-4 | Version: | 0.5.13-4 |
Binary: | ros-std-msgs:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.5.13-4 | Version: | 0.5.13-4 |
ros-vcstool in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-vcstool | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.3.0-4 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | vcstool:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.3.0-4 | Version: | 0.3.0-4 |
ros-vcstools in sid-strict |
Source: | ros-vcstools | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.1.42-9 |
Maintainer: | Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda <leo@alaxarxa.net> |
Binary: | python3-vcstools:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.42-9 | Version: | 0.1.42-9 |
ros2-ament-cmake in sid-strict |
Source: | ros2-ament-cmake | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.7.2-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Robotics Team <team+robotics@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, |
Binary: | ament-cmake:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.7.2-1 | Version: | 2.7.2-1 |
Binary: | ament-cmake-core:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.7.2-1 | Version: | 2.7.2-1 |
Binary: | ament-cmake-googletest | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.7.2-1 | Version: | 2.7.2-1 |
Binary: | ament-cmake-pytest:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.7.2-1 | Version: | 2.7.2-1 |
Binary: | ament-cmake-python:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.7.2-1 | Version: | 2.7.2-1 |
Binary: | python3-ament-cmake-google-benchmark | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.7.2-1 | Version: | 2.7.2-1 |
Binary: | python3-ament-cmake-test:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.7.2-1 | Version: | 2.7.2-1 |
ros2-ament-cmake-ros in sid-strict |
Source: | ros2-ament-cmake-ros | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.13.1-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian Robotics Team <team+robotics@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Timon Engelke <debian@timonengelke.de>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | ament-cmake-ros:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.13.1-2 | Version: | 0.13.1-2 |
Binary: | python3-domain-coordinator:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.13.1-2 | Version: | 0.13.1-2 |
ros2-ament-lint in sid-strict |
Source: | ros2-ament-lint | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.19.1-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Robotics Team <team+robotics@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, |
Binary: | ament-cmake-clang-format:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.19.1-1 | Version: | 0.19.1-1 |
Binary: | ament-cmake-clang-tidy:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.19.1-1 | Version: | 0.19.1-1 |
Binary: | ament-cmake-copyright:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.19.1-1 | Version: | 0.19.1-1 |
Binary: | ament-cmake-cppcheck:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.19.1-1 | Version: | 0.19.1-1 |
Binary: | ament-cmake-cpplint:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.19.1-1 | Version: | 0.19.1-1 |
Binary: | ament-cmake-flake8:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.19.1-1 | Version: | 0.19.1-1 |
Binary: | ament-cmake-lint-cmake:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.19.1-1 | Version: | 0.19.1-1 |
Binary: | ament-cmake-mypy:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.19.1-1 | Version: | 0.19.1-1 |
Binary: | ament-cmake-pep257:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.19.1-1 | Version: | 0.19.1-1 |
Binary: | ament-cmake-pycodestyle:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.19.1-1 | Version: | 0.19.1-1 |
Binary: | ament-cmake-pyflakes:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.19.1-1 | Version: | 0.19.1-1 |
Binary: | ament-cmake-uncrustify:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.19.1-1 | Version: | 0.19.1-1 |
Binary: | ament-cmake-xmllint:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.19.1-1 | Version: | 0.19.1-1 |
Binary: | ament-lint:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.19.1-1 | Version: | 0.19.1-1 |
Binary: | python3-ament-clang-format:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.19.1-1 | Version: | 0.19.1-1 |
Binary: | python3-ament-clang-tidy:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.19.1-1 | Version: | 0.19.1-1 |
Binary: | python3-ament-copyright:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.19.1-1 | Version: | 0.19.1-1 |
Binary: | python3-ament-cppcheck:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.19.1-1 | Version: | 0.19.1-1 |
Binary: | python3-ament-cpplint:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.19.1-1 | Version: | 0.19.1-1 |
Binary: | python3-ament-flake8:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.19.1-1 | Version: | 0.19.1-1 |
Binary: | python3-ament-lint:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.19.1-1 | Version: | 0.19.1-1 |
Binary: | python3-ament-lint-cmake:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.19.1-1 | Version: | 0.19.1-1 |
Binary: | python3-ament-mypy:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.19.1-1 | Version: | 0.19.1-1 |
Binary: | python3-ament-pep257:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.19.1-1 | Version: | 0.19.1-1 |
Binary: | python3-ament-pycodestyle:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.19.1-1 | Version: | 0.19.1-1 |
Binary: | python3-ament-pyflakes:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.19.1-1 | Version: | 0.19.1-1 |
Binary: | python3-ament-uncrustify:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.19.1-1 | Version: | 0.19.1-1 |
Binary: | python3-ament-xmllint:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.19.1-1 | Version: | 0.19.1-1 |
ros2-ament-package in sid-strict |
Source: | ros2-ament-package | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.17.1-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Robotics Team <team+robotics@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, |
Binary: | python3-ament-package:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.17.1-1 | Version: | 0.17.1-1 |
ros2-colcon-argcomplete in sid-strict |
Source: | ros2-colcon-argcomplete | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.3.3+ds-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian Robotics Team <team+robotics@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Timon Engelke <debian@timonengelke.de>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org> |
Binary: | python3-colcon-argcomplete:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.3.3+ds-2 | Version: | 0.3.3+ds-2 |
ros2-colcon-bash in sid-strict |
Source: | ros2-colcon-bash | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.5.0-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Robotics Team <team+robotics@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Timon Engelke <debian@timonengelke.de>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | python3-colcon-bash:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.5.0-1 | Version: | 0.5.0-1 |
ros2-colcon-cd in sid-strict |
Source: | ros2-colcon-cd | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.2.1-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Robotics Team <team+robotics@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Timon Engelke <debian@timonengelke.de>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org> |
Binary: | python3-colcon-cd:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.2.1-1 | Version: | 0.2.1-1 |
ros2-colcon-cmake in sid-strict |
Source: | ros2-colcon-cmake | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.2.29-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Robotics Team <team+robotics@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Timon Engelke <debian@timonengelke.de>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | python3-colcon-cmake:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.2.29-1 | Version: | 0.2.29-1 |
ros2-colcon-core in sid-strict |
Source: | ros2-colcon-core | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.18.4-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Robotics Team <team+robotics@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Timon Engelke <debian@timonengelke.de>, |
Binary: | colcon:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.18.4-1 | Version: | 0.18.4-1 |
Binary: | python3-colcon-core:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.18.4-1 | Version: | 0.18.4-1 |
ros2-colcon-defaults in sid-strict |
Source: | ros2-colcon-defaults | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.2.9-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Robotics Team <team+robotics@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Timon Engelke <debian@timonengelke.de>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | python3-colcon-defaults:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.2.9-1 | Version: | 0.2.9-1 |
ros2-colcon-devtools in sid-strict |
Source: | ros2-colcon-devtools | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.3.0-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Robotics Team <team+robotics@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Timon Engelke <debian@timonengelke.de>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | python3-colcon-devtools:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.3.0-1 | Version: | 0.3.0-1 |
ros2-colcon-library-path in sid-strict |
Source: | ros2-colcon-library-path | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.2.1-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian Robotics Team <team+robotics@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Timon Engelke <debian@timonengelke.de>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org> |
Binary: | python3-colcon-library-path:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.2.1-2 | Version: | 0.2.1-2 |
ros2-colcon-metadata in sid-strict |
Source: | ros2-colcon-metadata | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.2.5-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian Robotics Team <team+robotics@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Timon Engelke <debian@timonengelke.de>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org> |
Binary: | python3-colcon-metadata:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.2.5-3 | Version: | 0.2.5-3 |
ros2-colcon-notification in sid-strict |
Source: | ros2-colcon-notification | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.3.0+ds-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Robotics Team <team+robotics@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Timon Engelke <debian@timonengelke.de>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | python3-colcon-notification:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.3.0+ds-1 | Version: | 0.3.0+ds-1 |
ros2-colcon-output in sid-strict |
Source: | ros2-colcon-output | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.2.13-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Robotics Team <team+robotics@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Timon Engelke <debian@timonengelke.de>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org> |
Binary: | python3-colcon-output:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.2.13-1 | Version: | 0.2.13-1 |
ros2-colcon-package-information in sid-strict |
Source: | ros2-colcon-package-information | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.4.0-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Robotics Team <team+robotics@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Timon Engelke <debian@timonengelke.de>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | python3-colcon-package-information:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.4.0-1 | Version: | 0.4.0-1 |
ros2-colcon-package-selection in sid-strict |
Source: | ros2-colcon-package-selection | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.2.10-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian Robotics Team <team+robotics@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Timon Engelke <debian@timonengelke.de>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org> |
Binary: | python3-colcon-package-selection:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.2.10-2 | Version: | 0.2.10-2 |
ros2-colcon-parallel-executor in sid-strict |
Source: | ros2-colcon-parallel-executor | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.3.0-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Robotics Team <team+robotics@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Timon Engelke <debian@timonengelke.de>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | python3-colcon-parallel-executor:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.3.0-1 | Version: | 0.3.0-1 |
ros2-colcon-pkg-config in sid-strict |
Source: | ros2-colcon-pkg-config | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.1.0-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian Robotics Team <team+robotics@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Timon Engelke <debian@timonengelke.de>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org> |
Binary: | python3-colcon-pkg-config:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.0-2 | Version: | 0.1.0-2 |
ros2-colcon-python-setup-py in sid-strict |
Source: | ros2-colcon-python-setup-py | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.2.9-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Robotics Team <team+robotics@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Timon Engelke <debian@timonengelke.de>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | python3-colcon-python-setup-py:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.2.9-1 | Version: | 0.2.9-1 |
ros2-colcon-recursive-crawl in sid-strict |
Source: | ros2-colcon-recursive-crawl | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.2.3-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Robotics Team <team+robotics@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Timon Engelke <debian@timonengelke.de>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | python3-colcon-recursive-crawl:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.2.3-1 | Version: | 0.2.3-1 |
ros2-colcon-ros in sid-strict |
Source: | ros2-colcon-ros | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.5.0-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Robotics Team <team+robotics@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Timon Engelke <debian@timonengelke.de>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | python3-colcon-ros:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.5.0-1 | Version: | 0.5.0-1 |
ros2-colcon-test-result in sid-strict |
Source: | ros2-colcon-test-result | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.3.8-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian Robotics Team <team+robotics@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Timon Engelke <debian@timonengelke.de>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org> |
Binary: | python3-colcon-test-result:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.3.8-2 | Version: | 0.3.8-2 |
ros2-colcon-zsh in sid-strict |
Source: | ros2-colcon-zsh | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.5.0-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Robotics Team <team+robotics@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Timon Engelke <debian@timonengelke.de>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, |
Binary: | python3-colcon-zsh:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.5.0-1 | Version: | 0.5.0-1 |
ros2-rcpputils in sid-strict |
Source: | ros2-rcpputils | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.13.2-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Robotics Team <team+robotics@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, |
Binary: | librcpputils-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.13.2-1 | Version: | 2.13.2-1 |
Binary: | librcpputils1d | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.13.2-1 | Version: | 2.13.2-1 |
ros2-rcutils in sid-strict |
Source: | ros2-rcutils | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 6.9.4-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Robotics Team <team+robotics@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Timo Röhling <roehling@debian.org>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, |
Binary: | librcutils-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 6.9.4-1 | Version: | 6.9.4-1 |
Binary: | librcutils1d | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 6.9.4-1 | Version: | 6.9.4-1 |
Binary: | python3-rcutils:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 6.9.4-1 | Version: | 6.9.4-1 |
rust-base-x in sid-strict |
Source: | rust-base-x | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.2.11-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Rust Maintainers <pkg-rust-maintainers@alioth-lists.debian.net> |
Uploaders: | kpcyrd <git@rxv.cc>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | librust-base-x-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.2.11-1+b1 | Version: | 0.2.11-1+b1 |
rust-blake2s-simd in sid-strict |
Source: | rust-blake2s-simd | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.0.2-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Rust Maintainers <pkg-rust-maintainers@alioth-lists.debian.net> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | librust-blake2s-simd-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-1 | Version: | 1.0.2-1 |
rust-cid in sid-strict |
Source: | rust-cid | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.10.1-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian Rust Maintainers <pkg-rust-maintainers@alioth-lists.debian.net> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | librust-cid-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.10.1-2+b1 | Version: | 0.10.1-2+b1 |
rust-cid-npm in sid-strict |
Source: | rust-cid-npm | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.0~git20200813.59cf068-2 |
Maintainer: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Hans-Christoph Steiner <hans@eds.org> |
Binary: | ipfs-cid | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.0~git20200813.59cf068-2+b5 | Version: | 0.0~git20200813.59cf068-2+b5 |
rust-multibase in sid-strict |
Source: | rust-multibase | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.9.1-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Rust Maintainers <pkg-rust-maintainers@alioth-lists.debian.net> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | librust-multibase-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.1-1+b2 | Version: | 0.9.1-1+b2 |
rust-multihash in sid-strict |
Source: | rust-multihash | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.19.1-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian Rust Maintainers <pkg-rust-maintainers@alioth-lists.debian.net> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | librust-multihash-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.19.1-2+b1 | Version: | 0.19.1-2+b1 |
rust-multihash-codetable in sid-strict |
Source: | rust-multihash-codetable | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.1.0-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian Rust Maintainers <pkg-rust-maintainers@alioth-lists.debian.net> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | librust-multihash-codetable-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.0-2+b2 | Version: | 0.1.0-2+b2 |
rust-multihash-derive in sid-strict |
Source: | rust-multihash-derive | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.9.0-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Rust Maintainers <pkg-rust-maintainers@alioth-lists.debian.net> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | librust-multihash-derive-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.0-1+b2 | Version: | 0.9.0-1+b2 |
rust-multihash-derive-impl in sid-strict |
Source: | rust-multihash-derive-impl | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.1.1-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Rust Maintainers <pkg-rust-maintainers@alioth-lists.debian.net> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | librust-multihash-derive-impl-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.1-1 | Version: | 0.1.1-1 |
rust-quick-protobuf in sid-strict |
Source: | rust-quick-protobuf | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.8.1-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Rust Maintainers <pkg-rust-maintainers@alioth-lists.debian.net> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | librust-quick-protobuf-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.8.1-1+b1 | Version: | 0.8.1-1+b1 |
rust-ripemd in sid-strict |
Source: | rust-ripemd | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.1.3-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Rust Maintainers <pkg-rust-maintainers@alioth-lists.debian.net> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | librust-ripemd-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.3-1+b3 | Version: | 0.1.3-1+b3 |
rust-rust-unixfs in sid-strict |
Source: | rust-rust-unixfs | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.4.0-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Rust Maintainers <pkg-rust-maintainers@alioth-lists.debian.net> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | librust-rust-unixfs-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.4.0-1+b3 | Version: | 0.4.0-1+b3 |
rust-strobe-rs in sid-strict |
Source: | rust-strobe-rs | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.8.1-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian Rust Maintainers <pkg-rust-maintainers@alioth-lists.debian.net> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | librust-strobe-rs-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.8.1-2 | Version: | 0.8.1-2 |
rust-unsigned-varint in sid-strict |
Source: | rust-unsigned-varint | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.8.0-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Rust Maintainers <pkg-rust-maintainers@alioth-lists.debian.net> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | librust-unsigned-varint-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.8.0-1+b1 | Version: | 0.8.0-1+b1 |
sbuild in sid-strict |
Source: | sbuild | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.88.5 |
Maintainer: | sbuild maintainers <sbuild@packages.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues <josch@debian.org>, Michael Banck <mbanck@debian.org>, Francesco Paolo Lovergine <frankie@debian.org>, Wookey <wookey@debian.org>, Michael Stapelberg <stapelberg@debian.org>, Christian Kastner <ckk@debian.org>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, |
Binary: | buildd:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.88.5 | Version: | 0.88.5 |
Binary: | libsbuild-perl:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.88.5 | Version: | 0.88.5 |
Binary: | sbuild:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.88.5 | Version: | 0.88.5 |
Binary: | sbuild-debian-developer-setup:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.88.5 | Version: | 0.88.5 |
Binary: | sbuild-qemu:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.88.5 | Version: | 0.88.5 |
super-csv in sid-strict |
Source: | super-csv | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.4.0-4 |
Maintainer: | Debian Java Maintainers <pkg-java-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | libsuper-csv-java:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.4.0-4 | Version: | 2.4.0-4 |
vit in sid-strict |
Source: | vit | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.3.3-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Tasktools Team <team+tasktools@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Alejandro Garrido Mota <alejandro@debian.org>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, |
Binary: | vit:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.3.3-1 | Version: | 2.3.3-1 |
whatthepatch in sid-strict |
Source: | whatthepatch | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.0.7-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Python Team <team+python@tracker.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Reinhard Tartler <siretart@tauware.de>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org>, |
Binary: | python3-whatthepatch:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.7-1 | Version: | 1.0.7-1 |
wyrd in sid-strict |
Source: | wyrd | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.7.1-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian OCaml Maintainers <debian-ocaml-maint@lists.debian.org> |
Uploaders: | Rhonda D'Vine <rhonda@debian.org>, Jochen Sprickerhof <jspricke@debian.org> |
Binary: | wyrd | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.7.1-2 | Version: | 1.7.1-2 |