in trixie-rcmd
other distributions: | experimental sid2experimental sid sid-strict sid-nodoc sid-merged-usr sid-broken-symlinks testing2sid trixie bookworm bookworm-rcmd bookworm-security bookworm-pu bookworm2next bullseye bullseye-rcmd bullseye-security bullseye-pu bullseye2next stable2sid stable22sid buster buster-rcmd buster-security buster-pu buster2next stretch2buster stretch2Xbuster stretch2buster-rcmd stretch2Xbuster-rcmd stretch2bpo2buster stretch2bpo stretch stretch-rcmd stretch-security stretch-pu stretch2next oldstable222sid oldstable22testing jessie2stretch jessie2Xstretch jessie2stretch-rcmd jessie2Xstretch-rcmd jessie-lts2stretch jessie2bpo2stretch jessie2bpo jessie2lts jessie jessie-rcmd jessie-security |
fail: | 4 | ciborium debian-edu debian-edu-config debian-edu-router |
unknown: | 1 | debian-edu-install |
pass: | 282 | accounts-qml-module appmenu-gtk-module arctica-greeter atril autofs ayatana-greeter-badges ayatana-ido ayatana-indicator-a11y ayatana-indicator-application ayatana-indicator-bluetooth ayatana-indicator-datetime ayatana-indicator-display ayatana-indicator-keyboard ayatana-indicator-messages ayatana-indicator-notifications ayatana-indicator-power ayatana-indicator-printers ayatana-indicator-session ayatana-indicator-sound ayatana-settings ayatana-webmail bamf biometryd blends bobdude brisk-menu buteo-sync-plugin-caldav buteo-sync-plugin-carddav buteo-sync-plugins buteo-sync-plugins-social buteo-syncfw buteo-syncfw-qml buteo-syncml caja caja-actions caja-admin caja-eiciel caja-extensions caja-mediainfo caja-rename caja-seahorse ckeditor3 click cmake-extras cmake-vala coccinella contactsd cpu-x credential-sheets crystal-facet-uml cups-x2go dbus-cpp dbus-test-runner debian-edu-artwork debian-edu-artwork-legacy debian-edu-fai desktop-autoloader deviceinfo dmarcts-report-parser e2guardian engrampa eom evolution-data-server-lomiri fonts-font-awesome freerdp3 ganeti-os-noop geonames gmenuharness gnome-firmware group-service gsettings-qt gtk-layer-shell gtk2-engines-murrine guake-indicator haskell-monadlist hfd-service impressive-display jquery-i18n-properties ldap2zone libayatana-appindicator libayatana-common libayatana-indicator libbssolv-perl libcpuid libdbusmenu libgtk3-webkit2-perl libhttp-daemon-ssl-perl libjpeg-turbo libjs-jquery-center libjs-jquery-markitup libmatekbd libmatemixer libmateweather libmlocale libnet-sftp-sftpserver-perl libofono-qt libpam-x2go libpoe-component-pool-thread-perl libpoe-component-schedule-perl libpoe-component-server-jsonrpc-perl libqofono libqofonoext libqtdbusmock libqtdbustest librda libsocialcache libsocket-msghdr-perl libsolv libssh libusermetrics libvncserver libx11-keyboard-perl libxml-structured-perl libzim libzypp lightdm-autologin-greeter lightdm-remote-session-x2go lomiri-abook2cal-syncd lomiri-action-api lomiri-addressbook-app lomiri-api lomiri-app-launch lomiri-calculator-app lomiri-calendar-app lomiri-camera-app lomiri-clock-app lomiri-content-hub lomiri-dialer-app lomiri-docviewer-app lomiri-download-manager lomiri-filemanager-app lomiri-gallery-app lomiri-history-service lomiri-indicator-location lomiri-indicator-transfer lomiri-indicator-transfer-buteo lomiri-keyboard lomiri-location-service lomiri-mediaplayer-app lomiri-messaging-app lomiri-music-app lomiri-notifications lomiri-online-accounts lomiri-polkit-agent lomiri-printing-app lomiri-schemas lomiri-settings-components lomiri-sounds lomiri-telephony-service lomiri-terminal-app lomiri-tfamanager-app lomiri-thumbnailer lomiri-ui-extras lomiri-ui-toolkit lomiri-url-dispatcher lomiri-wallpapers lomiri-weather-app magnus maliit-framework maliit-inputcontext-gtk maliit-keyboard marco mate-applets mate-backgrounds mate-calc mate-common mate-control-center mate-desktop mate-desktop-environment mate-dock-applet mate-icon-theme mate-indicator-applet mate-media mate-menu mate-menus mate-netbook mate-notification-daemon mate-panel mate-polkit mate-power-manager mate-screensaver mate-sensors-applet mate-session-manager mate-settings-daemon mate-submodules mate-system-monitor mate-terminal mate-themes mate-tweak mate-user-admin mate-user-guide mate-user-share mate-utils mate-window-applets matekbd-keyboard-display mdns-reflector mediascanner2 mir mkcal morph-browser mozo nemo-qml-plugin-contacts net-cpp nextcloud-spreed-signaling node-require-all nodm numix-gtk-theme numix-icon-theme nx-libs onboard openboard opennds persistent-cache-cpp pinentry-x2go plank pluma pluma-plugins process-cpp properties-cpp pyhoca-cli python-caja python-injector python-looseversion python-pampy python-rx python-wither python-x2go qmenumodel qmf qmltermwidget qqc2-suru-style qtcontacts-sqlite qtfeedback-opensource-src qtlomiri-appmenutheme qtmir qtorganizer-eds qtorganizer-mkcal qtpim-opensource-src qtsystems-opensource-src quickflux qwebdavlib qzxing remote-logon-config-agent remote-logon-service repowerd rlottie-qml schema2ldif shutdown-at-night signond sitesummary slbackup slbackup-php smarty-gettext smarty-lexer smarty-validate smarty3 smarty4 snapd-glib standardskriver surf-display suru-icon-theme td td1.8.11 tea4cups tigervnc tinyproxy tone-generator u1db-qt uif user-session-migration vala-panel veyon wbxml2 weston wlcs xorgxrdp xournalpp xrdp xsct xtrkcad yaru-theme zypper |
ciborium in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | ciborium | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.0.1-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | ciborium | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 1.0.1-2+b1 | Version: | 1.0.1-2+b1 |
debian-edu in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | debian-edu | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.12.15 |
Maintainer: | Debian Edu Developers <> |
Uploaders: | Petter Reinholdtsen <>, Holger Levsen <>, Mike Gabriel <>, Wolfgang Schweer <>, Dominik George <> |
Binary: | education-astronomy | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.12.15+b1 | Version: | 2.12.15+b1 |
Binary: | education-chemistry | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.12.15+b1 | Version: | 2.12.15+b1 |
Binary: | education-common | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 2.12.15+b1 | Version: | 2.12.15+b1 |
Binary: | education-desktop-cinnamon | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 2.12.15+b1 | Version: | 2.12.15+b1 |
Binary: | education-desktop-gnome | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 2.12.15+b1 | Version: | 2.12.15+b1 |
Binary: | education-desktop-kde | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 2.12.15+b1 | Version: | 2.12.15+b1 |
Binary: | education-desktop-lxde | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 2.12.15+b1 | Version: | 2.12.15+b1 |
Binary: | education-desktop-lxqt | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 2.12.15+b1 | Version: | 2.12.15+b1 |
Binary: | education-desktop-mate | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 2.12.15+b1 | Version: | 2.12.15+b1 |
Binary: | education-desktop-other | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.12.15+b1 | Version: | 2.12.15+b1 |
Binary: | education-desktop-xfce | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 2.12.15+b1 | Version: | 2.12.15+b1 |
Binary: | education-development | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.12.15+b1 | Version: | 2.12.15+b1 |
Binary: | education-electronics | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.12.15+b1 | Version: | 2.12.15+b1 |
Binary: | education-geography | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.12.15+b1 | Version: | 2.12.15+b1 |
Binary: | education-graphics | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.12.15+b1 | Version: | 2.12.15+b1 |
Binary: | education-highschool | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.12.15+b1 | Version: | 2.12.15+b1 |
Binary: | education-language | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.12.15+b1 | Version: | 2.12.15+b1 |
Binary: | education-laptop | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.12.15+b1 | Version: | 2.12.15+b1 |
Binary: | education-logic-games | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.12.15+b1 | Version: | 2.12.15+b1 |
Binary: | education-ltsp-server | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 2.12.15+b1 | Version: | 2.12.15+b1 |
Binary: | education-main-server | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 2.12.15+b1 | Version: | 2.12.15+b1 |
Binary: | education-mathematics | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.12.15+b1 | Version: | 2.12.15+b1 |
Binary: | education-menus:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.12.15 | Version: | 2.12.15 |
Binary: | education-misc | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.12.15+b1 | Version: | 2.12.15+b1 |
Binary: | education-music | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.12.15+b1 | Version: | 2.12.15+b1 |
Binary: | education-networked | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 2.12.15+b1 | Version: | 2.12.15+b1 |
Binary: | education-networked-common | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 2.12.15+b1 | Version: | 2.12.15+b1 |
Binary: | education-physics | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.12.15+b1 | Version: | 2.12.15+b1 |
Binary: | education-preschool | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.12.15+b1 | Version: | 2.12.15+b1 |
Binary: | education-primaryschool | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.12.15+b1 | Version: | 2.12.15+b1 |
Binary: | education-roaming-workstation | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 2.12.15+b1 | Version: | 2.12.15+b1 |
Binary: | education-secondaryschool | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.12.15+b1 | Version: | 2.12.15+b1 |
Binary: | education-standalone | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 2.12.15+b1 | Version: | 2.12.15+b1 |
Binary: | education-tasks | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.12.15+b1 | Version: | 2.12.15+b1 |
Binary: | education-thin-client | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.12.15+b1 | Version: | 2.12.15+b1 |
Binary: | education-video | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.12.15+b1 | Version: | 2.12.15+b1 |
Binary: | education-workstation | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 2.12.15+b1 | Version: | 2.12.15+b1 |
debian-edu-config in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | debian-edu-config | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.12.46 |
Maintainer: | Debian Edu Developers <> |
Uploaders: | Petter Reinholdtsen <>, Mike Gabriel <>, Dominik George <>, |
Binary: | debian-edu-config:all | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 2.12.46 | Version: | 2.12.46 |
debian-edu-router in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | debian-edu-router | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.12.8 |
Maintainer: | Debian Edu Developers <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <> |
Binary: | debian-edu-router-config:all | piuparts-result: | failed-testing 2.12.8 | Version: | 2.12.8 |
Binary: | debian-edu-router-deployserver:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.12.8 | Version: | 2.12.8 |
Binary: | debian-edu-router-fai:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.12.8 | Version: | 2.12.8 |
debian-edu-install in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | debian-edu-install | piuparts summary: | unknown | Version: | 2.12.10 |
Maintainer: | Debian Edu Developers <> |
Uploaders: | Petter Reinholdtsen <>, Holger Levsen <>, Mike Gabriel <> |
Binary: | debian-edu-install:all | piuparts-result: | dependency-failed-testing N/A | Version: | 2.12.10 |
Binary: | debian-edu-install-udeb | unknown package |
Binary: | debian-edu-profile-udeb | unknown package |
accounts-qml-module in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | accounts-qml-module | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.7+git20231028.05e79eb-6 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | accounts-qml-module-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7+git20231028.05e79eb-6 | Version: | 0.7+git20231028.05e79eb-6 |
Binary: | qml-module-sso-onlineaccounts | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7+git20231028.05e79eb-6 | Version: | 0.7+git20231028.05e79eb-6 |
Binary: | qml-module-ubuntu-onlineaccounts:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7+git20231028.05e79eb-6 | Version: | 0.7+git20231028.05e79eb-6 |
Binary: | qml6-module-sso-onlineaccounts | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7+git20231028.05e79eb-6 | Version: | 0.7+git20231028.05e79eb-6 |
Source: | appmenu-gtk-module | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 24.05-1.1 |
Maintainer: | Ayatana Packagers <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Jeremy Bicha <>, Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Binary: | appmenu-gtk-module-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 24.05-1.1 | Version: | 24.05-1.1 |
Binary: | appmenu-gtk3-module | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 24.05-1.1 | Version: | 24.05-1.1 |
Binary: | libappmenu-gtk-parser-dev-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 24.05-1.1 | Version: | 24.05-1.1 |
Binary: | libappmenu-gtk3-parser-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 24.05-1.1 | Version: | 24.05-1.1 |
Binary: | libappmenu-gtk3-parser0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 24.05-1.1 | Version: | 24.05-1.1 |
arctica-greeter in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | arctica-greeter | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | |
Maintainer: | Debian Remote Maintainers <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <> |
Binary: | arctica-greeter | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested | Version: | |
Binary: | arctica-greeter-guest-session:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested | Version: | |
Binary: | arctica-greeter-remote-logon:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested | Version: | |
Binary: | arctica-greeter-theme-debian:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested | Version: | |
Binary: | arctica-greeter-theme-debian-emerald:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested | Version: | |
Binary: | arctica-greeter-theme-debian-futureprototype:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested | Version: | |
Binary: | arctica-greeter-theme-debian-homeworld:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested | Version: | |
Binary: | arctica-greeter-theme-debian-softwaves:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested | Version: | |
atril in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | atril | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.26.2-4 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <>, Stefano Karapetsas <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, Martin Wimpress <>, |
Binary: | atril | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.2-4 | Version: | 1.26.2-4 |
Binary: | atril-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.2-4 | Version: | 1.26.2-4 |
Binary: | gir1.2-atrildocument-1.5.0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.2-4 | Version: | 1.26.2-4 |
Binary: | gir1.2-atrilview-1.5.0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.2-4 | Version: | 1.26.2-4 |
Binary: | libatrildocument-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.2-4 | Version: | 1.26.2-4 |
Binary: | libatrildocument3t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.2-4 | Version: | 1.26.2-4 |
Binary: | libatrilview-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.2-4 | Version: | 1.26.2-4 |
Binary: | libatrilview3t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.2-4 | Version: | 1.26.2-4 |
autofs in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | autofs | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 5.1.9-1.2 |
Maintainer: | Mike Gabriel <> |
Uploaders: | Debian Edu Packaging Team <>, |
Binary: | autofs | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.1.9-1.2+b1 | Version: | 5.1.9-1.2+b1 |
Binary: | autofs-hesiod | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.1.9-1.2+b1 | Version: | 5.1.9-1.2+b1 |
Binary: | autofs-ldap | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.1.9-1.2+b1 | Version: | 5.1.9-1.2+b1 |
ayatana-greeter-badges in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | ayatana-greeter-badges | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.3-1 |
Maintainer: | Ayatana Packagers <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | ayatana-greeter-badges:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.3-1 | Version: | 0.3-1 |
ayatana-ido in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | ayatana-ido | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.10.4-1 |
Maintainer: | Ayatana Packagers <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | gir1.2-ayatanaido3-0.4 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.10.4-1 | Version: | 0.10.4-1 |
Binary: | libayatana-ido3-0.4-0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.10.4-1 | Version: | 0.10.4-1 |
Binary: | libayatana-ido3-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.10.4-1 | Version: | 0.10.4-1 |
ayatana-indicator-a11y in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | ayatana-indicator-a11y | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 24.4.1-1 |
Maintainer: | Ayatana Packagers <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Debian UBports Team <>, |
Binary: | ayatana-indicator-a11y | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 24.4.1-1 | Version: | 24.4.1-1 |
ayatana-indicator-application in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | ayatana-indicator-application | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 22.2.0-2 |
Maintainer: | Ayatana Packagers <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Debian UBports Team <>, |
Binary: | ayatana-indicator-application | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 22.2.0-2 | Version: | 22.2.0-2 |
ayatana-indicator-bluetooth in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | ayatana-indicator-bluetooth | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 24.5.0-2 |
Maintainer: | Ayatana Packagers <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Debian UBports Team <>, |
Binary: | ayatana-indicator-bluetooth | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 24.5.0-2 | Version: | 24.5.0-2 |
ayatana-indicator-datetime in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | ayatana-indicator-datetime | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 24.5.0-2 |
Maintainer: | Ayatana Packagers <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Debian UBports Team <>, |
Binary: | ayatana-indicator-datetime | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 24.5.0-2 | Version: | 24.5.0-2 |
ayatana-indicator-display in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | ayatana-indicator-display | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 24.5.0-1 |
Maintainer: | Ayatana Packagers <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Debian UBports Team <>, |
Binary: | ayatana-indicator-display | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 24.5.0-1 | Version: | 24.5.0-1 |
ayatana-indicator-keyboard in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | ayatana-indicator-keyboard | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 24.7.1-1 |
Maintainer: | Ayatana Packagers <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Debian UBports Team <>, |
Binary: | ayatana-indicator-keyboard | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 24.7.1-1 | Version: | 24.7.1-1 |
ayatana-indicator-messages in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | ayatana-indicator-messages | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 24.5.0-2 |
Maintainer: | Ayatana Packagers <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Debian UBports Team <>, |
Binary: | ayatana-indicator-messages | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 24.5.0-2 | Version: | 24.5.0-2 |
Binary: | gir1.2-messagingmenu-1.0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 24.5.0-2 | Version: | 24.5.0-2 |
Binary: | libmessaging-menu-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 24.5.0-2 | Version: | 24.5.0-2 |
Binary: | libmessaging-menu0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 24.5.0-2 | Version: | 24.5.0-2 |
ayatana-indicator-notifications in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | ayatana-indicator-notifications | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 23.10.1-1 |
Maintainer: | Ayatana Packagers <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Jason Conti <>, |
Binary: | ayatana-indicator-notifications | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 23.10.1-1 | Version: | 23.10.1-1 |
ayatana-indicator-power in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | ayatana-indicator-power | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 24.5.1-3 |
Maintainer: | Ayatana Packagers <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Debian UBports Team <>, Marius Gripsgard <>, |
Binary: | ayatana-indicator-power | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 24.5.1-3 | Version: | 24.5.1-3 |
ayatana-indicator-printers in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | ayatana-indicator-printers | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 23.10.1-2 |
Maintainer: | Ayatana Packagers <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | ayatana-indicator-printers | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 23.10.1-2 | Version: | 23.10.1-2 |
ayatana-indicator-session in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | ayatana-indicator-session | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 24.5.0-2 |
Maintainer: | Ayatana Packagers <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Debian UBports Team <>, |
Binary: | ayatana-indicator-session | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 24.5.0-2 | Version: | 24.5.0-2 |
ayatana-indicator-sound in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | ayatana-indicator-sound | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 24.5.2-1 |
Maintainer: | Ayatana Packagers <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Debian UBports Team <>, |
Binary: | ayatana-indicator-sound | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 24.5.2-1 | Version: | 24.5.2-1 |
ayatana-settings in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | ayatana-settings | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 24.8.27-1 |
Maintainer: | Ayatana Packagers <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Robert Tari <>, |
Binary: | ayatana-settings | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 24.8.27-1 | Version: | 24.8.27-1 |
ayatana-webmail in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | ayatana-webmail | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 24.5.17+dfsg-1 |
Maintainer: | Ayatana Packagers <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Robert Tari <>, |
Binary: | ayatana-webmail:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 24.5.17+dfsg-1 | Version: | 24.5.17+dfsg-1 |
bamf in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | bamf | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.5.6+repack-1.1 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Didier Roche <>, |
Binary: | bamfdaemon | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.5.6+repack-1.1+b2 | Version: | 0.5.6+repack-1.1+b2 |
Binary: | gir1.2-bamf-3 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.5.6+repack-1.1+b2 | Version: | 0.5.6+repack-1.1+b2 |
Binary: | libbamf-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.5.6+repack-1.1 | Version: | 0.5.6+repack-1.1 |
Binary: | libbamf3-2t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.5.6+repack-1.1+b2 | Version: | 0.5.6+repack-1.1+b2 |
Binary: | libbamf3-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.5.6+repack-1.1+b2 | Version: | 0.5.6+repack-1.1+b2 |
biometryd in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | biometryd | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.3.1-5 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Marius Gripsgard <>, |
Binary: | biometryd-bin | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.3.1-5 | Version: | 0.3.1-5 |
Binary: | libbiometry-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.3.1-5 | Version: | 0.3.1-5 |
Binary: | libbiometry1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.3.1-5 | Version: | 0.3.1-5 |
Binary: | qml-module-biometryd | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.3.1-5 | Version: | 0.3.1-5 |
blends in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | blends | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.7.10 |
Maintainer: | Debian Pure Blend Team <> |
Uploaders: | Petter Reinholdtsen <>, Andreas Tille <>, Jonas Smedegaard <>, Ole Streicher <>, Mike Gabriel <> |
Binary: | blends-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.10 | Version: | 0.7.10 |
Binary: | blends-dev:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.10 | Version: | 0.7.10 |
Binary: | blends-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.10 | Version: | 0.7.10 |
Binary: | blends-tasks:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.10 | Version: | 0.7.10 |
Binary: | python3-blends:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.10 | Version: | 0.7.10 |
bobdude in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | bobdude | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.5.0+svn75-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Edu Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | bobdude | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.5.0+svn75-1+b1 | Version: | 1.5.0+svn75-1+b1 |
Source: | brisk-menu | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.6.2-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Martin Wimpress <>, Mike Gabriel <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, |
Binary: | mate-applet-brisk-menu | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.6.2-2+b1 | Version: | 0.6.2-2+b1 |
buteo-sync-plugin-caldav in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | buteo-sync-plugin-caldav | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.3.14-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | buteo-syncfw-plugin-caldav | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.3.14-2+b1 | Version: | 0.3.14-2+b1 |
buteo-sync-plugin-carddav in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | buteo-sync-plugin-carddav | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.1.12-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Guido Berhoerster <>, |
Binary: | buteo-syncfw-plugin-carddav | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.12-1 | Version: | 0.1.12-1 |
buteo-sync-plugins in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | buteo-sync-plugins | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.8.35-4 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Guido Berhoerster <>, |
Binary: | buteo-syncfw-plugins | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.8.35-4 | Version: | 0.8.35-4 |
Binary: | buteo-syncfw-plugins-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.8.35-4 | Version: | 0.8.35-4 |
Binary: | libsyncmlcommon5-1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.8.35-4 | Version: | 0.8.35-4 |
Binary: | libsyncmlcommon5-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.8.35-4 | Version: | 0.8.35-4 |
buteo-sync-plugins-social in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | buteo-sync-plugins-social | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.4.28-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | buteo-syncfw-plugin-google | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.4.28-1 | Version: | 0.4.28-1 |
Binary: | libsyncpluginscommon1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.4.28-1 | Version: | 0.4.28-1 |
buteo-syncfw in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | buteo-syncfw | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.11.8-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Guido Berhörster <>, |
Binary: | buteo-syncfw | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.11.8-1 | Version: | 0.11.8-1 |
Binary: | libbuteosyncfw5-0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.11.8-1 | Version: | 0.11.8-1 |
Binary: | libbuteosyncfw5-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.11.8-1 | Version: | 0.11.8-1 |
Binary: | libbuteosyncfw5-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.11.8-1 | Version: | 0.11.8-1 |
Binary: | qml-module-buteo-profiles | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.11.8-1 | Version: | 0.11.8-1 |
buteo-syncfw-qml in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | buteo-syncfw-qml | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.3-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | qml-module-buteo-syncfw | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.3-2+b1 | Version: | 0.3-2+b1 |
buteo-syncml in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | buteo-syncml | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.5.15-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Guido Berhörster <>, |
Binary: | libbuteosyncml5-1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.5.15-3 | Version: | 0.5.15-3 |
Binary: | libbuteosyncml5-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.5.15-3 | Version: | 0.5.15-3 |
caja in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | caja | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.26.3-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <>, Stefano Karapetsas <>, Mike Gabriel <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, |
Binary: | caja | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.3-1+b2 | Version: | 1.26.3-1+b2 |
Binary: | caja-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.3-1 | Version: | 1.26.3-1 |
Binary: | gir1.2-caja-2.0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.3-1+b2 | Version: | 1.26.3-1+b2 |
Binary: | libcaja-extension-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.3-1+b2 | Version: | 1.26.3-1+b2 |
Binary: | libcaja-extension-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.3-1 | Version: | 1.26.3-1 |
Binary: | libcaja-extension1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.3-1+b2 | Version: | 1.26.3-1+b2 |
caja-actions in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | caja-actions | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.27.0-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Martin Wimpress <>, Mike Gabriel <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, |
Binary: | caja-actions | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.27.0-1+b1 | Version: | 1.27.0-1+b1 |
Binary: | caja-actions-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.27.0-1 | Version: | 1.27.0-1 |
Binary: | caja-actions-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.27.0-1+b1 | Version: | 1.27.0-1+b1 |
caja-admin in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | caja-admin | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.0.5-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, |
Binary: | caja-admin:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.0.5-2 | Version: | 0.0.5-2 |
caja-eiciel in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | caja-eiciel | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.20.1-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Simon Quigley <>, Mike Gabriel <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, |
Binary: | caja-eiciel | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.20.1-3+b2 | Version: | 1.20.1-3+b2 |
caja-extensions in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | caja-extensions | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.26.1-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <>, Stefano Karapetsas <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, |
Binary: | caja-extensions-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-2 | Version: | 1.26.1-2 |
Binary: | caja-image-converter | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-2 | Version: | 1.26.1-2 |
Binary: | caja-open-terminal | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-2 | Version: | 1.26.1-2 |
Binary: | caja-sendto | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-2 | Version: | 1.26.1-2 |
Binary: | caja-share | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-2 | Version: | 1.26.1-2 |
Binary: | caja-wallpaper | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-2 | Version: | 1.26.1-2 |
Binary: | caja-xattr-tags | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-2 | Version: | 1.26.1-2 |
caja-mediainfo in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | caja-mediainfo | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.0.4+repack1-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Martin Wimpress <>, Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | caja-mediainfo:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.4+repack1-1 | Version: | 1.0.4+repack1-1 |
caja-rename in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | caja-rename | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 24.5.1-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Robert Tari <>, |
Binary: | caja-rename | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 24.5.1-1 | Version: | 24.5.1-1 |
caja-seahorse in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | caja-seahorse | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.18.5-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Simon Quigley <>, Mike Gabriel <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, |
Binary: | caja-seahorse | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.18.5-3 | Version: | 1.18.5-3 |
ckeditor3 in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | ckeditor3 | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | |
Maintainer: | Horde Maintainers <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | ckeditor3:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested | Version: | |
click in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | click | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.5.2-7 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Marius Gripsgard <>, |
Binary: | click | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.5.2-7 | Version: | 0.5.2-7 |
Binary: | click-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.5.2-7 | Version: | 0.5.2-7 |
Binary: | click-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.5.2-7 | Version: | 0.5.2-7 |
Binary: | click-service | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.5.2-7 | Version: | 0.5.2-7 |
Binary: | gir1.2-click-0.4 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.5.2-7 | Version: | 0.5.2-7 |
Binary: | libclick-0.4-0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.5.2-7 | Version: | 0.5.2-7 |
Binary: | libclick-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.5.2-7 | Version: | 0.5.2-7 |
Binary: | python3-click-package | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.5.2-7 | Version: | 0.5.2-7 |
Source: | cmake-extras | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.8-1 |
Maintainer: | Mike Gabriel <> |
Uploaders: | Ayatana Packagers <>, Debian CMake Team <>, Debian UBports Team <>, Marius Gripsgard <>, |
Binary: | cmake-extras:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.8-1 | Version: | 1.8-1 |
cmake-vala in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | cmake-vala | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 3-1 |
Maintainer: | Mike Gabriel <> |
Uploaders: | Ayatana Packagers <>, Debian CMake Team <>, |
Binary: | cmake-vala:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3-1 | Version: | 3-1 |
coccinella in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | coccinella | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.96.20-9 |
Maintainer: | Mike Gabriel <> |
Uploaders: | Miriam Ruiz <>, |
Binary: | coccinella:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.96.20-9 | Version: | 0.96.20-9 |
contactsd in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | contactsd | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.4.15-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Guido Berhörster <>, |
Binary: | contactsd | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.4.15-1 | Version: | 1.4.15-1 |
Binary: | libcontactsd1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.4.15-1 | Version: | 1.4.15-1 |
Binary: | libcontactsd1-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.4.15-1 | Version: | 1.4.15-1 |
cpu-x in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | cpu-x | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 5.1.1-0.1 |
Maintainer: | Martin Wimpress <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | cpu-x | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.1.1-0.1 | Version: | 5.1.1-0.1 |
credential-sheets in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | credential-sheets | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.0.3-4 |
Maintainer: | Debian Edu Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | credential-sheets:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.0.3-4 | Version: | 0.0.3-4 |
crystal-facet-uml in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | crystal-facet-uml | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.58.3-1 |
Maintainer: | Andreas Warnke <> |
Uploaders: | Debian Edu Packaging Team <>, Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | crystal-facet-uml | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.58.3-1 | Version: | 1.58.3-1 |
cups-x2go in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | cups-x2go | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | |
Maintainer: | Debian Remote Maintainers <> |
Uploaders: | Debian Printing Team <>, Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | cups-x2go:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested | Version: | |
dbus-cpp in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | dbus-cpp | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 5.0.3-8 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Marius Gripsgard <>, |
Binary: | dbus-cpp-bin | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.0.3-8 | Version: | 5.0.3-8 |
Binary: | dbus-cpp-dev-examples | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.0.3-8 | Version: | 5.0.3-8 |
Binary: | libdbus-cpp-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.0.3-8 | Version: | 5.0.3-8 |
Binary: | libdbus-cpp5 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.0.3-8 | Version: | 5.0.3-8 |
dbus-test-runner in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | dbus-test-runner | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 19.04.0-1 |
Maintainer: | Mike Gabriel <> |
Uploaders: | Anton Gladky <> |
Binary: | dbus-test-runner | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 19.04.0-1+b3 | Version: | 19.04.0-1+b3 |
Binary: | libdbustest1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 19.04.0-1+b3 | Version: | 19.04.0-1+b3 |
Binary: | libdbustest1-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 19.04.0-1+b3 | Version: | 19.04.0-1+b3 |
debian-edu-artwork in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | debian-edu-artwork | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.12.4-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian Edu Developers <> |
Uploaders: | Petter Reinholdtsen <>, Holger Levsen <>, Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | debian-edu-artwork:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.12.4-2 | Version: | 2.12.4-2 |
Binary: | debian-edu-artwork-buster:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.12.4-2 | Version: | 2.12.4-2 |
Binary: | debian-edu-artwork-emerald:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.12.4-2 | Version: | 2.12.4-2 |
Binary: | debian-edu-artwork-homeworld:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.12.4-2 | Version: | 2.12.4-2 |
Binary: | debian-edu-artwork-softwaves:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.12.4-2 | Version: | 2.12.4-2 |
debian-edu-artwork-legacy in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | debian-edu-artwork-legacy | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 20220131-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Edu Developers <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | debian-edu-artwork-spacefun:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 20220131-1 | Version: | 20220131-1 |
debian-edu-fai in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | debian-edu-fai | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2024.06.07.1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Edu Developers <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <> |
Binary: | debian-edu-fai:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2024.06.07.1 | Version: | 2024.06.07.1 |
desktop-autoloader in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | desktop-autoloader | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.0.4-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian Edu Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | desktop-autoloader:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.0.4-2 | Version: | 0.0.4-2 |
deviceinfo in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | deviceinfo | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.2.2-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Marius Gripsgard <> |
Binary: | deviceinfo-extras | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.2.2-2+b1 | Version: | 0.2.2-2+b1 |
Binary: | deviceinfo-tools | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.2.2-2+b1 | Version: | 0.2.2-2+b1 |
Binary: | libdeviceinfo-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.2.2-2+b1 | Version: | 0.2.2-2+b1 |
Binary: | libdeviceinfo0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.2.2-2+b1 | Version: | 0.2.2-2+b1 |
dmarcts-report-parser in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | dmarcts-report-parser | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.0+git20230715.9dd92cf-3 |
Maintainer: | Mike Gabriel <> |
Binary: | dmarcts-report-parser:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0+git20230715.9dd92cf-3 | Version: | 1.0+git20230715.9dd92cf-3 |
e2guardian in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | e2guardian | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 5.5.6-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Edu Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Benjamin Schlüter <>, |
Binary: | e2guardian | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.5.6-1 | Version: | 5.5.6-1 |
engrampa in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | engrampa | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.26.2-4 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <>, Stefano Karapetsas <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, |
Binary: | engrampa | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.2-4 | Version: | 1.26.2-4 |
Binary: | engrampa-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.2-4 | Version: | 1.26.2-4 |
eom in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | eom | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.26.1-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <>, Stefano Karapetsas <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, |
Binary: | eom | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-1+b1 | Version: | 1.26.1-1+b1 |
Binary: | eom-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-1 | Version: | 1.26.1-1 |
Binary: | eom-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-1+b1 | Version: | 1.26.1-1+b1 |
Binary: | gir1.2-eom-1.0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-1+b1 | Version: | 1.26.1-1+b1 |
evolution-data-server-lomiri in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | evolution-data-server-lomiri | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.2.1-1 |
Maintainer: | UBports developers <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | evolution-data-server-lomiri | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.2.1-1 | Version: | 0.2.1-1 |
Binary: | libedataserver-source-lomiri-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.2.1-1 | Version: | 0.2.1-1 |
Binary: | libedataserver-source-lomiri0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.2.1-1 | Version: | 0.2.1-1 |
fonts-font-awesome in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | fonts-font-awesome | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 5.0.10+really4.7.0~dfsg-4.1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Fonts Task Force <> |
Uploaders: | Jonas Smedegaard <>, Mike Gabriel <>, Pirate Praveen <>, Vasudev Kamath <>, |
Binary: | fonts-font-awesome:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.0.10+really4.7.0~dfsg-4.1 | Version: | 5.0.10+really4.7.0~dfsg-4.1 |
freerdp3 in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | freerdp3 | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 3.12.0+dfsg-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Remote Maintainers <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Bernhard Miklautz <>, |
Binary: | freerdp3-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.12.0+dfsg-1 | Version: | 3.12.0+dfsg-1 |
Binary: | freerdp3-proxy | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.12.0+dfsg-1 | Version: | 3.12.0+dfsg-1 |
Binary: | freerdp3-proxy-modules | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.12.0+dfsg-1 | Version: | 3.12.0+dfsg-1 |
Binary: | freerdp3-sdl | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.12.0+dfsg-1 | Version: | 3.12.0+dfsg-1 |
Binary: | freerdp3-shadow-x11 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.12.0+dfsg-1 | Version: | 3.12.0+dfsg-1 |
Binary: | freerdp3-wayland | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.12.0+dfsg-1 | Version: | 3.12.0+dfsg-1 |
Binary: | freerdp3-x11 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.12.0+dfsg-1 | Version: | 3.12.0+dfsg-1 |
Binary: | libfreerdp-client3-3 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.12.0+dfsg-1 | Version: | 3.12.0+dfsg-1 |
Binary: | libfreerdp-server-proxy3-3 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.12.0+dfsg-1 | Version: | 3.12.0+dfsg-1 |
Binary: | libfreerdp-server3-3 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.12.0+dfsg-1 | Version: | 3.12.0+dfsg-1 |
Binary: | libfreerdp-shadow-subsystem3-3 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.12.0+dfsg-1 | Version: | 3.12.0+dfsg-1 |
Binary: | libfreerdp-shadow3-3 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.12.0+dfsg-1 | Version: | 3.12.0+dfsg-1 |
Binary: | libfreerdp3-3 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.12.0+dfsg-1 | Version: | 3.12.0+dfsg-1 |
Binary: | libwinpr-tools3-3 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.12.0+dfsg-1 | Version: | 3.12.0+dfsg-1 |
Binary: | libwinpr3-3 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.12.0+dfsg-1 | Version: | 3.12.0+dfsg-1 |
Binary: | libwinpr3-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.12.0+dfsg-1 | Version: | 3.12.0+dfsg-1 |
Binary: | winpr3-utils | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.12.0+dfsg-1 | Version: | 3.12.0+dfsg-1 |
ganeti-os-noop in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | ganeti-os-noop | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.2-5 |
Maintainer: | Debian Ganeti Team <> |
Uploaders: | Apollon Oikonomopoulos <>, Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | ganeti-os-noop:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.2-5 | Version: | 0.2-5 |
geonames in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | geonames | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.3.1-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Marius Gripsgard <>, |
Binary: | libgeonames-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.3.1-1 | Version: | 0.3.1-1 |
Binary: | libgeonames-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.3.1-1+b2 | Version: | 0.3.1-1+b2 |
Binary: | libgeonames0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.3.1-1+b2 | Version: | 0.3.1-1+b2 |
Source: | gmenuharness | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.1.4-7 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | libgmenuharness-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.4-7+b1 | Version: | 0.1.4-7+b1 |
Binary: | libgmenuharness0.1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.4-7+b1 | Version: | 0.1.4-7+b1 |
gnome-firmware in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | gnome-firmware | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 47.0-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian GNOME Maintainers <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Jesper Derander <>, Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <>, Jeremy Bícha <>, Laurent Bigonville <> |
Binary: | gnome-firmware | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 47.0-1+b1 | Version: | 47.0-1+b1 |
group-service in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | group-service | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.4.0-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, N0rbert <>, |
Binary: | group-service | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.4.0-3+b1 | Version: | 1.4.0-3+b1 |
Binary: | libgroup-service-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.4.0-3+b1 | Version: | 1.4.0-3+b1 |
Binary: | libgroup-service1t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.4.0-3+b1 | Version: | 1.4.0-3+b1 |
gsettings-qt in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | gsettings-qt | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.0.0-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Boyuan Yang <>, Iceyer <>, Yanhao Mo <>, Debian Deepin Packaging Team <>, |
Binary: | libgsettings-qt-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.0-1+b1 | Version: | 1.0.0-1+b1 |
Binary: | libgsettings-qt1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.0-1+b1 | Version: | 1.0.0-1+b1 |
Binary: | libgsettings-qt6-1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.0-1+b1 | Version: | 1.0.0-1+b1 |
Binary: | libgsettings-qt6-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.0-1+b1 | Version: | 1.0.0-1+b1 |
Binary: | qml-module-gsettings | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.0-1+b1 | Version: | 1.0.0-1+b1 |
Binary: | qml-module-gsettings1.0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.0-1+b1 | Version: | 1.0.0-1+b1 |
Binary: | qml6-module-gsettings | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.0-1+b1 | Version: | 1.0.0-1+b1 |
gtk-layer-shell in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | gtk-layer-shell | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.9.0-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Birger Schacht <>, Mike Gabriel <>, Matthias Geiger <>, |
Binary: | gir1.2-gtklayershell-0.1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.0-2 | Version: | 0.9.0-2 |
Binary: | gtk-layer-shell-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.0-2 | Version: | 0.9.0-2 |
Binary: | gtk-layer-shell-examples | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.0-2 | Version: | 0.9.0-2 |
Binary: | libgtk-layer-shell-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.0-2 | Version: | 0.9.0-2 |
Binary: | libgtk-layer-shell0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.0-2 | Version: | 0.9.0-2 |
gtk2-engines-murrine in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | gtk2-engines-murrine | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.98.2-4 |
Maintainer: | Debian Desktop Theme Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | gtk2-engines-murrine | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.98.2-4+b1 | Version: | 0.98.2-4+b1 |
guake-indicator in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | guake-indicator | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.4.5-3 |
Maintainer: | Alessio Garzi <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | guake-indicator | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.4.5-3 | Version: | 1.4.5-3 |
haskell-monadlist in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | haskell-monadlist | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.0.2-7 |
Maintainer: | Debian Haskell Group <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | libghc-monadlist-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.0.2-7+b1 | Version: | 0.0.2-7+b1 |
Binary: | libghc-monadlist-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.0.2-7 | Version: | 0.0.2-7 |
Binary: | libghc-monadlist-prof | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.0.2-7+b1 | Version: | 0.0.2-7+b1 |
hfd-service in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | hfd-service | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.2.3-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Marius Gripsgard <>, |
Binary: | hfd-service | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.2.3-1 | Version: | 0.2.3-1 |
Binary: | hfd-service-tools | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.2.3-1 | Version: | 0.2.3-1 |
Binary: | libqt5feedback5-hfd | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.2.3-1 | Version: | 0.2.3-1 |
Binary: | qml-module-hfd | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.2.3-1 | Version: | 0.2.3-1 |
impressive-display in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | impressive-display | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.4.1-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Edu Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Dominik George <> |
Binary: | impressive-display:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.4.1-1 | Version: | 0.4.1-1 |
jquery-i18n-properties in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | jquery-i18n-properties | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.2.7+dfsg1-4 |
Maintainer: | Debian Javascript Maintainers <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <> |
Binary: | libjs-jquery-i18n-properties:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.2.7+dfsg1-4 | Version: | 1.2.7+dfsg1-4 |
ldap2zone in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | ldap2zone | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.2-12 |
Maintainer: | Debian Edu Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Petter Reinholdtsen <>, Benoit Mortier <>, |
Binary: | ldap2zone | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.2-12+b2 | Version: | 0.2-12+b2 |
libayatana-appindicator in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | libayatana-appindicator | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.5.93+really-3 |
Maintainer: | Ayatana Packagers <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | gir1.2-ayatanaappindicator3-0.1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.5.93+really-3 | Version: | 0.5.93+really-3 |
Binary: | libayatana-appindicator-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.5.93+really-3 | Version: | 0.5.93+really-3 |
Binary: | libayatana-appindicator3-1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.5.93+really-3 | Version: | 0.5.93+really-3 |
Binary: | libayatana-appindicator3-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.5.93+really-3 | Version: | 0.5.93+really-3 |
libayatana-common in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | libayatana-common | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.9.10-3 |
Maintainer: | Ayatana Packagers <> |
Uploaders: | Debian UBports Team <>, Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | ayatana-indicator-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.10-3 | Version: | 0.9.10-3 |
Binary: | gir1.2-ayatanacommon-0.0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.10-3 | Version: | 0.9.10-3 |
Binary: | libayatana-common-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.10-3 | Version: | 0.9.10-3 |
Binary: | libayatana-common0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.10-3 | Version: | 0.9.10-3 |
libayatana-indicator in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | libayatana-indicator | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.9.4-1 |
Maintainer: | Ayatana Packagers <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | libayatana-indicator3-7 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.4-1+b1 | Version: | 0.9.4-1+b1 |
Binary: | libayatana-indicator3-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.4-1+b1 | Version: | 0.9.4-1+b1 |
Binary: | libayatana-indicator3-tools | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.4-1+b1 | Version: | 0.9.4-1+b1 |
libbssolv-perl in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | libbssolv-perl | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.17-4 |
Maintainer: | Debian Perl Group <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <> |
Binary: | libbssolv-perl | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.17-4+b3 | Version: | 0.17-4+b3 |
libcpuid in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | libcpuid | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.7.1+repack1-0.1 |
Maintainer: | Martin Wimpress <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | cpuidtool | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.1+repack1-0.1+b1 | Version: | 0.7.1+repack1-0.1+b1 |
Binary: | libcpuid-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.1+repack1-0.1+b1 | Version: | 0.7.1+repack1-0.1+b1 |
Binary: | libcpuid17 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.1+repack1-0.1+b1 | Version: | 0.7.1+repack1-0.1+b1 |
Source: | libdbusmenu | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 18.10.20180917~bzr492+repack1-4 |
Maintainer: | The Ayatana Packagers <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | gir1.2-dbusmenu-glib-0.4 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 18.10.20180917~bzr492+repack1-4 | Version: | 18.10.20180917~bzr492+repack1-4 |
Binary: | gir1.2-dbusmenu-gtk3-0.4 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 18.10.20180917~bzr492+repack1-4 | Version: | 18.10.20180917~bzr492+repack1-4 |
Binary: | libdbusmenu-glib-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 18.10.20180917~bzr492+repack1-4 | Version: | 18.10.20180917~bzr492+repack1-4 |
Binary: | libdbusmenu-glib-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 18.10.20180917~bzr492+repack1-4 | Version: | 18.10.20180917~bzr492+repack1-4 |
Binary: | libdbusmenu-glib4 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 18.10.20180917~bzr492+repack1-4 | Version: | 18.10.20180917~bzr492+repack1-4 |
Binary: | libdbusmenu-gtk-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 18.10.20180917~bzr492+repack1-4 | Version: | 18.10.20180917~bzr492+repack1-4 |
Binary: | libdbusmenu-gtk3-4 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 18.10.20180917~bzr492+repack1-4 | Version: | 18.10.20180917~bzr492+repack1-4 |
Binary: | libdbusmenu-gtk3-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 18.10.20180917~bzr492+repack1-4 | Version: | 18.10.20180917~bzr492+repack1-4 |
Binary: | libdbusmenu-jsonloader-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 18.10.20180917~bzr492+repack1-4 | Version: | 18.10.20180917~bzr492+repack1-4 |
Binary: | libdbusmenu-jsonloader4 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 18.10.20180917~bzr492+repack1-4 | Version: | 18.10.20180917~bzr492+repack1-4 |
Binary: | libdbusmenu-tools | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 18.10.20180917~bzr492+repack1-4 | Version: | 18.10.20180917~bzr492+repack1-4 |
libgtk3-webkit2-perl in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | libgtk3-webkit2-perl | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.06-6 |
Maintainer: | Debian Perl Group <> |
Uploaders: | Debian Remote Maintainers <>, Mike Gabriel <> |
Binary: | libgtk3-webkit2-perl:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.06-6 | Version: | 0.06-6 |
libhttp-daemon-ssl-perl in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | libhttp-daemon-ssl-perl | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.05-01-5 |
Maintainer: | Debian Perl Group <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <> |
Binary: | libhttp-daemon-ssl-perl:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.05-01-5 | Version: | 1.05-01-5 |
libjpeg-turbo in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | libjpeg-turbo | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1:2.1.5-3.1 |
Maintainer: | Ondřej Surý <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <> |
Binary: | libjpeg-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1:2.1.5-3.1 | Version: | 1:2.1.5-3.1 |
Binary: | libjpeg-turbo-progs | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1:2.1.5-3.1 | Version: | 1:2.1.5-3.1 |
Binary: | libjpeg62-turbo | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1:2.1.5-3.1 | Version: | 1:2.1.5-3.1 |
Binary: | libjpeg62-turbo-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1:2.1.5-3.1 | Version: | 1:2.1.5-3.1 |
Binary: | libturbojpeg-java:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1:2.1.5-3.1 | Version: | 1:2.1.5-3.1 |
Binary: | libturbojpeg0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1:2.1.5-3.1 | Version: | 1:2.1.5-3.1 |
Binary: | libturbojpeg0-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1:2.1.5-3.1 | Version: | 1:2.1.5-3.1 |
libjs-jquery-center in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | libjs-jquery-center | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.1.0+dfsg1-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian Javascript Maintainers <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Debian Edu Packaging Team <>, |
Binary: | libjs-jquery-center:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.1.0+dfsg1-2 | Version: | 1.1.0+dfsg1-2 |
libjs-jquery-markitup in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | libjs-jquery-markitup | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.1.15-1.1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Javascript Maintainers <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Debian Edu Packaging Team <>, |
Binary: | libjs-jquery-markitup:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.1.15-1.1 | Version: | 1.1.15-1.1 |
libmatekbd in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | libmatekbd | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.26.1-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <>, Stefano Karapetsas <>, Mike Gabriel <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, Martin Wimpress <>, |
Binary: | gir1.2-matekbd-1.0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-1+b2 | Version: | 1.26.1-1+b2 |
Binary: | libmatekbd-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-1 | Version: | 1.26.1-1 |
Binary: | libmatekbd-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-1+b2 | Version: | 1.26.1-1+b2 |
Binary: | libmatekbd4 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-1+b2 | Version: | 1.26.1-1+b2 |
libmatemixer in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | libmatemixer | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.26.1-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <>, Stefano Karapetsas <>, Mike Gabriel <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, Martin Wimpress <>, |
Binary: | libmatemixer-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-1 | Version: | 1.26.1-1 |
Binary: | libmatemixer-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-1+b2 | Version: | 1.26.1-1+b2 |
Binary: | libmatemixer-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-1 | Version: | 1.26.1-1 |
Binary: | libmatemixer0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-1+b2 | Version: | 1.26.1-1+b2 |
libmateweather in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | libmateweather | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.26.3-3.1 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <>, Stefano Karapetsas <>, Mike Gabriel <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, Martin Wimpress <>, |
Binary: | libmateweather-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.3-3.1 | Version: | 1.26.3-3.1 |
Binary: | libmateweather-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.3-3.1+b2 | Version: | 1.26.3-3.1+b2 |
Binary: | libmateweather1t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.3-3.1+b2 | Version: | 1.26.3-3.1+b2 |
libmlocale in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | libmlocale | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.7.8-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | libmlocale-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.8-1 | Version: | 0.7.8-1 |
Binary: | libmlocale5-0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.8-1 | Version: | 0.7.8-1 |
libnet-sftp-sftpserver-perl in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | libnet-sftp-sftpserver-perl | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.1.0-7 |
Maintainer: | Debian Perl Group <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | libnet-sftp-sftpserver-perl:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.1.0-7 | Version: | 1.1.0-7 |
libofono-qt in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | libofono-qt | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.30-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | libofono-qt-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.30-2+b2 | Version: | 1.30-2+b2 |
Binary: | libofono-qt-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.30-2 | Version: | 1.30-2 |
Binary: | libofono-qt1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.30-2+b2 | Version: | 1.30-2+b2 |
libpam-x2go in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | libpam-x2go | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | |
Maintainer: | Debian Remote Maintainers <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | libpam-x2go | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested | Version: | |
Binary: | libpam-x2go-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested | Version: | |
libpoe-component-pool-thread-perl in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | libpoe-component-pool-thread-perl | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.015-2 |
Maintainer: | FusionDirectory Packagers <> |
Uploaders: | Debian Perl Group <>, Benoit Mortier <>, Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | libpoe-component-pool-thread-perl:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.015-2 | Version: | 0.015-2 |
libpoe-component-schedule-perl in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | libpoe-component-schedule-perl | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.95-3 |
Maintainer: | FusionDirectory Maintenance Team <> |
Uploaders: | Debian Perl Group <>, Benoit Mortier <>, Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | libpoe-component-schedule-perl:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.95-3 | Version: | 0.95-3 |
libpoe-component-server-jsonrpc-perl in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | libpoe-component-server-jsonrpc-perl | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.06-3 |
Maintainer: | FusionDirectory Packagers <> |
Uploaders: | Debian Perl Group <>, Benoit Mortier <>, Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | libpoe-component-server-jsonrpc-perl:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.06-3 | Version: | 0.06-3 |
libqofono in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | libqofono | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.124-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | libqofono-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.124-1 | Version: | 0.124-1 |
Binary: | libqofono-examples | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.124-1 | Version: | 0.124-1 |
Binary: | libqofono-qt5-0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.124-1 | Version: | 0.124-1 |
Binary: | libqofono-tests | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.124-1 | Version: | 0.124-1 |
Binary: | qml-module-ofono | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.124-1 | Version: | 0.124-1 |
libqofonoext in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | libqofonoext | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.0.32-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | libqofonoext-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.32-2+b1 | Version: | 1.0.32-2+b1 |
Binary: | libqofonoext1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.32-2+b1 | Version: | 1.0.32-2+b1 |
Binary: | qml-module-qofonoext | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.32-2+b1 | Version: | 1.0.32-2+b1 |
libqtdbusmock in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | libqtdbusmock | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.9.1-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Marius Gripsgard <>, |
Binary: | libqtdbusmock1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.1-3 | Version: | 0.9.1-3 |
Binary: | libqtdbusmock1-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.1-3 | Version: | 0.9.1-3 |
Binary: | libqtdbusmock1-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.1-3 | Version: | 0.9.1-3 |
libqtdbustest in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | libqtdbustest | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.3.3-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Marius Gripsgard <>, |
Binary: | libqtdbustest1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.3.3-1 | Version: | 0.3.3-1 |
Binary: | libqtdbustest1-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.3.3-1 | Version: | 0.3.3-1 |
Binary: | qtdbustest-runner | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.3.3-1 | Version: | 0.3.3-1 |
librda in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | librda | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.0.5-1.1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Remote Maintainers <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | gir1.2-rda-1.0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.0.5-1.1+b2 | Version: | 0.0.5-1.1+b2 |
Binary: | librda-bin | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.0.5-1.1+b2 | Version: | 0.0.5-1.1+b2 |
Binary: | librda-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.0.5-1.1 | Version: | 0.0.5-1.1 |
Binary: | librda-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.0.5-1.1+b2 | Version: | 0.0.5-1.1+b2 |
Binary: | librda0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.0.5-1.1+b2 | Version: | 0.0.5-1.1+b2 |
libsocialcache in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | libsocialcache | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.2.1-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | libsocialcache-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.2.1-1+b1 | Version: | 0.2.1-1+b1 |
Binary: | libsocialcache1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.2.1-1+b1 | Version: | 0.2.1-1+b1 |
Binary: | qml-module-org-nemomobile-socialcache | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.2.1-1+b1 | Version: | 0.2.1-1+b1 |
libsocket-msghdr-perl in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | libsocket-msghdr-perl | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.05-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian Perl Group <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <> |
Binary: | libsocket-msghdr-perl | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.05-2+b4 | Version: | 0.05-2+b4 |
libsolv in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | libsolv | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.7.31-1 |
Maintainer: | RPM packaging team <> |
Uploaders: | Luca Boccassi <>, Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | libsolv-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.31-1+b1 | Version: | 0.7.31-1+b1 |
Binary: | libsolv-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.31-1 | Version: | 0.7.31-1 |
Binary: | libsolv-perl | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.31-1+b1 | Version: | 0.7.31-1+b1 |
Binary: | libsolv-tools | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.31-1+b1 | Version: | 0.7.31-1+b1 |
Binary: | libsolv1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.31-1+b1 | Version: | 0.7.31-1+b1 |
Binary: | libsolvext-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.31-1+b1 | Version: | 0.7.31-1+b1 |
Binary: | libsolvext1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.31-1+b1 | Version: | 0.7.31-1+b1 |
Binary: | python3-solv | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.31-1+b1 | Version: | 0.7.31-1+b1 |
libssh in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | libssh | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.11.1-1 |
Maintainer: | Laurent Bigonville <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Martin Pitt <> |
Binary: | libssh-4 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.11.1-1 | Version: | 0.11.1-1 |
Binary: | libssh-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.11.1-1 | Version: | 0.11.1-1 |
Binary: | libssh-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.11.1-1 | Version: | 0.11.1-1 |
libusermetrics in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | libusermetrics | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.3.3-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Marius Gripsgard <>, |
Binary: | libusermetrics-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.3.3-1 | Version: | 1.3.3-1 |
Binary: | libusermetrics-tools | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.3.3-1 | Version: | 1.3.3-1 |
Binary: | libusermetricsinput-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.3.3-1 | Version: | 1.3.3-1 |
Binary: | libusermetricsinput1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.3.3-1 | Version: | 1.3.3-1 |
Binary: | libusermetricsoutput-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.3.3-1 | Version: | 1.3.3-1 |
Binary: | libusermetricsoutput1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.3.3-1 | Version: | 1.3.3-1 |
Binary: | qml-module-usermetrics | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.3.3-1 | Version: | 1.3.3-1 |
Binary: | usermetricsservice | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.3.3-1 | Version: | 1.3.3-1 |
libvncserver in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | libvncserver | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.9.14+dfsg-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Remote Maintainers <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | libvncclient1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.14+dfsg-1+b2 | Version: | 0.9.14+dfsg-1+b2 |
Binary: | libvncserver-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.14+dfsg-1+b2 | Version: | 0.9.14+dfsg-1+b2 |
Binary: | libvncserver1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.14+dfsg-1+b2 | Version: | 0.9.14+dfsg-1+b2 |
libx11-keyboard-perl in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | libx11-keyboard-perl | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.4-7 |
Maintainer: | Debian Perl Group <> |
Uploaders: | Debian Remote Maintainers <>, Mike Gabriel <> |
Binary: | libx11-keyboard-perl:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.4-7 | Version: | 1.4-7 |
libxml-structured-perl in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | libxml-structured-perl | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.01-4 |
Maintainer: | Debian Perl Group <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <> |
Binary: | libxml-structured-perl:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.01-4 | Version: | 1.01-4 |
libzim in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | libzim | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 9.2.3-1.1 |
Maintainer: | Kunal Mehta <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | libzim-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 9.2.3-1.1 | Version: | 9.2.3-1.1 |
Binary: | libzim9 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 9.2.3-1.1 | Version: | 9.2.3-1.1 |
libzypp in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | libzypp | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 17.36.1-1 |
Maintainer: | RPM packaging team <> |
Uploaders: | Luca Boccassi <>, Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | libzypp-bin | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 17.36.1-1 | Version: | 17.36.1-1 |
Binary: | libzypp-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 17.36.1-1 | Version: | 17.36.1-1 |
Binary: | libzypp-config:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 17.36.1-1 | Version: | 17.36.1-1 |
Binary: | libzypp-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 17.36.1-1 | Version: | 17.36.1-1 |
Binary: | libzypp-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 17.36.1-1 | Version: | 17.36.1-1 |
Binary: | libzypp1735 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 17.36.1-1 | Version: | 17.36.1-1 |
lightdm-autologin-greeter in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | lightdm-autologin-greeter | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.0-5 |
Maintainer: | Debian Edu Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <> |
Binary: | lightdm-autologin-greeter:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0-5 | Version: | 1.0-5 |
lightdm-remote-session-x2go in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | lightdm-remote-session-x2go | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | |
Maintainer: | Debian Remote Maintainers <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | lightdm-remote-session-x2go | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested | Version: | |
lomiri-abook2cal-syncd in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | lomiri-abook2cal-syncd | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.0.0-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | lomiri-abook2cal-syncd | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.0-3 | Version: | 1.0.0-3 |
lomiri-action-api in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | lomiri-action-api | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.1.3-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <> |
Binary: | liblomiri-action-qt1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.1.3-2 | Version: | 1.1.3-2 |
Binary: | liblomiri-action-qt1-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.1.3-2 | Version: | 1.1.3-2 |
Binary: | lomiri-action-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.1.3-2 | Version: | 1.1.3-2 |
Binary: | qml-module-lomiri-action | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.1.3-2 | Version: | 1.1.3-2 |
lomiri-addressbook-app in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | lomiri-addressbook-app | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.9.0-4 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | lomiri-addressbook-app | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.0-4 | Version: | 0.9.0-4 |
Binary: | qml-module-lomiri-addressbook | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.0-4 | Version: | 0.9.0-4 |
Binary: | qml-module-lomiri-contacts | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.0-4 | Version: | 0.9.0-4 |
lomiri-api in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | lomiri-api | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.2.2-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Marius Gripsgard <>, |
Binary: | liblomiri-api-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.2.2-1 | Version: | 0.2.2-1 |
Binary: | liblomiri-api-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.2.2-1 | Version: | 0.2.2-1 |
Binary: | liblomiri-api0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.2.2-1 | Version: | 0.2.2-1 |
lomiri-app-launch in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | lomiri-app-launch | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.1.11-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Marius Gripsgard <>, |
Binary: | gir1.2-lomiriapplaunch-0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.11-1 | Version: | 0.1.11-1 |
Binary: | liblomiri-app-launch-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.11-1 | Version: | 0.1.11-1 |
Binary: | liblomiri-app-launch0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.11-1 | Version: | 0.1.11-1 |
Binary: | lomiri-app-launch | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.11-1 | Version: | 0.1.11-1 |
Binary: | lomiri-app-launch-tools | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.11-1 | Version: | 0.1.11-1 |
lomiri-calculator-app in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | lomiri-calculator-app | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 4.0.2-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Marius Gripsgard <>, |
Binary: | lomiri-calculator-app:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 4.0.2-3 | Version: | 4.0.2-3 |
lomiri-calendar-app in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | lomiri-calendar-app | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.1.2-4 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | lomiri-calendar-app | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.1.2-4 | Version: | 1.1.2-4 |
lomiri-camera-app in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | lomiri-camera-app | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 4.0.7+dfsg-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Marius Gripsgard <>, |
Binary: | lomiri-camera-app | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 4.0.7+dfsg-1 | Version: | 4.0.7+dfsg-1 |
lomiri-clock-app in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | lomiri-clock-app | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 4.1.0-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | lomiri-clock-app | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 4.1.0-3 | Version: | 4.1.0-3 |
lomiri-content-hub in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | lomiri-content-hub | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.0.0-4 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | liblomiri-content-hub-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.0.0-4 | Version: | 2.0.0-4 |
Binary: | liblomiri-content-hub-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.0.0-4 | Version: | 2.0.0-4 |
Binary: | liblomiri-content-hub-glib-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.0.0-4 | Version: | 2.0.0-4 |
Binary: | liblomiri-content-hub-glib1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.0.0-4 | Version: | 2.0.0-4 |
Binary: | liblomiri-content-hub1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.0.0-4 | Version: | 2.0.0-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-content-hub | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.0.0-4 | Version: | 2.0.0-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-content-hub-testability | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.0.0-4 | Version: | 2.0.0-4 |
Binary: | qml-module-lomiri-content | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.0.0-4 | Version: | 2.0.0-4 |
Binary: | qml-module-lomiri-content-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.0.0-4 | Version: | 2.0.0-4 |
lomiri-dialer-app in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | lomiri-dialer-app | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.0.0-4 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | lomiri-dialer-app | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.0.0-4 | Version: | 2.0.0-4 |
lomiri-docviewer-app in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | lomiri-docviewer-app | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 3.1.0+dfsg-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Marius Gripsgard <>, |
Binary: | lomiri-docviewer-app | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.1.0+dfsg-1 | Version: | 3.1.0+dfsg-1 |
lomiri-download-manager in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | lomiri-download-manager | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.1.3-5 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Marius Gripsgard <>, |
Binary: | libldm-common-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.3-5+b1 | Version: | 0.1.3-5+b1 |
Binary: | libldm-common0t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.3-5+b1 | Version: | 0.1.3-5+b1 |
Binary: | libldm-priv-common0t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.3-5+b1 | Version: | 0.1.3-5+b1 |
Binary: | liblomiri-download-manager-client-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.3-5+b1 | Version: | 0.1.3-5+b1 |
Binary: | liblomiri-download-manager-client-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.3-5 | Version: | 0.1.3-5 |
Binary: | liblomiri-download-manager-client0t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.3-5+b1 | Version: | 0.1.3-5+b1 |
Binary: | liblomiri-download-manager-common-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.3-5+b1 | Version: | 0.1.3-5+b1 |
Binary: | liblomiri-download-manager-common0t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.3-5+b1 | Version: | 0.1.3-5+b1 |
Binary: | liblomiri-upload-manager-common-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.3-5+b1 | Version: | 0.1.3-5+b1 |
Binary: | liblomiri-upload-manager-common0t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.3-5+b1 | Version: | 0.1.3-5+b1 |
Binary: | lomiri-download-manager | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.3-5+b1 | Version: | 0.1.3-5+b1 |
Binary: | lomiri-upload-manager | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.3-5+b1 | Version: | 0.1.3-5+b1 |
Binary: | qml-module-lomiri-downloadmanager | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.3-5+b1 | Version: | 0.1.3-5+b1 |
Binary: | qml-module-lomiri-downloadmanager-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.3-5 | Version: | 0.1.3-5 |
lomiri-filemanager-app in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | lomiri-filemanager-app | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.1.3+dfsg-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Marius Gripsgard <>, |
Binary: | lomiri-filemanager-app | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.1.3+dfsg-2 | Version: | 1.1.3+dfsg-2 |
lomiri-gallery-app in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | lomiri-gallery-app | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 3.1.0-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Marius Gripsgard <>, |
Binary: | lomiri-gallery-app | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.1.0-2 | Version: | 3.1.0-2 |
Binary: | lomiri-gallery-app-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.1.0-2 | Version: | 3.1.0-2 |
lomiri-history-service in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | lomiri-history-service | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.6-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Marius Gripsgard <>, |
Binary: | liblomirihistoryservice-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.6-2 | Version: | 0.6-2 |
Binary: | liblomirihistoryservice0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.6-2 | Version: | 0.6-2 |
Binary: | lomiri-history-service | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.6-2 | Version: | 0.6-2 |
Binary: | lomiri-history-service-tools | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.6-2 | Version: | 0.6-2 |
Binary: | qml-module-lomiri-history | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.6-2 | Version: | 0.6-2 |
lomiri-indicator-location in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | lomiri-indicator-location | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 25.2.7-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | lomiri-indicator-location | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 25.2.7-1+b1 | Version: | 25.2.7-1+b1 |
lomiri-indicator-transfer in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | lomiri-indicator-transfer | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.2.0-1.1 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Marius Gripsgard <>, |
Binary: | liblomiri-indicator-transfer-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.2.0-1.1 | Version: | 1.2.0-1.1 |
Binary: | liblomiri-indicator-transfer1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.2.0-1.1 | Version: | 1.2.0-1.1 |
Binary: | lomiri-indicator-transfer | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.2.0-1.1 | Version: | 1.2.0-1.1 |
Binary: | lomiri-indicator-transfer-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.2.0-1.1 | Version: | 1.2.0-1.1 |
Binary: | lomiri-indicator-transfer-download-manager | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.2.0-1.1 | Version: | 1.2.0-1.1 |
lomiri-indicator-transfer-buteo in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | lomiri-indicator-transfer-buteo | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.4-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | lomiri-indicator-transfer-buteo | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.4-1+b1 | Version: | 0.4-1+b1 |
lomiri-keyboard in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | lomiri-keyboard | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-arabic | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-azerbaijani | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-belarusian | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-bengali | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-bengali-avro | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-bengali-probhat | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-bosnian | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-bulgarian | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-catalan | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-chinese-chewing | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-chinese-pinyin | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-croatian | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-czech | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-danish | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-data:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-dev:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-dutch | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-emoji | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-english | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-english-dvorak | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-esperanto | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-finnish | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-french | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-german | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-greek | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-hebrew | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-hungarian | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-icelandic | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-italian | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-japanese | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-korean | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-latvian | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-lithuanian | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-macedonian | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-norwegian-bokmal | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-persian | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-polish | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-portuguese | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-romanian | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-russian | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-scottish-gaelic | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-serbian | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-slovenian | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-spanish | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-swedish | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-swiss-french | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-thai | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-turkish | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-keyboard-ukrainian | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-4 | Version: | 1.0.2-4 |
lomiri-location-service in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | lomiri-location-service | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 3.3.0-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | liblomiri-location-service-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.3.0-2 | Version: | 3.3.0-2 |
Binary: | liblomiri-location-service3 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.3.0-2 | Version: | 3.3.0-2 |
Binary: | lomiri-location-service-bin | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.3.0-2 | Version: | 3.3.0-2 |
Binary: | lomiri-location-service-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.3.0-2 | Version: | 3.3.0-2 |
Binary: | lomiri-location-service-tests | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.3.0-2 | Version: | 3.3.0-2 |
lomiri-mediaplayer-app in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | lomiri-mediaplayer-app | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.1.0+dfsg-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Marius Gripsgard <>, |
Binary: | lomiri-mediaplayer-app | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.1.0+dfsg-3 | Version: | 1.1.0+dfsg-3 |
Binary: | lomiri-mediaplayer-app-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.1.0+dfsg-3 | Version: | 1.1.0+dfsg-3 |
lomiri-messaging-app in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | lomiri-messaging-app | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.0.0-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | lomiri-messaging-app | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.0.0-3 | Version: | 2.0.0-3 |
lomiri-music-app in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | lomiri-music-app | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 3.2.2-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Marius Gripsgard <>, |
Binary: | lomiri-music-app | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.2.2-3 | Version: | 3.2.2-3 |
lomiri-notifications in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | lomiri-notifications | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.3.1-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Marius Gripsgard <>, |
Binary: | qml-module-lomiri-notifications | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.3.1-1 | Version: | 1.3.1-1 |
lomiri-online-accounts in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | lomiri-online-accounts | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.16-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | liblomiri-online-accounts-client-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.16-1 | Version: | 0.16-1 |
Binary: | liblomiri-online-accounts-client1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.16-1 | Version: | 0.16-1 |
Binary: | liblomiri-online-accounts-daemon-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.16-1 | Version: | 0.16-1 |
Binary: | liblomiri-online-accounts-daemon1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.16-1 | Version: | 0.16-1 |
Binary: | liblomiri-online-accounts-plugin-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.16-1 | Version: | 0.16-1 |
Binary: | liblomiri-online-accounts-plugin1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.16-1 | Version: | 0.16-1 |
Binary: | liblomiri-online-accounts-qt5-1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.16-1 | Version: | 0.16-1 |
Binary: | liblomiri-online-accounts-qt5-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.16-1 | Version: | 0.16-1 |
Binary: | lomiri-online-accounts-client | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.16-1 | Version: | 0.16-1 |
Binary: | lomiri-online-accounts-client-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.16-1 | Version: | 0.16-1 |
Binary: | qml-module-lomiri-onlineaccounts | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.16-1 | Version: | 0.16-1 |
Binary: | qml-module-lomiri-onlineaccounts-client | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.16-1 | Version: | 0.16-1 |
Binary: | qml-module-lomiri-onlineaccounts-client-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.16-1 | Version: | 0.16-1 |
Binary: | qml-module-lomiri-onlineaccounts-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.16-1 | Version: | 0.16-1 |
Binary: | qml-module-lomiri-onlineaccounts-plugin | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.16-1 | Version: | 0.16-1 |
lomiri-polkit-agent in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | lomiri-polkit-agent | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.1-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <> |
Binary: | lomiri-polkit-agent | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1-2 | Version: | 0.1-2 |
lomiri-printing-app in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | lomiri-printing-app | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.4.1-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | lomiri-printing-app | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.4.1-2 | Version: | 0.4.1-2 |
lomiri-schemas in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | lomiri-schemas | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.1.7-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Marius Gripsgard <>, |
Binary: | lomiri-schemas:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.7-3 | Version: | 0.1.7-3 |
lomiri-settings-components in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | lomiri-settings-components | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.1.2-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Marius Gripsgard <>, Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | qml-module-lomiri-settings-components | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.1.2-1 | Version: | 1.1.2-1 |
Binary: | qml-module-lomiri-settings-fingerprint | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.1.2-1 | Version: | 1.1.2-1 |
Binary: | qml-module-lomiri-settings-menus | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.1.2-1 | Version: | 1.1.2-1 |
Binary: | qml-module-lomiri-settings-vpn | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.1.2-1 | Version: | 1.1.2-1 |
lomiri-sounds in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | lomiri-sounds | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 25.01-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Marius Gripsgard <>, |
Binary: | lomiri-sounds:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 25.01-1 | Version: | 25.01-1 |
lomiri-telephony-service in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | lomiri-telephony-service | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.6.0-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Marius Gripsgard <>, |
Binary: | lomiri-telephony-service | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.6.0-1 | Version: | 0.6.0-1 |
Binary: | qml-module-lomiri-telephony | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.6.0-1 | Version: | 0.6.0-1 |
Binary: | qml-module-lomiri-telephony-phonenumber | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.6.0-1 | Version: | 0.6.0-1 |
lomiri-terminal-app in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | lomiri-terminal-app | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.0.3-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Marius Gripsgard <>, |
Binary: | lomiri-terminal-app | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.0.3-1 | Version: | 2.0.3-1 |
lomiri-tfamanager-app in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | lomiri-tfamanager-app | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.7.3+dfsg-4 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | lomiri-tfamanager-app:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.7.3+dfsg-4 | Version: | 1.7.3+dfsg-4 |
lomiri-thumbnailer in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | lomiri-thumbnailer | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 3.0.4-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Marius Gripsgard <>, |
Binary: | liblomiri-thumbnailer-qt-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.0.4-2 | Version: | 3.0.4-2 |
Binary: | liblomiri-thumbnailer-qt1.0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.0.4-2 | Version: | 3.0.4-2 |
Binary: | lomiri-thumbnailer-service | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.0.4-2 | Version: | 3.0.4-2 |
Binary: | qml-module-lomiri-thumbnailer | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.0.4-2 | Version: | 3.0.4-2 |
Source: | lomiri-ui-extras | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.6.3-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | qml-module-lomiri-components-extras | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.6.3-2+b1 | Version: | 0.6.3-2+b1 |
lomiri-ui-toolkit in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | lomiri-ui-toolkit | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.3.5110+dfsg-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Marius Gripsgard <>, |
Binary: | liblomirigestures-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.3.5110+dfsg-2 | Version: | 1.3.5110+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | liblomirigestures5-private-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.3.5110+dfsg-2 | Version: | 1.3.5110+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | liblomirigestures5t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.3.5110+dfsg-2 | Version: | 1.3.5110+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | liblomirimetrics-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.3.5110+dfsg-2 | Version: | 1.3.5110+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | liblomirimetrics5-private-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.3.5110+dfsg-2 | Version: | 1.3.5110+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | liblomirimetrics5t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.3.5110+dfsg-2 | Version: | 1.3.5110+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | liblomiritoolkit-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.3.5110+dfsg-2 | Version: | 1.3.5110+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | liblomiritoolkit5-private-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.3.5110+dfsg-2 | Version: | 1.3.5110+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | liblomiritoolkit5t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.3.5110+dfsg-2 | Version: | 1.3.5110+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | lomiri-app-launch-profiler | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.3.5110+dfsg-2 | Version: | 1.3.5110+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | lomiri-ui-toolkit-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.3.5110+dfsg-2 | Version: | 1.3.5110+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | lomiri-ui-toolkit-examples | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.3.5110+dfsg-2 | Version: | 1.3.5110+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | lomiri-ui-toolkit-theme | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.3.5110+dfsg-2 | Version: | 1.3.5110+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | lomiri-ui-toolkit-tools | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.3.5110+dfsg-2 | Version: | 1.3.5110+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | qml-module-lomiri-components | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.3.5110+dfsg-2 | Version: | 1.3.5110+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | qml-module-lomiri-components-labs | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.3.5110+dfsg-2 | Version: | 1.3.5110+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | qml-module-lomiri-layouts | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.3.5110+dfsg-2 | Version: | 1.3.5110+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | qml-module-lomiri-metrics | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.3.5110+dfsg-2 | Version: | 1.3.5110+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | qml-module-lomiri-performancemetrics | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.3.5110+dfsg-2 | Version: | 1.3.5110+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | qml-module-lomiri-test | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.3.5110+dfsg-2 | Version: | 1.3.5110+dfsg-2 |
lomiri-url-dispatcher in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | lomiri-url-dispatcher | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.1.3-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Marius Gripsgard <>, |
Binary: | liblomiri-url-dispatcher-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.3-3 | Version: | 0.1.3-3 |
Binary: | liblomiri-url-dispatcher0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.3-3 | Version: | 0.1.3-3 |
Binary: | lomiri-url-dispatcher | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.3-3 | Version: | 0.1.3-3 |
Binary: | lomiri-url-dispatcher-testability:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.3-3 | Version: | 0.1.3-3 |
Binary: | lomiri-url-dispatcher-tools | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.3-3 | Version: | 0.1.3-3 |
Binary: | lomiri-url-dispatcher-tools-gui | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.3-3 | Version: | 0.1.3-3 |
lomiri-wallpapers in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | lomiri-wallpapers | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 20.04.0-4 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | lomiri-wallpapers:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 20.04.0-4 | Version: | 20.04.0-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-wallpapers-16.04:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 20.04.0-4 | Version: | 20.04.0-4 |
Binary: | lomiri-wallpapers-20.04:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 20.04.0-4 | Version: | 20.04.0-4 |
lomiri-weather-app in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | lomiri-weather-app | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 6.1.2-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | lomiri-weather-app | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 6.1.2-1 | Version: | 6.1.2-1 |
magnus in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | magnus | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1:1.0.3-4 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Martin Wimpress <>, Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | magnus:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1:1.0.3-4 | Version: | 1:1.0.3-4 |
maliit-framework in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | maliit-framework | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.3.0-5 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | libmaliit-glib-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.3.0-5+b1 | Version: | 2.3.0-5+b1 |
Binary: | libmaliit-glib2 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.3.0-5+b1 | Version: | 2.3.0-5+b1 |
Binary: | libmaliit-plugins2 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.3.0-5+b1 | Version: | 2.3.0-5+b1 |
Binary: | maliit-framework | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.3.0-5+b1 | Version: | 2.3.0-5+b1 |
Binary: | maliit-framework-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.3.0-5+b1 | Version: | 2.3.0-5+b1 |
Binary: | maliit-framework-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.3.0-5 | Version: | 2.3.0-5 |
maliit-inputcontext-gtk in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | maliit-inputcontext-gtk | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.99.1+git20151116.72d7576-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | maliit-inputcontext-gtk2 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.99.1+git20151116.72d7576-3+b1 | Version: | 0.99.1+git20151116.72d7576-3+b1 |
Binary: | maliit-inputcontext-gtk3 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.99.1+git20151116.72d7576-3+b1 | Version: | 0.99.1+git20151116.72d7576-3+b1 |
maliit-keyboard in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | maliit-keyboard | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.3.1-6 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | maliit-keyboard | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.3.1-6 | Version: | 2.3.1-6 |
marco in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | marco | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.26.2-4 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <>, Stefano Karapetsas <>, Mike Gabriel <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, |
Binary: | libmarco-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.2-4+b5 | Version: | 1.26.2-4+b5 |
Binary: | libmarco-private2 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.2-4+b5 | Version: | 1.26.2-4+b5 |
Binary: | marco | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.2-4+b5 | Version: | 1.26.2-4+b5 |
Binary: | marco-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.2-4 | Version: | 1.26.2-4 |
mate-applets in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | mate-applets | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.26.1-3.1 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <>, Stefano Karapetsas <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, Martin Wimpress <>, |
Binary: | mate-applets | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-3.1 | Version: | 1.26.1-3.1 |
Binary: | mate-applets-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-3.1 | Version: | 1.26.1-3.1 |
mate-backgrounds in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | mate-backgrounds | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.26.0-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <>, Stefano Karapetsas <>, Mike Gabriel <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, |
Binary: | mate-backgrounds:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.0-1 | Version: | 1.26.0-1 |
mate-calc in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | mate-calc | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.26.0-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Martin Wimpress <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, |
Binary: | mate-calc | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.0-1+b1 | Version: | 1.26.0-1+b1 |
Binary: | mate-calc-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.0-1 | Version: | 1.26.0-1 |
mate-common in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | mate-common | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.26.0-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <>, Stefano Karapetsas <>, Mike Gabriel <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, Martin Wimpress <>, |
Binary: | mate-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.0-1 | Version: | 1.26.0-1 |
mate-control-center in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | mate-control-center | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.26.1-1.1 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <>, Stefano Karapetsas <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, |
Binary: | libmate-slab-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-1.1+b4 | Version: | 1.26.1-1.1+b4 |
Binary: | libmate-slab0t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-1.1+b4 | Version: | 1.26.1-1.1+b4 |
Binary: | libmate-window-settings-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-1.1+b4 | Version: | 1.26.1-1.1+b4 |
Binary: | libmate-window-settings1t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-1.1+b4 | Version: | 1.26.1-1.1+b4 |
Binary: | mate-control-center | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-1.1+b4 | Version: | 1.26.1-1.1+b4 |
Binary: | mate-control-center-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-1.1 | Version: | 1.26.1-1.1 |
mate-desktop in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | mate-desktop | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.26.2-1.1 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <>, Stefano Karapetsas <>, Mike Gabriel <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, Martin Wimpress <>, |
Binary: | gir1.2-matedesktop-2.0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.2-1.1+b2 | Version: | 1.26.2-1.1+b2 |
Binary: | libmate-desktop-2-17t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.2-1.1+b2 | Version: | 1.26.2-1.1+b2 |
Binary: | libmate-desktop-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.2-1.1+b2 | Version: | 1.26.2-1.1+b2 |
Binary: | libmate-desktop-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.2-1.1 | Version: | 1.26.2-1.1 |
Binary: | mate-desktop | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.2-1.1+b2 | Version: | 1.26.2-1.1+b2 |
Binary: | mate-desktop-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.2-1.1 | Version: | 1.26.2-1.1 |
mate-desktop-environment in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | mate-desktop-environment | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.26.0+1 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <>, Stefano Karapetsas <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, |
Binary: | mate-core:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.0+1 | Version: | 1.26.0+1 |
Binary: | mate-desktop-environment:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.0+1 | Version: | 1.26.0+1 |
Binary: | mate-desktop-environment-core:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.0+1 | Version: | 1.26.0+1 |
Binary: | mate-desktop-environment-extra:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.0+1 | Version: | 1.26.0+1 |
Binary: | mate-desktop-environment-extras:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.0+1 | Version: | 1.26.0+1 |
mate-dock-applet in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | mate-dock-applet | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 21.10.0-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Martin Wimpress <>, Mike Gabriel <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, |
Binary: | mate-dock-applet | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 21.10.0-1 | Version: | 21.10.0-1 |
mate-icon-theme in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | mate-icon-theme | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.26.0-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <>, Stefano Karapetsas <>, Mike Gabriel <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, |
Binary: | mate-icon-theme:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.0-1 | Version: | 1.26.0-1 |
mate-indicator-applet in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | mate-indicator-applet | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.26.0-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <>, Stefano Karapetsas <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, Martin Wimpress <>, |
Binary: | mate-indicator-applet | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.0-1+b1 | Version: | 1.26.0-1+b1 |
Binary: | mate-indicator-applet-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.0-1 | Version: | 1.26.0-1 |
mate-media in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | mate-media | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.26.2-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <>, Stefano Karapetsas <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, |
Binary: | mate-media | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.2-1+b3 | Version: | 1.26.2-1+b3 |
Binary: | mate-media-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.2-1 | Version: | 1.26.2-1 |
Source: | mate-menu | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 22.04.2-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Martin Wimpress <>, Mike Gabriel <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, |
Binary: | mate-menu:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 22.04.2-2 | Version: | 22.04.2-2 |
Source: | mate-menus | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.26.1-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <>, Stefano Karapetsas <>, Mike Gabriel <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, |
Binary: | gir1.2-matemenu-2.0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-1+b2 | Version: | 1.26.1-1+b2 |
Binary: | libmate-menu-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-1+b2 | Version: | 1.26.1-1+b2 |
Binary: | libmate-menu2 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-1+b2 | Version: | 1.26.1-1+b2 |
Binary: | mate-menus:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-1 | Version: | 1.26.1-1 |
mate-netbook in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | mate-netbook | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.26.0-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <>, Stefano Karapetsas <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, |
Binary: | mate-netbook | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.0-1+b1 | Version: | 1.26.0-1+b1 |
Binary: | mate-netbook-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.0-1 | Version: | 1.26.0-1 |
mate-notification-daemon in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | mate-notification-daemon | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.26.1-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <>, Stefano Karapetsas <>, Mike Gabriel <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, |
Binary: | mate-notification-daemon | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-1+b3 | Version: | 1.26.1-1+b3 |
Binary: | mate-notification-daemon-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-1 | Version: | 1.26.1-1 |
mate-panel in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | mate-panel | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.27.1-4 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <>, Stefano Karapetsas <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, Petr Baudis <>, |
Binary: | gir1.2-matepanelapplet-4.0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.27.1-4 | Version: | 1.27.1-4 |
Binary: | libmate-panel-applet-4-1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.27.1-4 | Version: | 1.27.1-4 |
Binary: | libmate-panel-applet-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.27.1-4 | Version: | 1.27.1-4 |
Binary: | libmate-panel-applet-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.27.1-4 | Version: | 1.27.1-4 |
Binary: | mate-panel | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.27.1-4 | Version: | 1.27.1-4 |
Binary: | mate-panel-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.27.1-4 | Version: | 1.27.1-4 |
mate-polkit in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | mate-polkit | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.26.1-4 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <>, Stefano Karapetsas <>, Mike Gabriel <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, |
Binary: | mate-polkit | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-4+b1 | Version: | 1.26.1-4+b1 |
Binary: | mate-polkit-bin:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-4 | Version: | 1.26.1-4 |
Binary: | mate-polkit-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-4 | Version: | 1.26.1-4 |
mate-power-manager in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | mate-power-manager | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.26.1-1.1 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <>, Stefano Karapetsas <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, Petr Baudis <>, |
Binary: | mate-power-manager | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-1.1 | Version: | 1.26.1-1.1 |
Binary: | mate-power-manager-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-1.1 | Version: | 1.26.1-1.1 |
mate-screensaver in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | mate-screensaver | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.26.2-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <>, Stefano Karapetsas <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, |
Binary: | mate-screensaver | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.2-1+b1 | Version: | 1.26.2-1+b1 |
Binary: | mate-screensaver-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.2-1 | Version: | 1.26.2-1 |
mate-sensors-applet in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | mate-sensors-applet | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.26.0-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <>, Stefano Karapetsas <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, Martin Wimpress <>, |
Binary: | libmate-sensors-applet-plugin-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.0-1+b1 | Version: | 1.26.0-1+b1 |
Binary: | libmate-sensors-applet-plugin0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.0-1+b1 | Version: | 1.26.0-1+b1 |
Binary: | mate-sensors-applet | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.0-1+b1 | Version: | 1.26.0-1+b1 |
Binary: | mate-sensors-applet-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.0-1 | Version: | 1.26.0-1 |
Binary: | mate-sensors-applet-nvidia | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.0-1+b1 | Version: | 1.26.0-1+b1 |
mate-session-manager in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | mate-session-manager | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.26.1-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <>, Stefano Karapetsas <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, |
Binary: | debian-mate-default-settings:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-2 | Version: | 1.26.1-2 |
Binary: | mate-session-manager | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-2+b1 | Version: | 1.26.1-2+b1 |
mate-settings-daemon in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | mate-settings-daemon | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.26.1-1.1 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <>, Stefano Karapetsas <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, |
Binary: | mate-settings-daemon | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-1.1 | Version: | 1.26.1-1.1 |
Binary: | mate-settings-daemon-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-1.1 | Version: | 1.26.1-1.1 |
Binary: | mate-settings-daemon-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-1.1 | Version: | 1.26.1-1.1 |
mate-submodules in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | mate-submodules | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.0~git20230830.4074560-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | mate-submodules-source:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.0~git20230830.4074560-1 | Version: | 0.0~git20230830.4074560-1 |
mate-system-monitor in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | mate-system-monitor | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.26.3-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <>, Stefano Karapetsas <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, Martin Wimpress <>, |
Binary: | mate-system-monitor | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.3-1+b1 | Version: | 1.26.3-1+b1 |
Binary: | mate-system-monitor-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.3-1 | Version: | 1.26.3-1 |
mate-terminal in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | mate-terminal | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.26.1-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <>, Stefano Karapetsas <>, Mike Gabriel <>, Wences Arana <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, Martin Wimpress <>, |
Binary: | mate-terminal | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-1+b1 | Version: | 1.26.1-1+b1 |
Binary: | mate-terminal-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-1 | Version: | 1.26.1-1 |
mate-themes in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | mate-themes | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 3.22.26-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <>, Stefano Karapetsas <>, Mike Gabriel <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, |
Binary: | mate-themes:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.22.26-1 | Version: | 3.22.26-1 |
mate-tweak in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | mate-tweak | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 22.10.0-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Martin Wimpress <>, Mike Gabriel <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, |
Binary: | mate-tweak:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 22.10.0-3 | Version: | 22.10.0-3 |
mate-user-admin in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | mate-user-admin | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.7.0-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, N0rbert <>, |
Binary: | mate-user-admin | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.7.0-1+b1 | Version: | 1.7.0-1+b1 |
mate-user-guide in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | mate-user-guide | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.26.2-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <>, Stefano Karapetsas <>, Mike Gabriel <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, Martin Wimpress <>, |
Binary: | mate-user-guide:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.2-1 | Version: | 1.26.2-1 |
mate-user-share in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | mate-user-share | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.26.0-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <>, Stefano Karapetsas <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, |
Binary: | mate-user-share | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.0-1+b1 | Version: | 1.26.0-1+b1 |
Binary: | mate-user-share-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.0-1 | Version: | 1.26.0-1 |
mate-utils in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | mate-utils | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.26.1-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <>, Stefano Karapetsas <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, Martin Wimpress <>, |
Binary: | libmatedict-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-1+b3 | Version: | 1.26.1-1+b3 |
Binary: | libmatedict6 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-1+b3 | Version: | 1.26.1-1+b3 |
Binary: | mate-utils | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-1+b3 | Version: | 1.26.1-1+b3 |
Binary: | mate-utils-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-1 | Version: | 1.26.1-1 |
mate-window-applets in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | mate-window-applets | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 21.04.0-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Martin Wimpress <>, Mike Gabriel <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, |
Binary: | mate-window-applets-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 21.04.0-1 | Version: | 21.04.0-1 |
Binary: | mate-window-buttons-applet | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 21.04.0-1+b1 | Version: | 21.04.0-1+b1 |
Binary: | mate-window-menu-applet | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 21.04.0-1+b1 | Version: | 21.04.0-1+b1 |
Binary: | mate-window-title-applet | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 21.04.0-1+b1 | Version: | 21.04.0-1+b1 |
matekbd-keyboard-display in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | matekbd-keyboard-display | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 23.11.1-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Robert Tari <>, |
Binary: | matekbd-keyboard-display | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 23.11.1-1+b1 | Version: | 23.11.1-1+b1 |
mdns-reflector in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | mdns-reflector | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.0.1+git20230914.4b4cd3b-2.1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Edu Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Yuxiang Zhu <> |
Binary: | mdns-reflector | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.0.1+git20230914.4b4cd3b-2.1 | Version: | 0.0.1+git20230914.4b4cd3b-2.1 |
mediascanner2 in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | mediascanner2 | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.117-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Marius Gripsgard <>, |
Binary: | libmediascanner-2.0-4 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.117-3 | Version: | 0.117-3 |
Binary: | libmediascanner-2.0-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.117-3 | Version: | 0.117-3 |
Binary: | mediascanner2.0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.117-3 | Version: | 0.117-3 |
Binary: | mediascanner2.0-utils | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.117-3 | Version: | 0.117-3 |
Binary: | qml-module-mediascanner | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.117-3 | Version: | 0.117-3 |
mir in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | mir | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.14.1-8 |
Maintainer: | Debian Mir Team <> |
Uploaders: | Simon Quigley <>, Christopher James Halse Rogers <>, Mike Gabriel <>, Debian UBports Team <>, Marius Gripsgard <>, |
Binary: | libmiral-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested | Version: | |
Binary: | libmiral5t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested | Version: | |
Binary: | libmircommon-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.14.1-8 | Version: | 2.14.1-8 |
Binary: | libmircommon9t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.14.1-8 | Version: | 2.14.1-8 |
Binary: | libmircookie-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.14.1-8 | Version: | 2.14.1-8 |
Binary: | libmircookie2t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.14.1-8 | Version: | 2.14.1-8 |
Binary: | libmircore-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.14.1-8 | Version: | 2.14.1-8 |
Binary: | libmircore2t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.14.1-8 | Version: | 2.14.1-8 |
Binary: | libmiroil-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.14.1-8 | Version: | 2.14.1-8 |
Binary: | libmiroil3t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.14.1-8 | Version: | 2.14.1-8 |
Binary: | libmirplatform-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.14.1-8 | Version: | 2.14.1-8 |
Binary: | libmirplatform26t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.14.1-8 | Version: | 2.14.1-8 |
Binary: | libmirrenderer-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.14.1-8 | Version: | 2.14.1-8 |
Binary: | libmirserver-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.14.1-8 | Version: | 2.14.1-8 |
Binary: | libmirserver58t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.14.1-8 | Version: | 2.14.1-8 |
Binary: | libmirwayland-bin | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.14.1-8 | Version: | 2.14.1-8 |
Binary: | libmirwayland-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.14.1-8 | Version: | 2.14.1-8 |
Binary: | libmirwayland4t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.14.1-8 | Version: | 2.14.1-8 |
Binary: | mir-demos | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.14.1-8 | Version: | 2.14.1-8 |
Binary: | mir-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.14.1-8 | Version: | 2.14.1-8 |
Binary: | mir-graphics-drivers-desktop | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.14.1-8 | Version: | 2.14.1-8 |
Binary: | mir-graphics-drivers-nvidia | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.14.1-8 | Version: | 2.14.1-8 |
Binary: | mir-platform-graphics-eglstream-kms | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.14.1-8 | Version: | 2.14.1-8 |
Binary: | mir-platform-graphics-eglstream-kms20 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.14.1-8 | Version: | 2.14.1-8 |
Binary: | mir-platform-graphics-gbm-kms | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.14.1-8 | Version: | 2.14.1-8 |
Binary: | mir-platform-graphics-gbm-kms20 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.14.1-8 | Version: | 2.14.1-8 |
Binary: | mir-platform-graphics-wayland | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.14.1-8 | Version: | 2.14.1-8 |
Binary: | mir-platform-graphics-wayland20 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.14.1-8 | Version: | 2.14.1-8 |
Binary: | mir-platform-graphics-x | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.14.1-8 | Version: | 2.14.1-8 |
Binary: | mir-platform-graphics-x20 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.14.1-8 | Version: | 2.14.1-8 |
Binary: | mir-platform-input-evdev8 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.14.1-8 | Version: | 2.14.1-8 |
Binary: | mir-platform-rendering-egl-generic | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.14.1-8 | Version: | 2.14.1-8 |
Binary: | mir-platform-rendering-egl-generic20 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.14.1-8 | Version: | 2.14.1-8 |
Binary: | mir-renderer-gl-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.14.1-8 | Version: | 2.14.1-8 |
Binary: | mir-test-tools | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.14.1-8 | Version: | 2.14.1-8 |
Binary: | mir-wlcs-integration | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.14.1-8 | Version: | 2.14.1-8 |
Binary: | mirtest-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.14.1-8 | Version: | 2.14.1-8 |
mkcal in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | mkcal | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.7.26+dfsg-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | libmkcal-qt5-0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.26+dfsg-2+b1 | Version: | 0.7.26+dfsg-2+b1 |
Binary: | libmkcal-qt5-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.26+dfsg-2+b1 | Version: | 0.7.26+dfsg-2+b1 |
Binary: | mkcal-bin | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.7.26+dfsg-2+b1 | Version: | 0.7.26+dfsg-2+b1 |
morph-browser in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | morph-browser | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.1.2+dfsg-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Marius Gripsgard <>, |
Binary: | morph-browser | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.1.2+dfsg-3 | Version: | 1.1.2+dfsg-3 |
Binary: | morph-webapp-container | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.1.2+dfsg-3 | Version: | 1.1.2+dfsg-3 |
Binary: | qml-module-morph-web | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.1.2+dfsg-3 | Version: | 1.1.2+dfsg-3 |
Binary: | qml-module-morph-web-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.1.2+dfsg-3 | Version: | 1.1.2+dfsg-3 |
mozo in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | mozo | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.26.2-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <>, Stefano Karapetsas <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, Martin Wimpress <>, |
Binary: | mozo:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.2-1 | Version: | 1.26.2-1 |
nemo-qml-plugin-contacts in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | nemo-qml-plugin-contacts | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.3.31-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Guido Berhörster <>, |
Binary: | libcontactcache-qt5-1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.3.31-1 | Version: | 0.3.31-1 |
Binary: | libcontactcache-qt5-bin | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.3.31-1 | Version: | 0.3.31-1 |
Binary: | libcontactcache-qt5-data:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.3.31-1 | Version: | 0.3.31-1 |
Binary: | libcontactcache-qt5-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.3.31-1 | Version: | 0.3.31-1 |
Binary: | qml-module-org-nemomobile-contacts | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.3.31-1 | Version: | 0.3.31-1 |
net-cpp in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | net-cpp | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 3.1.1+dfsg-4 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Marius Gripsgard <>, |
Binary: | libnet-cpp-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.1.1+dfsg-4 | Version: | 3.1.1+dfsg-4 |
Binary: | libnet-cpp-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.1.1+dfsg-4 | Version: | 3.1.1+dfsg-4 |
Binary: | libnet-cpp2 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.1.1+dfsg-4 | Version: | 3.1.1+dfsg-4 |
nextcloud-spreed-signaling in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | nextcloud-spreed-signaling | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.2.4-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian Go Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Dominik George <>, Joachim Bauch <>, |
Binary: | nextcloud-spreed-signaling | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.2.4-3+b4 | Version: | 1.2.4-3+b4 |
Binary: | nextcloud-spreed-signaling-client | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.2.4-3+b4 | Version: | 1.2.4-3+b4 |
Binary: | nextcloud-spreed-signaling-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.2.4-3 | Version: | 1.2.4-3 |
Binary: | nextcloud-spreed-signaling-proxy | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.2.4-3+b4 | Version: | 1.2.4-3+b4 |
node-require-all in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | node-require-all | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 3.0.0-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian Javascript Maintainers <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <> |
Binary: | node-require-all:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.0.0-3 | Version: | 3.0.0-3 |
nodm in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | nodm | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.13-6.1 |
Maintainer: | Mike Gabriel <> |
Uploaders: | Joachim Breitner <>, |
Binary: | nodm | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.13-6.1 | Version: | 0.13-6.1 |
numix-gtk-theme in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | numix-gtk-theme | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.6.7-7 |
Maintainer: | Debian Desktop Theme Team <> |
Uploaders: | Jeremy Bicha <>, Mike Gabriel <>, Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Binary: | numix-gtk-theme:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.6.7-7 | Version: | 2.6.7-7 |
numix-icon-theme in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | numix-icon-theme | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0~20250131-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Desktop Theme Team <> |
Uploaders: | Jeremy Bicha <>, Mike Gabriel <>, Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <>, James Lu <> |
Binary: | numix-icon-theme:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0~20250131-1 | Version: | 0~20250131-1 |
nx-libs in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | nx-libs | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2: |
Maintainer: | Debian Remote Maintainers <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Mihai Moldovan <>, Debian Remote Maintainers <> |
Binary: | libnx-x11-6t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2: | Version: | 2: |
Binary: | libnx-x11-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2: | Version: | 2: |
Binary: | libxcomp-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2: | Version: | 2: |
Binary: | libxcomp3t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2: | Version: | 2: |
Binary: | libxcompshad-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2: | Version: | 2: |
Binary: | libxcompshad3t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2: | Version: | 2: |
Binary: | nx-x11-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2: | Version: | 2: |
Binary: | nx-x11proto-composite-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2: | Version: | 2: |
Binary: | nx-x11proto-core-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2: | Version: | 2: |
Binary: | nx-x11proto-damage-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2: | Version: | 2: |
Binary: | nx-x11proto-randr-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2: | Version: | 2: |
Binary: | nx-x11proto-render-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2: | Version: | 2: |
Binary: | nx-x11proto-scrnsaver-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2: | Version: | 2: |
Binary: | nx-x11proto-xext-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2: | Version: | 2: |
Binary: | nx-x11proto-xfixes-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2: | Version: | 2: |
Binary: | nx-x11proto-xinerama-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2: | Version: | 2: |
Binary: | nxagent | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2: | Version: | 2: |
Binary: | nxdialog:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2: | Version: | 2: |
Binary: | nxproxy | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2: | Version: | 2: |
onboard in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | onboard | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.4.1-10 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Jeremy Bicha <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, |
Binary: | onboard | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.4.1-10 | Version: | 1.4.1-10 |
Binary: | onboard-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.4.1-10 | Version: | 1.4.1-10 |
Binary: | onboard-data:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.4.1-10 | Version: | 1.4.1-10 |
openboard in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | openboard | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.7.3+dfsg-0.1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Edu Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | openboard | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.7.3+dfsg-0.1 | Version: | 1.7.3+dfsg-0.1 |
Binary: | openboard-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.7.3+dfsg-0.1 | Version: | 1.7.3+dfsg-0.1 |
opennds in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | opennds | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 10.3.0+dfsg-0.1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Edu Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Daniel Teichmann <>, |
Binary: | opennds:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 10.3.0+dfsg-0.1 | Version: | 10.3.0+dfsg-0.1 |
Binary: | opennds-daemon | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 10.3.0+dfsg-0.1 | Version: | 10.3.0+dfsg-0.1 |
Binary: | opennds-daemon-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 10.3.0+dfsg-0.1 | Version: | 10.3.0+dfsg-0.1 |
persistent-cache-cpp in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | persistent-cache-cpp | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.0.7-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Marius Gripsgard <>, |
Binary: | persistent-cache-cpp-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.7-2 | Version: | 1.0.7-2 |
Binary: | persistent-cache-cpp-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.7-2 | Version: | 1.0.7-2 |
pinentry-x2go in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | pinentry-x2go | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | |
Maintainer: | Debian Remote Maintainers <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | pinentry-x2go | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested | Version: | |
plank in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | plank | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.11.89-6 |
Maintainer: | Rico Tzschichholz <> |
Uploaders: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <>, Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | libplank-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.11.89-6 | Version: | 0.11.89-6 |
Binary: | libplank-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.11.89-6+b1 | Version: | 0.11.89-6+b1 |
Binary: | libplank-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.11.89-6 | Version: | 0.11.89-6 |
Binary: | libplank1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.11.89-6+b1 | Version: | 0.11.89-6+b1 |
Binary: | plank | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.11.89-6+b1 | Version: | 0.11.89-6+b1 |
pluma in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | pluma | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.26.1-2.1 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <>, Stefano Karapetsas <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, |
Binary: | gir1.2-pluma-1.0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-2.1 | Version: | 1.26.1-2.1 |
Binary: | pluma | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-2.1 | Version: | 1.26.1-2.1 |
Binary: | pluma-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-2.1 | Version: | 1.26.1-2.1 |
Binary: | pluma-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-2.1 | Version: | 1.26.1-2.1 |
Binary: | pluma-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.1-2.1 | Version: | 1.26.1-2.1 |
pluma-plugins in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | pluma-plugins | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.27.0-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <>, Stefano Karapetsas <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, |
Binary: | pluma-plugin-bookmarks | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.27.0-3+b1 | Version: | 1.27.0-3+b1 |
Binary: | pluma-plugin-bracketcompletion | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.27.0-3+b1 | Version: | 1.27.0-3+b1 |
Binary: | pluma-plugin-codecomment | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.27.0-3+b1 | Version: | 1.27.0-3+b1 |
Binary: | pluma-plugin-quickhighlight | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.27.0-3+b1 | Version: | 1.27.0-3+b1 |
Binary: | pluma-plugin-smartspaces | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.27.0-3+b1 | Version: | 1.27.0-3+b1 |
Binary: | pluma-plugin-sourcecodebrowser | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.27.0-3+b1 | Version: | 1.27.0-3+b1 |
Binary: | pluma-plugin-synctex | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.27.0-3+b1 | Version: | 1.27.0-3+b1 |
Binary: | pluma-plugin-terminal | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.27.0-3+b1 | Version: | 1.27.0-3+b1 |
Binary: | pluma-plugin-wordcompletion | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.27.0-3+b1 | Version: | 1.27.0-3+b1 |
Binary: | pluma-plugins | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.27.0-3+b1 | Version: | 1.27.0-3+b1 |
Binary: | pluma-plugins-common | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.27.0-3+b1 | Version: | 1.27.0-3+b1 |
process-cpp in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | process-cpp | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 3.0.2-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | libprocess-cpp-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.0.2-1 | Version: | 3.0.2-1 |
Binary: | libprocess-cpp-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.0.2-1 | Version: | 3.0.2-1 |
Binary: | libprocess-cpp3 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.0.2-1 | Version: | 3.0.2-1 |
properties-cpp in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | properties-cpp | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.0.3-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | The Ayatana Packagers <>, Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | libproperties-cpp-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.0.3-2 | Version: | 0.0.3-2 |
Binary: | libproperties-cpp-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.0.3-2 | Version: | 0.0.3-2 |
pyhoca-cli in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | pyhoca-cli | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | |
Maintainer: | Debian Remote Maintainers <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <> |
Binary: | pyhoca-cli:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested | Version: | |
python-caja in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | python-caja | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.26.0-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz <>, Stefano Karapetsas <>, Vangelis Mouhtsis <>, Martin Wimpress <>, |
Binary: | python-caja-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.0-1 | Version: | 1.26.0-1 |
Binary: | python3-caja | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.26.0-1+b5 | Version: | 1.26.0-1+b5 |
python-injector in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | python-injector | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.21.0-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Python Team <> |
Uploaders: | Martin Wimpress <>, Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | python3-injector:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.21.0-1 | Version: | 0.21.0-1 |
python-looseversion in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | python-looseversion | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.3.0-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian Python Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <> |
Binary: | python3-looseversion:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.3.0-3 | Version: | 1.3.0-3 |
python-pampy in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | python-pampy | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.0.2-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian Python Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <> |
Binary: | python3-pampy:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.0.2-3 | Version: | 2.0.2-3 |
python-rx in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | python-rx | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 4.0.4-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian Python Team <> |
Uploaders: | Martin Wimpress <>, Mike Gabriel <>, Sophie Brun <>, |
Binary: | python3-rx:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 4.0.4-3 | Version: | 4.0.4-3 |
python-wither in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | python-wither | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.1-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian Python Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <> |
Binary: | python3-wither:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.1-3 | Version: | 1.1-3 |
python-x2go in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | python-x2go | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | |
Maintainer: | Debian Remote Maintainers <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | python-x2go-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested | Version: | |
Binary: | python3-x2go:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested | Version: | |
Source: | qmenumodel | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.9.2-1 |
Maintainer: | Ayatana Packagers <> |
Uploaders: | Debian UBports Team <>, Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | libqmenumodel-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.2-1+b2 | Version: | 0.9.2-1+b2 |
Binary: | libqmenumodel1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.2-1+b2 | Version: | 0.9.2-1+b2 |
Binary: | qmenumodel-qml | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.2-1+b2 | Version: | 0.9.2-1+b2 |
Binary: | qml-module-qmenumodel1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.2-1+b2 | Version: | 0.9.2-1+b2 |
qmf in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | qmf | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 5.0~git20241030.1476b88-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | libqmf-qt5-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.0~git20241030.1476b88-2 | Version: | 5.0~git20241030.1476b88-2 |
Binary: | libqmfclient-qt5-4 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.0~git20241030.1476b88-2 | Version: | 5.0~git20241030.1476b88-2 |
Binary: | libqmfmessageserver-qt5-4 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.0~git20241030.1476b88-2 | Version: | 5.0~git20241030.1476b88-2 |
Binary: | qmfmessageserver | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.0~git20241030.1476b88-2 | Version: | 5.0~git20241030.1476b88-2 |
qmltermwidget in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | qmltermwidget | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.2+git20220109.6322802-4 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Alex Myczko <>, |
Binary: | qml-module-termwidget | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.2+git20220109.6322802-4+b1 | Version: | 0.2+git20220109.6322802-4+b1 |
Binary: | qmltermwidget-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.2+git20220109.6322802-4 | Version: | 0.2+git20220109.6322802-4 |
qqc2-suru-style in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | qqc2-suru-style | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.20230630-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | qml-module-qtquick-controls2-suru | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.20230630-1+b1 | Version: | 0.20230630-1+b1 |
qtcontacts-sqlite in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | qtcontacts-sqlite | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.3.20-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | libqt5contact5-plugin-sqlite | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.3.20-2 | Version: | 0.3.20-2 |
Binary: | qtcontacts5-plugin-sqlite-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.3.20-2 | Version: | 0.3.20-2 |
qtfeedback-opensource-src in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | qtfeedback-opensource-src | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 5.0~git20180903.a14bd0b-6 |
Maintainer: | Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers <> |
Uploaders: | Debian UBports Team <>, Timo Jyrinki <>, Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | libqt5feedback5 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.0~git20180903.a14bd0b-6+b1 | Version: | 5.0~git20180903.a14bd0b-6+b1 |
Binary: | qml-module-qtfeedback | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.0~git20180903.a14bd0b-6+b1 | Version: | 5.0~git20180903.a14bd0b-6+b1 |
Binary: | qtfeedback5-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.0~git20180903.a14bd0b-6+b1 | Version: | 5.0~git20180903.a14bd0b-6+b1 |
Binary: | qtfeedback5-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.0~git20180903.a14bd0b-6 | Version: | 5.0~git20180903.a14bd0b-6 |
Binary: | qtfeedback5-examples:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.0~git20180903.a14bd0b-6 | Version: | 5.0~git20180903.a14bd0b-6 |
Source: | qtlomiri-appmenutheme | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.66-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | qtlomiri-appmenutheme-qt5 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.66-1+b1 | Version: | 0.66-1+b1 |
qtmir in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | qtmir | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.8.0~git20240306.de639c3-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers <>, Mike Gabriel <>, Marius Gripsgard <>, |
Binary: | libqtmirserver-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.8.0~git20240306.de639c3-3+b1 | Version: | 0.8.0~git20240306.de639c3-3+b1 |
Binary: | libqtmirserver2 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.8.0~git20240306.de639c3-3+b1 | Version: | 0.8.0~git20240306.de639c3-3+b1 |
Binary: | qml-module-qtmir | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.8.0~git20240306.de639c3-3+b1 | Version: | 0.8.0~git20240306.de639c3-3+b1 |
Binary: | qtmir | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.8.0~git20240306.de639c3-3+b1 | Version: | 0.8.0~git20240306.de639c3-3+b1 |
Binary: | qtmir-android | unknown package |
Binary: | qtmir-desktop | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.8.0~git20240306.de639c3-3+b1 | Version: | 0.8.0~git20240306.de639c3-3+b1 |
Binary: | qtmir-tests | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.8.0~git20240306.de639c3-3+b1 | Version: | 0.8.0~git20240306.de639c3-3+b1 |
qtorganizer-eds in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | qtorganizer-eds | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.2.0-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | qtorganizer5-eds | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.2.0-3 | Version: | 0.2.0-3 |
qtorganizer-mkcal in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | qtorganizer-mkcal | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.1.0~git20250211.88829da-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <> |
Binary: | qtorganizer5-mkcal | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.0~git20250211.88829da-1 | Version: | 0.1.0~git20250211.88829da-1 |
qtpim-opensource-src in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | qtpim-opensource-src | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 5.0~git20201102.f9a8f0fc+dfsg1-6 |
Maintainer: | Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers <> |
Uploaders: | Debian UBports Team <>, Timo Jyrinki <>, Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | libqt5contacts5a | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.0~git20201102.f9a8f0fc+dfsg1-6 | Version: | 5.0~git20201102.f9a8f0fc+dfsg1-6 |
Binary: | libqt5organizer5a | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.0~git20201102.f9a8f0fc+dfsg1-6 | Version: | 5.0~git20201102.f9a8f0fc+dfsg1-6 |
Binary: | libqt5versit5a | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.0~git20201102.f9a8f0fc+dfsg1-6 | Version: | 5.0~git20201102.f9a8f0fc+dfsg1-6 |
Binary: | libqt5versitorganizer5a | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.0~git20201102.f9a8f0fc+dfsg1-6 | Version: | 5.0~git20201102.f9a8f0fc+dfsg1-6 |
Binary: | qml-module-qtcontacts | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.0~git20201102.f9a8f0fc+dfsg1-6 | Version: | 5.0~git20201102.f9a8f0fc+dfsg1-6 |
Binary: | qml-module-qtorganizer | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.0~git20201102.f9a8f0fc+dfsg1-6 | Version: | 5.0~git20201102.f9a8f0fc+dfsg1-6 |
Binary: | qtpim5-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.0~git20201102.f9a8f0fc+dfsg1-6 | Version: | 5.0~git20201102.f9a8f0fc+dfsg1-6 |
Binary: | qtpim5-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.0~git20201102.f9a8f0fc+dfsg1-6 | Version: | 5.0~git20201102.f9a8f0fc+dfsg1-6 |
Binary: | qtpim5-doc-html:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.0~git20201102.f9a8f0fc+dfsg1-6 | Version: | 5.0~git20201102.f9a8f0fc+dfsg1-6 |
Binary: | qtpim5-examples | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.0~git20201102.f9a8f0fc+dfsg1-6 | Version: | 5.0~git20201102.f9a8f0fc+dfsg1-6 |
Binary: | qtpim5-private-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.0~git20201102.f9a8f0fc+dfsg1-6 | Version: | 5.0~git20201102.f9a8f0fc+dfsg1-6 |
qtsystems-opensource-src in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | qtsystems-opensource-src | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 5.0~git20230712.81e08ee+dfsg-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers <> |
Uploaders: | Debian UBports Team <>, Timo Jyrinki <>, Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | libqt5publishsubscribe5t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.0~git20230712.81e08ee+dfsg-3+b2 | Version: | 5.0~git20230712.81e08ee+dfsg-3+b2 |
Binary: | libqt5serviceframework5t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.0~git20230712.81e08ee+dfsg-3+b2 | Version: | 5.0~git20230712.81e08ee+dfsg-3+b2 |
Binary: | libqt5systeminfo5t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.0~git20230712.81e08ee+dfsg-3+b2 | Version: | 5.0~git20230712.81e08ee+dfsg-3+b2 |
Binary: | qml-module-qtpublishsubscribe | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.0~git20230712.81e08ee+dfsg-3+b2 | Version: | 5.0~git20230712.81e08ee+dfsg-3+b2 |
Binary: | qml-module-qtserviceframework | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.0~git20230712.81e08ee+dfsg-3+b2 | Version: | 5.0~git20230712.81e08ee+dfsg-3+b2 |
Binary: | qml-module-qtsysteminfo | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.0~git20230712.81e08ee+dfsg-3+b2 | Version: | 5.0~git20230712.81e08ee+dfsg-3+b2 |
Binary: | qtsystems5-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.0~git20230712.81e08ee+dfsg-3+b2 | Version: | 5.0~git20230712.81e08ee+dfsg-3+b2 |
Binary: | qtsystems5-examples | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.0~git20230712.81e08ee+dfsg-3+b2 | Version: | 5.0~git20230712.81e08ee+dfsg-3+b2 |
Binary: | qtsystems5-private-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.0~git20230712.81e08ee+dfsg-3+b2 | Version: | 5.0~git20230712.81e08ee+dfsg-3+b2 |
Binary: | qtsystems5-tools | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.0~git20230712.81e08ee+dfsg-3+b2 | Version: | 5.0~git20230712.81e08ee+dfsg-3+b2 |
quickflux in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | quickflux | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.1.3+git20201110.2a37acf-4 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | qml-module-quickflux | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.1.3+git20201110.2a37acf-4 | Version: | 1.1.3+git20201110.2a37acf-4 |
Binary: | quickflux-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.1.3+git20201110.2a37acf-4 | Version: | 1.1.3+git20201110.2a37acf-4 |
qwebdavlib in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | qwebdavlib | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.0.0-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | libqwebdav-qt5-1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.0-1+b1 | Version: | 1.0.0-1+b1 |
Binary: | libqwebdav-qt5-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.0-1+b1 | Version: | 1.0.0-1+b1 |
Binary: | libqwebdav-qt6-1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.0-1+b1 | Version: | 1.0.0-1+b1 |
Binary: | libqwebdav-qt6-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.0-1+b1 | Version: | 1.0.0-1+b1 |
qzxing in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | qzxing | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 3.3.0+dfsg-6 |
Maintainer: | Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers <> |
Uploaders: | Debian UBports Team <>, Mike Gabriel <>, Marius Gripsgard <>, |
Binary: | libqzxing-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.3.0+dfsg-6 | Version: | 3.3.0+dfsg-6 |
Binary: | libqzxing3 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.3.0+dfsg-6 | Version: | 3.3.0+dfsg-6 |
Binary: | qml-module-qzxing | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.3.0+dfsg-6 | Version: | 3.3.0+dfsg-6 |
remote-logon-config-agent in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | remote-logon-config-agent | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.10-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Remote Maintainers <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | remote-logon-config-agent:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.10-1 | Version: | 0.10-1 |
remote-logon-service in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | remote-logon-service | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | |
Maintainer: | Debian Remote Maintainers <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | remote-logon-service | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested | Version: | |
repowerd in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | repowerd | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2023.07-4 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | repowerd | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2023.07-4 | Version: | 2023.07-4 |
Binary: | repowerd-data:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2023.07-4 | Version: | 2023.07-4 |
Binary: | repowerd-tools | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2023.07-4 | Version: | 2023.07-4 |
rlottie-qml in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | rlottie-qml | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.1~git20240610.022644c-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | qml-module-rlottie | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1~git20240610.022644c-2 | Version: | 0.1~git20240610.022644c-2 |
schema2ldif in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | schema2ldif | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.3-4 |
Maintainer: | FusionDirectory Packagers <> |
Uploaders: | Benoit Mortier <>, Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | schema2ldif:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.3-4 | Version: | 1.3-4 |
shutdown-at-night in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | shutdown-at-night | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.24 |
Maintainer: | Debian Edu Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Petter Reinholdtsen <>, Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | shutdown-at-night:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.24 | Version: | 0.24 |
signond in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | signond | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 8.61+git20231015.c8ad982-7 |
Maintainer: | Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers <> |
Uploaders: | Diane Trout <>, Scarlett Moore <>, Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | libsignon-extension1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 8.61+git20231015.c8ad982-7 | Version: | 8.61+git20231015.c8ad982-7 |
Binary: | libsignon-plugins-common1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 8.61+git20231015.c8ad982-7 | Version: | 8.61+git20231015.c8ad982-7 |
Binary: | libsignon-plugins-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 8.61+git20231015.c8ad982-7 | Version: | 8.61+git20231015.c8ad982-7 |
Binary: | libsignon-qt5-1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 8.61+git20231015.c8ad982-7 | Version: | 8.61+git20231015.c8ad982-7 |
Binary: | libsignon-qt5-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 8.61+git20231015.c8ad982-7 | Version: | 8.61+git20231015.c8ad982-7 |
Binary: | libsignon-qt5-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 8.61+git20231015.c8ad982-7 | Version: | 8.61+git20231015.c8ad982-7 |
Binary: | libsignon-qt6-1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 8.61+git20231015.c8ad982-7 | Version: | 8.61+git20231015.c8ad982-7 |
Binary: | libsignon-qt6-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 8.61+git20231015.c8ad982-7 | Version: | 8.61+git20231015.c8ad982-7 |
Binary: | libsignon-qt6-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 8.61+git20231015.c8ad982-7 | Version: | 8.61+git20231015.c8ad982-7 |
Binary: | signon-plugin-password | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 8.61+git20231015.c8ad982-7 | Version: | 8.61+git20231015.c8ad982-7 |
Binary: | signon-plugin-ssotest | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 8.61+git20231015.c8ad982-7 | Version: | 8.61+git20231015.c8ad982-7 |
Binary: | signon-plugins-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 8.61+git20231015.c8ad982-7 | Version: | 8.61+git20231015.c8ad982-7 |
Binary: | signond | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 8.61+git20231015.c8ad982-7 | Version: | 8.61+git20231015.c8ad982-7 |
Binary: | signond-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 8.61+git20231015.c8ad982-7 | Version: | 8.61+git20231015.c8ad982-7 |
Binary: | signond-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 8.61+git20231015.c8ad982-7 | Version: | 8.61+git20231015.c8ad982-7 |
sitesummary in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | sitesummary | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.1.60 |
Maintainer: | Debian Edu Developers <> |
Uploaders: | Petter Reinholdtsen <>, Mike Gabriel <> |
Binary: | libsitesummary-perl:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.60 | Version: | 0.1.60 |
Binary: | sitesummary:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.60 | Version: | 0.1.60 |
Binary: | sitesummary-client:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.60 | Version: | 0.1.60 |
slbackup in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | slbackup | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.0.12-13 |
Maintainer: | Debian Edu Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Holger Levsen <>, |
Binary: | slbackup:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.0.12-13 | Version: | 0.0.12-13 |
slbackup-php in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | slbackup-php | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.4.5-6 |
Maintainer: | Debian Edu Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | slbackup-php:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.4.5-6 | Version: | 0.4.5-6 |
smarty-gettext in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | smarty-gettext | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.7.0-1 |
Maintainer: | Mike Gabriel <> |
Uploaders: | Debian Edu Packaging Team <>, |
Binary: | smarty-gettext:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.7.0-1 | Version: | 1.7.0-1 |
Binary: | tsmarty2c:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.7.0-1 | Version: | 1.7.0-1 |
smarty-lexer in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | smarty-lexer | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 3.1.33+dfsg-1 |
Maintainer: | Mike Gabriel <> |
Uploaders: | Debian Edu Packaging Team <>, |
Binary: | smarty-lexer:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.1.33+dfsg-1 | Version: | 3.1.33+dfsg-1 |
smarty-validate in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | smarty-validate | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 3.0.3-4 |
Maintainer: | Mike Gabriel <> |
Binary: | smarty-validate:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.0.3-4 | Version: | 3.0.3-4 |
smarty3 in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | smarty3 | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 3.1.48-2 |
Maintainer: | Mike Gabriel <> |
Uploaders: | Debian Edu Packaging Team <>, |
Binary: | smarty3:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.1.48-2 | Version: | 3.1.48-2 |
smarty4 in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | smarty4 | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 4.5.4-1 |
Maintainer: | Mike Gabriel <> |
Uploaders: | Debian Edu Packaging Team <>, |
Binary: | smarty4:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 4.5.4-1 | Version: | 4.5.4-1 |
snapd-glib in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | snapd-glib | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.64-1 |
Maintainer: | Ayatana Packagers <> |
Uploaders: | Jeremy Bicha <>, Mike Gabriel <>, Robert Ancell <> |
Binary: | gir1.2-snapd-2 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.64-1+b1 | Version: | 1.64-1+b1 |
Binary: | libsnapd-glib-2-1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.64-1+b1 | Version: | 1.64-1+b1 |
Binary: | libsnapd-glib-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.64-1+b1 | Version: | 1.64-1+b1 |
Binary: | libsnapd-qt-2-1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.64-1+b1 | Version: | 1.64-1+b1 |
Binary: | libsnapd-qt-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.64-1+b1 | Version: | 1.64-1+b1 |
Binary: | qml-module-snapd | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.64-1+b1 | Version: | 1.64-1+b1 |
Binary: | snapd-glib-tests | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.64-1+b1 | Version: | 1.64-1+b1 |
standardskriver in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | standardskriver | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.0.4-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Edu Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <> |
Binary: | standardskriver:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.0.4-1 | Version: | 0.0.4-1 |
surf-display in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | surf-display | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.0.5-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian Edu Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <> |
Binary: | surf-display:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.0.5-2 | Version: | 0.0.5-2 |
suru-icon-theme in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | suru-icon-theme | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2024.10.13-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Desktop Theme Team <> |
Uploaders: | Debian UBports Team <>, Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | suru-icon-theme:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2024.10.13-1 | Version: | 2024.10.13-1 |
td in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | td | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.8.38~git20241021.d321984+dfsg-4 |
Maintainer: | Ying-Chun Liu (PaulLiu) <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | libtd-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.8.38~git20241021.d321984+dfsg-4 | Version: | 1.8.38~git20241021.d321984+dfsg-4 |
Binary: | libtd-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.8.38~git20241021.d321984+dfsg-4 | Version: | 1.8.38~git20241021.d321984+dfsg-4 |
Binary: | libtd-shim | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.8.38~git20241021.d321984+dfsg-4 | Version: | 1.8.38~git20241021.d321984+dfsg-4 |
Binary: | libtdjson1.8.38 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.8.38~git20241021.d321984+dfsg-4 | Version: | 1.8.38~git20241021.d321984+dfsg-4 |
td1.8.11 in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | td1.8.11 | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.8.11~git20230202.3179d35+dfsg-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | libtd1.8.11-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.8.11~git20230202.3179d35+dfsg-3 | Version: | 1.8.11~git20230202.3179d35+dfsg-3 |
Binary: | libtdjson1.8.11 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.8.11~git20230202.3179d35+dfsg-3 | Version: | 1.8.11~git20230202.3179d35+dfsg-3 |
tea4cups in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | tea4cups | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 3.14~alpha0+svn3576-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian Printing Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <> |
Binary: | cups-tea4cups:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.14~alpha0+svn3576-2 | Version: | 3.14~alpha0+svn3576-2 |
tigervnc in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | tigervnc | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.14.1+dfsg-1 |
Maintainer: | TigerVNC Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Joachim Falk <>, Mike Gabriel <>, Yaroslav Halchenko <>, Ola Lundqvist <>, Antoni Villalonga <> |
Binary: | tigervnc-common | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.14.1+dfsg-1 | Version: | 1.14.1+dfsg-1 |
Binary: | tigervnc-scraping-server | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.14.1+dfsg-1 | Version: | 1.14.1+dfsg-1 |
Binary: | tigervnc-standalone-server | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.14.1+dfsg-1 | Version: | 1.14.1+dfsg-1 |
Binary: | tigervnc-tools | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.14.1+dfsg-1 | Version: | 1.14.1+dfsg-1 |
Binary: | tigervnc-viewer | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.14.1+dfsg-1 | Version: | 1.14.1+dfsg-1 |
Binary: | tigervnc-xorg-extension | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.14.1+dfsg-1 | Version: | 1.14.1+dfsg-1 |
tinyproxy in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | tinyproxy | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.11.2-1 |
Maintainer: | Mike Gabriel <> |
Uploaders: | Ed Boraas <>, Jordi Mallach <>, Unit 193 <>, |
Binary: | tinyproxy:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.11.2-1 | Version: | 1.11.2-1 |
Binary: | tinyproxy-bin | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.11.2-1 | Version: | 1.11.2-1 |
tone-generator in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | tone-generator | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.6.1-5 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Marius Gripsgard <>, |
Binary: | tone-generator | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.6.1-5 | Version: | 1.6.1-5 |
Binary: | tone-generator-scripts:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.6.1-5 | Version: | 1.6.1-5 |
u1db-qt in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | u1db-qt | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.1.8-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian UBports Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | libu1db-qt5-3 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.8-1 | Version: | 0.1.8-1 |
Binary: | libu1db-qt5-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.8-1 | Version: | 0.1.8-1 |
Binary: | libu1db-qt5-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.8-1 | Version: | 0.1.8-1 |
Binary: | libu1db-qt5-examples:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.8-1 | Version: | 0.1.8-1 |
Binary: | qml-module-u1db | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.8-1 | Version: | 0.1.8-1 |
uif in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | uif | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.99.0-5 |
Maintainer: | Mike Gabriel <> |
Binary: | uif:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.99.0-5 | Version: | 1.99.0-5 |
user-session-migration in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | user-session-migration | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.4.3 |
Maintainer: | Ayatana Packagers <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Jeremy Bicha <>, Debian UBports Team <> |
Binary: | dh-user-session-migration:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.4.3 | Version: | 0.4.3 |
Binary: | user-session-migration | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.4.3 | Version: | 0.4.3 |
vala-panel in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | vala-panel | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.5.0-2 |
Maintainer: | Ayatana Packagers <> |
Uploaders: | Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <>, Martin Wimpress <>, Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | libvalapanel-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.5.0-2+b2 | Version: | 0.5.0-2+b2 |
Binary: | libvalapanel0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.5.0-2+b2 | Version: | 0.5.0-2+b2 |
Binary: | vala-panel | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.5.0-2+b2 | Version: | 0.5.0-2+b2 |
Binary: | vala-panel-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.5.0-2 | Version: | 0.5.0-2 |
Binary: | vala-panel-plugins-base | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.5.0-2+b2 | Version: | 0.5.0-2+b2 |
Binary: | vala-panel-plugins-wnck | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.5.0-2+b2 | Version: | 0.5.0-2+b2 |
veyon in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | veyon | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 4.7.5+repack1-1.2 |
Maintainer: | Debian Edu Packaging Team <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | libveyon-core | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 4.7.5+repack1-1.2+b1 | Version: | 4.7.5+repack1-1.2+b1 |
Binary: | veyon-configurator | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 4.7.5+repack1-1.2+b1 | Version: | 4.7.5+repack1-1.2+b1 |
Binary: | veyon-master | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 4.7.5+repack1-1.2+b1 | Version: | 4.7.5+repack1-1.2+b1 |
Binary: | veyon-plugins | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 4.7.5+repack1-1.2+b1 | Version: | 4.7.5+repack1-1.2+b1 |
Binary: | veyon-service | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 4.7.5+repack1-1.2+b1 | Version: | 4.7.5+repack1-1.2+b1 |
wbxml2 in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | wbxml2 | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.11.10+dfsg-2 |
Maintainer: | Mike Gabriel <> |
Uploaders: | Debian UBports Team <>, |
Binary: | libwbxml2-1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.11.10+dfsg-2 | Version: | 0.11.10+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | libwbxml2-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.11.10+dfsg-2 | Version: | 0.11.10+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | libwbxml2-private-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.11.10+dfsg-2 | Version: | 0.11.10+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | libwbxml2-utils | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.11.10+dfsg-2 | Version: | 0.11.10+dfsg-2 |
weston in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | weston | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 14.0.1-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian X Strike Force <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <>, Héctor Orón Martínez <>, Emilio Pozuelo Monfort <>, Dylan Aïssi <> |
Binary: | libweston-14-0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 14.0.1-3 | Version: | 14.0.1-3 |
Binary: | libweston-14-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 14.0.1-3 | Version: | 14.0.1-3 |
Binary: | weston | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 14.0.1-3 | Version: | 14.0.1-3 |
Binary: | weston-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 14.0.1-3 | Version: | 14.0.1-3 |
wlcs in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | wlcs | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.6.1-2 |
Maintainer: | Debian Mir Team <> |
Uploaders: | Debian UBports Team <>, Christopher James Halse Rogers <>, Mike Gabriel <>, Marius Gripsgard <>, |
Binary: | wlcs | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.6.1-2 | Version: | 1.6.1-2 |
xorgxrdp in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | xorgxrdp | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1:0.10.2-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Remote Maintainers <> |
Uploaders: | Dominik George <>, Andreas Tille <>, Mike Gabriel <>, Thorsten Glaser <>, Alex Myczko <>, |
Binary: | xorgxrdp | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1:0.10.2-1 | Version: | 1:0.10.2-1 |
xournalpp in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | xournalpp | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.2.6-1 |
Maintainer: | Barak A. Pearlmutter <> |
Uploaders: | Mike Gabriel <> |
Binary: | xournalpp | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.2.6-1 | Version: | 1.2.6-1 |
xrdp in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | xrdp | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.10.1-3 |
Maintainer: | Debian Remote Maintainers <> |
Uploaders: | Dominik George <>, Mike Gabriel <>, Thorsten Glaser <>, Alex Myczko <>, |
Binary: | xrdp | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.10.1-3 | Version: | 0.10.1-3 |
xsct in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | xsct | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.3-1 |
Maintainer: | Mike Gabriel <> |
Binary: | xsct | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.3-1 | Version: | 2.3-1 |
xtrkcad in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | xtrkcad | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1:5.3.0GA-1.1 |
Maintainer: | Jörg Frings-Fürst <> |
Uploaders: | Daniel E. Markle <>, Mike Gabriel <> |
Binary: | xtrkcad | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1:5.3.0GA-1.1 | Version: | 1:5.3.0GA-1.1 |
Binary: | xtrkcad-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1:5.3.0GA-1.1 | Version: | 1:5.3.0GA-1.1 |
yaru-theme in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | yaru-theme | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 24.04.3-1 |
Maintainer: | Debian Desktop Theme Team <> |
Uploaders: | Martin Wimpress <>, Mike Gabriel <>, Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team <> |
Binary: | yaru-theme-gnome-shell:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 24.04.3-1 | Version: | 24.04.3-1 |
Binary: | yaru-theme-gtk:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 24.04.3-1 | Version: | 24.04.3-1 |
Binary: | yaru-theme-icon:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 24.04.3-1 | Version: | 24.04.3-1 |
Binary: | yaru-theme-sound:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 24.04.3-1 | Version: | 24.04.3-1 |
Binary: | yaru-theme-unity:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 24.04.3-1 | Version: | 24.04.3-1 |
zypper in trixie-rcmd |
Source: | zypper | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.14.84-1 |
Maintainer: | RPM packaging team <> |
Uploaders: | Luca Boccassi <>, Mike Gabriel <>, |
Binary: | zypper | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.14.84-1 | Version: | 1.14.84-1 |
Binary: | zypper-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.14.84-1 | Version: | 1.14.84-1 |
Binary: | zypper-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.14.84-1 | Version: | 1.14.84-1 |