in sid
other distributions: | experimental sid2experimental sid-strict sid-nodoc sid-merged-usr sid-broken-symlinks testing2sid trixie trixie-rcmd bookworm bookworm-rcmd bookworm-security bookworm-pu bookworm2next bullseye bullseye-rcmd bullseye-security bullseye-pu bullseye2next stable2sid stable22sid buster buster-rcmd buster-security buster-pu buster2next stretch2buster stretch2Xbuster stretch2buster-rcmd stretch2Xbuster-rcmd stretch2bpo2buster stretch2bpo stretch stretch-rcmd stretch-security stretch-pu stretch2next oldstable222sid oldstable22testing jessie2stretch jessie2Xstretch jessie2stretch-rcmd jessie2Xstretch-rcmd jessie-lts2stretch jessie2bpo2stretch jessie2bpo jessie2lts jessie jessie-rcmd jessie-security |
fail: | 2 | libpsml prody |
unknown: | 0 | |
pass: | 133 | abinit apbs atomes avogadro avogadrolibs bagel bkchem blaspp bodr btas c2x cclib chemical-mime-data chemicaltagger chemonomatopist chemps2 chemtool comet-ms cp2k cpptraj custodian dbcsr debichem devicexlib drawxtl easychem elkcode elpa ergo espresso freesasa frugally-deep ga gabedit gamgi garlic garlic-doc gau2grid gausssum gdis gelemental gemmi ghemical gnome-chemistry-utils gpaw gpaw-setups gperiodic gromacs inchi indigo isospec jgromacs jmol jna-inchi jni-inchi lapackpp libecpint libfdf libfplus libghemical libgridxc libint libint2 libmbd libmsnumpress libmstoolkit liboglappth libpappsomspp libpwiz libpwizlite librdata libtrexio libwildmagic libxc libxpertmass lutefisk macromoleculebuilder madness maloc massxpert massxpert2 mdanalysis mdtraj minexpert2 mmtf-java mmtf-python molds molequeue molmodel mopac mopac7 mpqc nwchem openbabel opendrop openmm openmolcas openms openstructure opsin oscar4 osra packmol parmed pdb-tools phonopy promod3 psi4 psicode pymatgen pymatgen-test-files pymol python-ase python-emmet-core python-griddataformats python-gsd python-mp-api python-pymzml qcelemental qcengine qutemol rdkit shelxle smiles-scripts tandem-mass testsweeper tiledarray toppic travis votca xcrysden xmakemol xtb |
libpsml in sid |
Source: | libpsml | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.0.1-2 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | libpsml-dev | piuparts-result: | dependency-does-not-exist N/A | Version: | 2.0.1-1 [cruft] |
prody in sid |
Source: | prody | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.4.1+dfsg-2 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Andrius Merkys <>, |
Binary: | python3-prody | piuparts-result: | dependency-does-not-exist N/A | Version: | 2.4.1+dfsg-2 |
Binary: | python3-prody-tests:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.4.1+dfsg-2 | Version: | 2.4.1+dfsg-2 |
abinit in sid |
Source: | abinit | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 9.10.4-3 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Andreas Tille <>, Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | abinit | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 9.10.4-3+b2 | Version: | 9.10.4-3+b2 |
Binary: | abinit-data:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 9.10.4-3 | Version: | 9.10.4-3 |
Binary: | abinit-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 9.10.4-3 | Version: | 9.10.4-3 |
apbs in sid |
Source: | apbs | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 3.4.1-6 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | apbs | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.4.1-6+b3 | Version: | 3.4.1-6+b3 |
Binary: | apbs-data:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.4.1-6 | Version: | 3.4.1-6 |
Binary: | apbs-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.4.1-6 | Version: | 3.4.1-6 |
Binary: | libapbs-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.4.1-6+b3 | Version: | 3.4.1-6+b3 |
Binary: | libapbs3t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.4.1-6+b3 | Version: | 3.4.1-6+b3 |
Binary: | libfetk-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.4.1-6+b3 | Version: | 3.4.1-6+b3 |
Binary: | libfetk1.9t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.4.1-6+b3 | Version: | 3.4.1-6+b3 |
Binary: | python3-apbslib | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.4.1-6+b3 | Version: | 3.4.1-6+b3 |
atomes in sid |
Source: | atomes | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.1.17-1 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Sébastien Le Roux <> |
Binary: | atomes | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.1.17-1 | Version: | 1.1.17-1 |
Binary: | atomes-data:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.1.17-1 | Version: | 1.1.17-1 |
avogadro in sid |
Source: | avogadro | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.100.0-2 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | avogadro | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.100.0-2 | Version: | 1.100.0-2 |
avogadrolibs in sid |
Source: | avogadrolibs | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.100.0-1 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Drew Parsons <> |
Binary: | avogadro-utils | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.100.0-1 | Version: | 1.100.0-1 |
Binary: | libavogadro-data:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.100.0-1 | Version: | 1.100.0-1 |
Binary: | libavogadro-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.100.0-1 | Version: | 1.100.0-1 |
Binary: | libavogadro-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.100.0-1 | Version: | 1.100.0-1 |
Binary: | libavogadro2-1t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.100.0-1 | Version: | 1.100.0-1 |
Binary: | python3-avogadro | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.100.0-1 | Version: | 1.100.0-1 |
bagel in sid |
Source: | bagel | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.2.2-8 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <>, Graham Inggs <> |
Binary: | bagel | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.2.2-8 | Version: | 1.2.2-8 |
bkchem in sid |
Source: | bkchem | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.14.0~pre4+git20211228-5 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <>, Daniel Leidert <> |
Binary: | bkchem:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.14.0~pre4+git20211228-5 | Version: | 0.14.0~pre4+git20211228-5 |
blaspp in sid |
Source: | blaspp | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2024.10.26-1 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | libblaspp-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2024.10.26-1 | Version: | 2024.10.26-1 |
bodr in sid |
Source: | bodr | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 10-3 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <>, Daniel Leidert <> |
Binary: | bodr:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 10-3 | Version: | 10-3 |
btas in sid |
Source: | btas | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.0+git20221014.147bf4d4-1 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | libbtas-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.0+git20221014.147bf4d4-1+b1 | Version: | 0.0+git20221014.147bf4d4-1+b1 |
c2x in sid |
Source: | c2x | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.42+ds-1 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Andrius Merkys <>, |
Binary: | c2x | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.42+ds-1 | Version: | 2.42+ds-1 |
cclib in sid |
Source: | cclib | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.8-1 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | cclib:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.8-1 | Version: | 1.8-1 |
Binary: | python3-cclib:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.8-1 | Version: | 1.8-1 |
chemical-mime-data in sid |
Source: | chemical-mime-data | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.1.94-7.2 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <>, Daniel Leidert <> |
Binary: | chemical-mime-data:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.1.94-7.2 | Version: | 0.1.94-7.2 |
chemicaltagger in sid |
Source: | chemicaltagger | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.6.2-4 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Andrius Merkys <>, |
Binary: | libchemicaltagger-java:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.6.2-4 | Version: | 1.6.2-4 |
chemonomatopist in sid |
Source: | chemonomatopist | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.10.0-1 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Andrius Merkys <>, |
Binary: | chemonomatopist:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.10.0-1 | Version: | 0.10.0-1 |
chemps2 in sid |
Source: | chemps2 | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.8.12-4 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Sebastian Wouters <>, Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | chemps2 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.8.12-4 | Version: | 1.8.12-4 |
Binary: | chemps2-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.8.12-4 | Version: | 1.8.12-4 |
Binary: | libchemps2-3t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.8.12-4 | Version: | 1.8.12-4 |
Binary: | libchemps2-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.8.12-4 | Version: | 1.8.12-4 |
Binary: | python3-chemps2 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.8.12-4 | Version: | 1.8.12-4 |
chemtool in sid |
Source: | chemtool | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.6.14-6 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <>, Daniel Leidert <> |
Binary: | chemtool | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.6.14-6+b1 | Version: | 1.6.14-6+b1 |
comet-ms in sid |
Source: | comet-ms | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2019015+cleaned1-4.1 |
Maintainer: | The Debichem Group <> |
Uploaders: | Filippo Rusconi <> |
Binary: | comet-ms | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2019015+cleaned1-4.1 | Version: | 2019015+cleaned1-4.1 |
cp2k in sid |
Source: | cp2k | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2024.1-1 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | cp2k | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2024.1-1 | Version: | 2024.1-1 |
Binary: | cp2k-data:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2024.1-1 | Version: | 2024.1-1 |
cpptraj in sid |
Source: | cpptraj | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 5.1.0+dfsg-4 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Andrius Merkys <>, |
Binary: | cpptraj | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.1.0+dfsg-4+b1 | Version: | 5.1.0+dfsg-4+b1 |
custodian in sid |
Source: | custodian | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2024.10.16-1 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Drew Parsons <> |
Binary: | python-custodian-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2024.10.16-1 | Version: | 2024.10.16-1 |
Binary: | python3-custodian:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2024.10.16-1 | Version: | 2024.10.16-1 |
dbcsr in sid |
Source: | dbcsr | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.8.0-2 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | libdbcsr-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.8.0-2 | Version: | 2.8.0-2 |
debichem in sid |
Source: | debichem | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.0.12 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <>, Andreas Tille <> |
Binary: | debichem-analytical-biochemistry:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.0.12 | Version: | 0.0.12 |
Binary: | debichem-cheminformatics:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.0.12 | Version: | 0.0.12 |
Binary: | debichem-crystallography:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.0.12 | Version: | 0.0.12 |
Binary: | debichem-development:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.0.12 | Version: | 0.0.12 |
Binary: | debichem-input-generation-output-processing:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.0.12 | Version: | 0.0.12 |
Binary: | debichem-molecular-abinitio:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.0.12 | Version: | 0.0.12 |
Binary: | debichem-molecular-dynamics:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.0.12 | Version: | 0.0.12 |
Binary: | debichem-molecular-modelling:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.0.12 | Version: | 0.0.12 |
Binary: | debichem-periodic-abinitio:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.0.12 | Version: | 0.0.12 |
Binary: | debichem-semiempirical:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.0.12 | Version: | 0.0.12 |
Binary: | debichem-tasks:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.0.12 | Version: | 0.0.12 |
Binary: | debichem-view-edit-2d:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.0.12 | Version: | 0.0.12 |
Binary: | debichem-visualisation:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.0.12 | Version: | 0.0.12 |
devicexlib in sid |
Source: | devicexlib | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.8.5-2 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | libdevicexlib-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.8.5-2 | Version: | 0.8.5-2 |
drawxtl in sid |
Source: | drawxtl | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 5.5-6.1 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Daniel Leidert <> |
Binary: | drawxtl | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.5-6.1+b1 | Version: | 5.5-6.1+b1 |
easychem in sid |
Source: | easychem | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.6-9 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <>, Daniel Leidert <> |
Binary: | easychem | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.6-9+b1 | Version: | 0.6-9+b1 |
elkcode in sid |
Source: | elkcode | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 10.4.5-1 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | elk-lapw | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 10.4.5-1 | Version: | 10.4.5-1 |
elpa in sid |
Source: | elpa | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2022.11.001-3 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <>, Graham Inggs <> |
Binary: | libelpa-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2022.11.001-3+b1 | Version: | 2022.11.001-3+b1 |
Binary: | libelpa19 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2022.11.001-3+b1 | Version: | 2022.11.001-3+b1 |
ergo in sid |
Source: | ergo | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 3.8.2-1.1 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | ergo | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.8.2-1.1 | Version: | 3.8.2-1.1 |
Binary: | ergo-data:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.8.2-1.1 | Version: | 3.8.2-1.1 |
espresso in sid |
Source: | espresso | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 6.7-3 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | quantum-espresso | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 6.7-3+b1 | Version: | 6.7-3+b1 |
Binary: | quantum-espresso-data:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 6.7-3 | Version: | 6.7-3 |
freesasa in sid |
Source: | freesasa | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.1.2-4 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Andrius Merkys <>, |
Binary: | freesasa | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.1.2-4 | Version: | 2.1.2-4 |
frugally-deep in sid |
Source: | frugally-deep | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.17.1-1 |
Maintainer: | The Debichem Group <> |
Uploaders: | Andrius Merkys <>, |
Binary: | libfdeep-dev:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.17.1-1 | Version: | 0.17.1-1 |
ga in sid |
Source: | ga | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 5.9-2 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | libglobalarrays-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.9-2 | Version: | 5.9-2 |
gabedit in sid |
Source: | gabedit | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.5.1+ds-2 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Daniel Leidert <> |
Binary: | gabedit | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.5.1+ds-2 | Version: | 2.5.1+ds-2 |
gamgi in sid |
Source: | gamgi | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.17.5-1 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Daniel Leidert <>, Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | gamgi | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.17.5-1+b1 | Version: | 0.17.5-1+b1 |
Binary: | gamgi-data:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.17.5-1 | Version: | 0.17.5-1 |
Binary: | gamgi-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.17.5-1 | Version: | 0.17.5-1 |
garlic in sid |
Source: | garlic | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.6-3 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <>, Andreas Tille <> |
Binary: | garlic | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.6-3+b1 | Version: | 1.6-3+b1 |
garlic-doc in sid |
Source: | garlic-doc | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.6-2 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | garlic-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.6-2 | Version: | 1.6-2 |
gau2grid in sid |
Source: | gau2grid | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.0.7-3 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | libgg-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.0.7-3 | Version: | 2.0.7-3 |
Binary: | libgg2 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.0.7-3 | Version: | 2.0.7-3 |
Binary: | python3-gau2grid | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.0.7-3 | Version: | 2.0.7-3 |
gausssum in sid |
Source: | gausssum | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 3.0.2-2 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | gausssum:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.0.2-2 | Version: | 3.0.2-2 |
gdis in sid |
Source: | gdis | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.00-1 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Daniel Leidert <> |
Binary: | gdis | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.00-1 | Version: | 1.00-1 |
Binary: | gdis-data:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.00-1 | Version: | 1.00-1 |
gelemental in sid |
Source: | gelemental | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.0.2-1.1 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Daniel Leidert <>, Graham Inggs <>, Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | gelemental | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.0.2-1.1+b2 | Version: | 2.0.2-1.1+b2 |
Binary: | libelemental-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.0.2-1.1+b2 | Version: | 2.0.2-1.1+b2 |
Binary: | libelemental-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.0.2-1.1 | Version: | 2.0.2-1.1 |
Binary: | libelemental0t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.0.2-1.1+b2 | Version: | 2.0.2-1.1+b2 |
gemmi in sid |
Source: | gemmi | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.6.5+ds-3 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Andrius Merkys <>, |
Binary: | gemmi | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.6.5+ds-3 | Version: | 0.6.5+ds-3 |
Binary: | gemmi-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.6.5+ds-3 | Version: | 0.6.5+ds-3 |
Binary: | python3-gemmi | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.6.5+ds-3 | Version: | 0.6.5+ds-3 |
ghemical in sid |
Source: | ghemical | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 3.0.0-5 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | ghemical | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.0.0-5+b2 | Version: | 3.0.0-5+b2 |
gnome-chemistry-utils in sid |
Source: | gnome-chemistry-utils | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.14.17-6.2 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Daniel Leidert <>, Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | gchempaint | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.14.17-6.2+b1 | Version: | 0.14.17-6.2+b1 |
Binary: | gcrystal | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.14.17-6.2+b1 | Version: | 0.14.17-6.2+b1 |
Binary: | gcu-bin | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.14.17-6.2+b1 | Version: | 0.14.17-6.2+b1 |
Binary: | libgcu0v5 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.14.17-6.2+b1 | Version: | 0.14.17-6.2+b1 |
gpaw in sid |
Source: | gpaw | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 25.1.0-1 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Marcin Dulak <>, Graham Inggs <> |
Binary: | gpaw | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 25.1.0-1+b1 | Version: | 25.1.0-1+b1 |
gpaw-setups in sid |
Source: | gpaw-setups | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 24.11.0-1 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Marcin Dulak <>, Graham Inggs <> |
Binary: | gpaw-data:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 24.11.0-1 | Version: | 24.11.0-1 |
gperiodic in sid |
Source: | gperiodic | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 3.0.3-2 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Daniel Leidert <>, Graham Inggs <> |
Binary: | gperiodic | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.0.3-2 | Version: | 3.0.3-2 |
gromacs in sid |
Source: | gromacs | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2025.1-1 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Nicholas Breen <> |
Binary: | gromacs | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2025.1-1 | Version: | 2025.1-1 |
Binary: | gromacs-data:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2025.1-1 | Version: | 2025.1-1 |
Binary: | libgromacs-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2025.1-1 | Version: | 2025.1-1 |
Binary: | libgromacs10 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2025.1-1 | Version: | 2025.1-1 |
Binary: | libnblib-gmx-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2025.1-1 | Version: | 2025.1-1 |
Binary: | libnblib-gmx0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2025.1-1 | Version: | 2025.1-1 |
inchi in sid |
Source: | inchi | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.07.3+dfsg-1 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Daniel Leidert <>, Andrius Merkys <>, |
Binary: | libinchi-bin | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.07.3+dfsg-1 | Version: | 1.07.3+dfsg-1 |
Binary: | libinchi-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.07.3+dfsg-1 | Version: | 1.07.3+dfsg-1 |
Binary: | libinchi1.07 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.07.3+dfsg-1 | Version: | 1.07.3+dfsg-1 |
indigo in sid |
Source: | indigo | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.2.3-3.1 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | indigo-utils | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.2.3-3.1 | Version: | 1.2.3-3.1 |
Binary: | libindigo-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.2.3-3.1 | Version: | 1.2.3-3.1 |
Binary: | libindigo-java:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.2.3-3.1 | Version: | 1.2.3-3.1 |
Binary: | libindigo0d | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.2.3-3.1 | Version: | 1.2.3-3.1 |
Binary: | python3-indigo:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.2.3-3.1 | Version: | 1.2.3-3.1 |
isospec in sid |
Source: | isospec | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.2.1-4.1 |
Maintainer: | The Debichem Group <> |
Uploaders: | Filippo Rusconi <> |
Binary: | libisospec++-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.2.1-4.1+b3 | Version: | 2.2.1-4.1+b3 |
Binary: | libisospec++-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.2.1-4.1 | Version: | 2.2.1-4.1 |
Binary: | libisospec++2t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.2.1-4.1+b3 | Version: | 2.2.1-4.1+b3 |
Binary: | python3-isospec | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.2.1-4.1+b3 | Version: | 2.2.1-4.1+b3 |
jgromacs in sid |
Source: | jgromacs | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.0-2 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Steffen Moeller <> |
Binary: | libjgromacs-java:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0-2 | Version: | 1.0-2 |
Binary: | libjgromacs-java-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0-2 | Version: | 1.0-2 |
jmol in sid |
Source: | jmol | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 16.2.33+dfsg-1 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <>, Pierre Gruet <>, Ximin Luo <> |
Binary: | jmol:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 16.2.33+dfsg-1 | Version: | 16.2.33+dfsg-1 |
Binary: | libjmol-java:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 16.2.33+dfsg-1 | Version: | 16.2.33+dfsg-1 |
Binary: | libjmol-java-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 16.2.33+dfsg-1 | Version: | 16.2.33+dfsg-1 |
jna-inchi in sid |
Source: | jna-inchi | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.3.1+dfsg-1 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Andrius Merkys <>, |
Binary: | libjna-inchi-java:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.3.1+dfsg-1 | Version: | 1.3.1+dfsg-1 |
jni-inchi in sid |
Source: | jni-inchi | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.8+dfsg-8 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Andrius Merkys <>, |
Binary: | libjni-inchi-java:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.8+dfsg-8 | Version: | 0.8+dfsg-8 |
Binary: | libjni-inchi-jni | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.8+dfsg-8 | Version: | 0.8+dfsg-8 |
lapackpp in sid |
Source: | lapackpp | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2024.10.26-1 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | liblapackpp-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2024.10.26-1 | Version: | 2024.10.26-1 |
libecpint in sid |
Source: | libecpint | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.0.7-4 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | libecpint-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.7-4+b1 | Version: | 1.0.7-4+b1 |
libfdf in sid |
Source: | libfdf | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.5.1-2 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | libfdf-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.5.1-2 | Version: | 0.5.1-2 |
libfplus in sid |
Source: | libfplus | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.2.13-1 |
Maintainer: | The Debichem Group <> |
Uploaders: | Filippo Rusconi <> |
Binary: | libfplus-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.2.13-1+b1 | Version: | 0.2.13-1+b1 |
libghemical in sid |
Source: | libghemical | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 3.0.0-4.4 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | libghemical-data:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.0.0-4.4 | Version: | 3.0.0-4.4 |
Binary: | libghemical-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.0.0-4.4+b1 | Version: | 3.0.0-4.4+b1 |
Binary: | libghemical5t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.0.0-4.4+b1 | Version: | 3.0.0-4.4+b1 |
libgridxc in sid |
Source: | libgridxc | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.1.0-1 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | libgridxc-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.1.0-1 | Version: | 2.1.0-1 |
libint in sid |
Source: | libint | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.2.1-6 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | libint-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.2.1-6 | Version: | 1.2.1-6 |
Binary: | libint1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.2.1-6 | Version: | 1.2.1-6 |
libint2 in sid |
Source: | libint2 | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.7.2-1.1 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | libint2-2t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.7.2-1.1 | Version: | 2.7.2-1.1 |
Binary: | libint2-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.7.2-1.1 | Version: | 2.7.2-1.1 |
libmbd in sid |
Source: | libmbd | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.12.8-2 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | libmbd-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.12.8-2 | Version: | 0.12.8-2 |
libmsnumpress in sid |
Source: | libmsnumpress | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.0.0-7 |
Maintainer: | The Debichem Group <> |
Uploaders: | Filippo Rusconi <> |
Binary: | libmsnumpress-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.0-7 | Version: | 1.0.0-7 |
Binary: | libmsnumpress1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.0-7 | Version: | 1.0.0-7 |
libmstoolkit in sid |
Source: | libmstoolkit | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 82-7.2 |
Maintainer: | The Debichem Group <> |
Uploaders: | Filippo Rusconi <> |
Binary: | libmstoolkit-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 82-7.2 | Version: | 82-7.2 |
Binary: | libmstoolkit-tools | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 82-7.2 | Version: | 82-7.2 |
Binary: | libmstoolkit82t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 82-7.2 | Version: | 82-7.2 |
liboglappth in sid |
Source: | liboglappth | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.0.0-3 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | liboglappth-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.0-3 | Version: | 1.0.0-3 |
Binary: | liboglappth2 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.0-3 | Version: | 1.0.0-3 |
libpappsomspp in sid |
Source: | libpappsomspp | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.9.38-1 |
Maintainer: | The Debichem Group <> |
Uploaders: | Filippo Rusconi <> |
Binary: | libpappsomspp-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.38-1+b2 | Version: | 0.9.38-1+b2 |
Binary: | libpappsomspp-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.38-1 | Version: | 0.9.38-1 |
Binary: | libpappsomspp-widget-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.38-1+b2 | Version: | 0.9.38-1+b2 |
Binary: | libpappsomspp-widget0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.38-1+b2 | Version: | 0.9.38-1+b2 |
Binary: | libpappsomspp0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.38-1+b2 | Version: | 0.9.38-1+b2 |
libpwiz in sid |
Source: | libpwiz | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 3.0.18342-4.1 |
Maintainer: | The Debichem Group <> |
Uploaders: | Filippo Rusconi <> |
Binary: | libpwiz-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.0.18342-4.1 | Version: | 3.0.18342-4.1 |
Binary: | libpwiz-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.0.18342-4.1 | Version: | 3.0.18342-4.1 |
Binary: | libpwiz-tools | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.0.18342-4.1 | Version: | 3.0.18342-4.1 |
Binary: | libpwiz3t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.0.18342-4.1 | Version: | 3.0.18342-4.1 |
libpwizlite in sid |
Source: | libpwizlite | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 3.0.8-1 |
Maintainer: | The Debichem Group <> |
Uploaders: | Filippo Rusconi <> |
Binary: | libpwizlite-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.0.8-1+b2 | Version: | 3.0.8-1+b2 |
Binary: | libpwizlite3t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.0.8-1+b2 | Version: | 3.0.8-1+b2 |
librdata in sid |
Source: | librdata | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0~20210223+git-85757dc6-2.1 |
Maintainer: | The Debichem Group <> |
Uploaders: | Filippo Rusconi <> |
Binary: | librdata-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0~20210223+git-85757dc6-2.1+b2 | Version: | 0~20210223+git-85757dc6-2.1+b2 |
Binary: | librdata0t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0~20210223+git-85757dc6-2.1+b2 | Version: | 0~20210223+git-85757dc6-2.1+b2 |
libtrexio in sid |
Source: | libtrexio | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.2.3-3 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Evgeny Posenitskiy <> |
Binary: | libtrexio-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.2.3-3+b3 | Version: | 2.2.3-3+b3 |
Binary: | libtrexio0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.2.3-3+b3 | Version: | 2.2.3-3+b3 |
libwildmagic in sid |
Source: | libwildmagic | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 5.17+cleaned1-7 |
Maintainer: | The Debichem Group <> |
Uploaders: | Filippo Rusconi <> |
Binary: | libwildmagic-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.17+cleaned1-7 | Version: | 5.17+cleaned1-7 |
Binary: | libwildmagic-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.17+cleaned1-7+b2 | Version: | 5.17+cleaned1-7+b2 |
Binary: | libwildmagic-examples | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.17+cleaned1-7+b2 | Version: | 5.17+cleaned1-7+b2 |
Binary: | libwildmagic5 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.17+cleaned1-7+b2 | Version: | 5.17+cleaned1-7+b2 |
libxc in sid |
Source: | libxc | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 5.2.3-1 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | libxc-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.2.3-1+b2 | Version: | 5.2.3-1+b2 |
Binary: | libxc9 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.2.3-1+b2 | Version: | 5.2.3-1+b2 |
libxpertmass in sid |
Source: | libxpertmass | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.1.0-1 |
Maintainer: | The Debichem Group <> |
Uploaders: | Filippo Rusconi <> |
Binary: | libxpertmass-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.1.0-1 | Version: | 1.1.0-1 |
Binary: | libxpertmass-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.1.0-1 | Version: | 1.1.0-1 |
Binary: | libxpertmass1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.1.0-1 | Version: | 1.1.0-1 |
Binary: | libxpertmassgui-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.1.0-1 | Version: | 1.1.0-1 |
Binary: | libxpertmassgui1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.1.0-1 | Version: | 1.1.0-1 |
lutefisk in sid |
Source: | lutefisk | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.0.7+dfsg-7 |
Maintainer: | The Debichem Group <> |
Uploaders: | Filippo Rusconi <> |
Binary: | lutefisk | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.7+dfsg-7 | Version: | 1.0.7+dfsg-7 |
Binary: | lutefisk-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.7+dfsg-7 | Version: | 1.0.7+dfsg-7 |
macromoleculebuilder in sid |
Source: | macromoleculebuilder | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 4.0.0+dfsg-5 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Andrius Merkys <>, |
Binary: | libmmb-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 4.0.0+dfsg-5 | Version: | 4.0.0+dfsg-5 |
Binary: | libmmb4.0t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 4.0.0+dfsg-5 | Version: | 4.0.0+dfsg-5 |
Binary: | mmb | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 4.0.0+dfsg-5 | Version: | 4.0.0+dfsg-5 |
Binary: | mmb-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 4.0.0+dfsg-5 | Version: | 4.0.0+dfsg-5 |
madness in sid |
Source: | madness | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.10.1+git20200818.eee5fd9f-3 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <>, Graham Inggs <> |
Binary: | libmadness-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.10.1+git20200818.eee5fd9f-3 | Version: | 0.10.1+git20200818.eee5fd9f-3 |
maloc in sid |
Source: | maloc | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.5-2 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | libmaloc-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.5-2+b3 | Version: | 1.5-2+b3 |
Binary: | libmaloc1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.5-2+b3 | Version: | 1.5-2+b3 |
massxpert in sid |
Source: | massxpert | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 7.0.0-2 |
Maintainer: | The Debichem Group <> |
Uploaders: | Filippo Rusconi <> |
Binary: | massxpert:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 8.5.0-2 | Version: | 8.5.0-2 [cruft] |
Binary: | massxpert-data:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 7.0.0-2 | Version: | 7.0.0-2 |
Binary: | massxpert-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 8.5.0-2 | Version: | 8.5.0-2 [cruft] |
massxpert2 in sid |
Source: | massxpert2 | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 8.5.0-2 |
Maintainer: | The Debichem Group <> |
Uploaders: | Filippo Rusconi <> |
Binary: | massxpert:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 8.5.0-2 | Version: | 8.5.0-2 |
Binary: | massxpert-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 8.5.0-2 | Version: | 8.5.0-2 |
Binary: | massxpert2 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 8.5.0-2 | Version: | 8.5.0-2 |
Binary: | massxpert2-data:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 8.5.0-2 | Version: | 8.5.0-2 |
Binary: | massxpert2-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 8.5.0-2 | Version: | 8.5.0-2 |
mdanalysis in sid |
Source: | mdanalysis | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.8.0-4 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Drew Parsons <> |
Binary: | python-mdanalysis-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.8.0-4 | Version: | 2.8.0-4 |
Binary: | python3-mdanalysis | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.8.0-4+b1 | Version: | 2.8.0-4+b1 |
mdtraj in sid |
Source: | mdtraj | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.10.3-2 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Drew Parsons <> |
Binary: | python-mdtraj-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.10.3-2 | Version: | 1.10.3-2 |
Binary: | python3-mdtraj | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.10.3-2+b1 | Version: | 1.10.3-2+b1 |
minexpert2 in sid |
Source: | minexpert2 | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 9.6.0-1 |
Maintainer: | The Debichem Group <> |
Uploaders: | Filippo Rusconi <> |
Binary: | minexpert2 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 9.6.0-1 | Version: | 9.6.0-1 |
Binary: | minexpert2-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 9.6.0-1 | Version: | 9.6.0-1 |
mmtf-java in sid |
Source: | mmtf-java | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.0.11-1 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Andrius Merkys <>, |
Binary: | libmmtf-java:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.11-1 | Version: | 1.0.11-1 |
mmtf-python in sid |
Source: | mmtf-python | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.1.3-1 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Andrius Merkys <>, |
Binary: | python3-mmtf:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.1.3-1 | Version: | 1.1.3-1 |
molds in sid |
Source: | molds | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.3.1-2 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | molds | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.3.1-2+b1 | Version: | 0.3.1-2+b1 |
molequeue in sid |
Source: | molequeue | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.9.0-1 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Drew Parsons <>, Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | libmolequeue-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.0-1+b3 | Version: | 0.9.0-1+b3 |
Binary: | molequeue | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.9.0-1+b3 | Version: | 0.9.0-1+b3 |
molmodel in sid |
Source: | molmodel | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 3.1.0-4.1 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Andrius Merkys <>, |
Binary: | libsimtkmolmodel-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.1.0-4.1+b3 | Version: | 3.1.0-4.1+b3 |
Binary: | libsimtkmolmodel-plugins | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.1.0-4.1+b3 | Version: | 3.1.0-4.1+b3 |
Binary: | libsimtkmolmodel3.1t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.1.0-4.1+b3 | Version: | 3.1.0-4.1+b3 |
mopac in sid |
Source: | mopac | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 23.1.2-1 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | mopac | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 23.1.2-1 | Version: | 23.1.2-1 |
mopac7 in sid |
Source: | mopac7 | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.15-7 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | libmopac7-1gf | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.15-7 | Version: | 1.15-7 |
Binary: | libmopac7-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.15-7 | Version: | 1.15-7 |
Binary: | mopac7-bin | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.15-7 | Version: | 1.15-7 |
mpqc in sid |
Source: | mpqc | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.3.1-22 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | libsc-data:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.3.1-22 | Version: | 2.3.1-22 |
Binary: | libsc-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.3.1-22+b1 | Version: | 2.3.1-22+b1 |
Binary: | libsc-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.3.1-22 | Version: | 2.3.1-22 |
Binary: | libsc7v5 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.3.1-22+b1 | Version: | 2.3.1-22+b1 |
Binary: | mpqc | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.3.1-22+b1 | Version: | 2.3.1-22+b1 |
Binary: | mpqc-support | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.3.1-22+b1 | Version: | 2.3.1-22+b1 |
nwchem in sid |
Source: | nwchem | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 7.2.3-7 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <>, Drew Parsons <> |
Binary: | nwchem:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 7.2.3-7 | Version: | 7.2.3-7 |
Binary: | nwchem-data:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 7.2.3-7 | Version: | 7.2.3-7 |
Binary: | nwchem-mpich | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 7.2.3-7+b1 | Version: | 7.2.3-7+b1 |
Binary: | nwchem-openmpi | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 7.2.3-7+b1 | Version: | 7.2.3-7+b1 |
openbabel in sid |
Source: | openbabel | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 3.1.1+dfsg-11 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <>, Daniel Leidert <>, Andrius Merkys <> |
Binary: | libchemistry-openbabel-perl | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.1.1+dfsg-11+b3 | Version: | 3.1.1+dfsg-11+b3 |
Binary: | libopenbabel-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.1.1+dfsg-11+b3 | Version: | 3.1.1+dfsg-11+b3 |
Binary: | libopenbabel-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.1.1+dfsg-11 | Version: | 3.1.1+dfsg-11 |
Binary: | libopenbabel7 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.1.1+dfsg-11+b3 | Version: | 3.1.1+dfsg-11+b3 |
Binary: | openbabel | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.1.1+dfsg-11+b3 | Version: | 3.1.1+dfsg-11+b3 |
Binary: | openbabel-gui | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.1.1+dfsg-11+b3 | Version: | 3.1.1+dfsg-11+b3 |
Binary: | python3-openbabel | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.1.1+dfsg-11+b3 | Version: | 3.1.1+dfsg-11+b3 |
opendrop in sid |
Source: | opendrop | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 3.3.2-2 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Drew Parsons <>, Stuart Prescott <> |
Binary: | opendrop | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.3.2-2+b3 | Version: | 3.3.2-2+b3 |
Binary: | opendrop-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.3.2-2 | Version: | 3.3.2-2 |
openmm in sid |
Source: | openmm | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 8.1.2+dfsg-11 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Robert McGibbon <>, Andreas Tille <>, Andrius Merkys <>, |
Binary: | libopenmm-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 8.1.2+dfsg-11 | Version: | 8.1.2+dfsg-11 |
Binary: | libopenmm-plugins | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 8.1.2+dfsg-11 | Version: | 8.1.2+dfsg-11 |
Binary: | libopenmm8.1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 8.1.2+dfsg-11 | Version: | 8.1.2+dfsg-11 |
Binary: | python3-openmm | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 8.1.2+dfsg-11 | Version: | 8.1.2+dfsg-11 |
openmolcas in sid |
Source: | openmolcas | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 25.02-1 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | openmolcas | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 25.02-1 | Version: | 25.02-1 |
Binary: | openmolcas-data:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 25.02-1 | Version: | 25.02-1 |
openms in sid |
Source: | openms | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.6.0+cleaned1-4 |
Maintainer: | The Debichem Group <> |
Uploaders: | Filippo Rusconi <> |
Binary: | libopenms-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.6.0+cleaned1-4+b5 | Version: | 2.6.0+cleaned1-4+b5 |
Binary: | libopenms2.6.0 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.6.0+cleaned1-4+b5 | Version: | 2.6.0+cleaned1-4+b5 |
Binary: | openms:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.6.0+cleaned1-4 | Version: | 2.6.0+cleaned1-4 |
Binary: | openms-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.6.0+cleaned1-4 | Version: | 2.6.0+cleaned1-4 |
Binary: | openms-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.6.0+cleaned1-4 | Version: | 2.6.0+cleaned1-4 |
Binary: | topp | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.6.0+cleaned1-4+b5 | Version: | 2.6.0+cleaned1-4+b5 |
openstructure in sid |
Source: | openstructure | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.9.2-2 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Andrius Merkys <>, |
Binary: | libost-base-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.9.2-2 | Version: | 2.9.2-2 |
Binary: | libost-base2.9 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.9.2-2 | Version: | 2.9.2-2 |
Binary: | libost-bindings-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.9.2-2 | Version: | 2.9.2-2 |
Binary: | libost-bindings2.9 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.9.2-2 | Version: | 2.9.2-2 |
Binary: | libost-conop-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.9.2-2 | Version: | 2.9.2-2 |
Binary: | libost-conop2.9 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.9.2-2 | Version: | 2.9.2-2 |
Binary: | libost-db-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.9.2-2 | Version: | 2.9.2-2 |
Binary: | libost-db2.9 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.9.2-2 | Version: | 2.9.2-2 |
Binary: | libost-geom-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.9.2-2 | Version: | 2.9.2-2 |
Binary: | libost-geom2.9 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.9.2-2 | Version: | 2.9.2-2 |
Binary: | libost-gfx-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.9.2-2 | Version: | 2.9.2-2 |
Binary: | libost-gfx2.9 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.9.2-2 | Version: | 2.9.2-2 |
Binary: | libost-gui-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.9.2-2 | Version: | 2.9.2-2 |
Binary: | libost-gui2.9 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.9.2-2 | Version: | 2.9.2-2 |
Binary: | libost-img-alg-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.9.2-2 | Version: | 2.9.2-2 |
Binary: | libost-img-alg2.9 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.9.2-2 | Version: | 2.9.2-2 |
Binary: | libost-img-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.9.2-2 | Version: | 2.9.2-2 |
Binary: | libost-img2.9 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.9.2-2 | Version: | 2.9.2-2 |
Binary: | libost-info-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.9.2-2 | Version: | 2.9.2-2 |
Binary: | libost-info2.9 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.9.2-2 | Version: | 2.9.2-2 |
Binary: | libost-io-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.9.2-2 | Version: | 2.9.2-2 |
Binary: | libost-io2.9 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.9.2-2 | Version: | 2.9.2-2 |
Binary: | libost-mol-alg-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.9.2-2 | Version: | 2.9.2-2 |
Binary: | libost-mol-alg2.9 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.9.2-2 | Version: | 2.9.2-2 |
Binary: | libost-mol-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.9.2-2 | Version: | 2.9.2-2 |
Binary: | libost-mol-mm-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.9.2-2 | Version: | 2.9.2-2 |
Binary: | libost-mol-mm2.9 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.9.2-2 | Version: | 2.9.2-2 |
Binary: | libost-mol2.9 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.9.2-2 | Version: | 2.9.2-2 |
Binary: | libost-seq-alg-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.9.2-2 | Version: | 2.9.2-2 |
Binary: | libost-seq-alg2.9 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.9.2-2 | Version: | 2.9.2-2 |
Binary: | libost-seq-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.9.2-2 | Version: | 2.9.2-2 |
Binary: | libost-seq2.9 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.9.2-2 | Version: | 2.9.2-2 |
Binary: | openstructure | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.9.2-2 | Version: | 2.9.2-2 |
Binary: | python3-ost | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.9.2-2 | Version: | 2.9.2-2 |
opsin in sid |
Source: | opsin | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.8.0-3 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <>, Andrius Merkys <>, |
Binary: | libopsin-java:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.8.0-3 | Version: | 2.8.0-3 |
oscar4 in sid |
Source: | oscar4 | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 5.2.0+dfsg-3 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Andrius Merkys <>, |
Binary: | liboscar4-java:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.2.0+dfsg-3 | Version: | 5.2.0+dfsg-3 |
osra in sid |
Source: | osra | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.1.3-3 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Daniel Leidert <>, Andrius Merkys <>, |
Binary: | libosra-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.1.3-3+b3 | Version: | 2.1.3-3+b3 |
Binary: | libosra2 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.1.3-3+b3 | Version: | 2.1.3-3+b3 |
Binary: | osra | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.1.3-3+b3 | Version: | 2.1.3-3+b3 |
packmol in sid |
Source: | packmol | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1:20.16.0-1 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Drew Parsons <> |
Binary: | packmol | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1:20.16.0-1 | Version: | 1:20.16.0-1 |
parmed in sid |
Source: | parmed | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 4.3.0+dfsg-2 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Andrius Merkys <>, |
Binary: | python3-parmed | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 4.3.0+dfsg-2+b1 | Version: | 4.3.0+dfsg-2+b1 |
pdb-tools in sid |
Source: | pdb-tools | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.5.1-2 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Andrius Merkys <>, |
Binary: | pdb-tools:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.5.1-2 | Version: | 2.5.1-2 |
Binary: | python3-pdbtools:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.5.1-2 | Version: | 2.5.1-2 |
phonopy in sid |
Source: | phonopy | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.38.0-1 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Andrius Merkys <>, |
Binary: | python3-phonopy | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.38.0-1 | Version: | 2.38.0-1 |
promod3 in sid |
Source: | promod3 | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 3.4.1+ds-1 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Andrius Merkys <>, |
Binary: | libpromod3-core-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.4.1+ds-1 | Version: | 3.4.1+ds-1 |
Binary: | libpromod3-core3.4 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.4.1+ds-1 | Version: | 3.4.1+ds-1 |
Binary: | libpromod3-loop-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.4.1+ds-1 | Version: | 3.4.1+ds-1 |
Binary: | libpromod3-loop3.4 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.4.1+ds-1 | Version: | 3.4.1+ds-1 |
Binary: | libpromod3-modelling-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.4.1+ds-1 | Version: | 3.4.1+ds-1 |
Binary: | libpromod3-modelling3.4 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.4.1+ds-1 | Version: | 3.4.1+ds-1 |
Binary: | libpromod3-scoring-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.4.1+ds-1 | Version: | 3.4.1+ds-1 |
Binary: | libpromod3-scoring3.4 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.4.1+ds-1 | Version: | 3.4.1+ds-1 |
Binary: | libpromod3-sidechain-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.4.1+ds-1 | Version: | 3.4.1+ds-1 |
Binary: | libpromod3-sidechain3.4 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.4.1+ds-1 | Version: | 3.4.1+ds-1 |
Binary: | promod3:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.4.1+ds-1 | Version: | 3.4.1+ds-1 |
Binary: | promod3-data:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.4.1+ds-1 | Version: | 3.4.1+ds-1 |
Binary: | python3-promod3 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.4.1+ds-1 | Version: | 3.4.1+ds-1 |
psi4 in sid |
Source: | psi4 | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1:1.3.2+dfsg-6 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <>, Graham Inggs <> |
Binary: | psi4 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1:1.3.2+dfsg-6 | Version: | 1:1.3.2+dfsg-6 |
Binary: | psi4-data:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1:1.3.2+dfsg-6 | Version: | 1:1.3.2+dfsg-6 |
psicode in sid |
Source: | psicode | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 3.4.0-6 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | libpsi3-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.4.0-6+b3 | Version: | 3.4.0-6+b3 |
Binary: | psi3 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.4.0-6+b3 | Version: | 3.4.0-6+b3 |
pymatgen in sid |
Source: | pymatgen | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2025.2.18+dfsg1-4 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Drew Parsons <> |
Binary: | python-pymatgen-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2025.2.18+dfsg1-4 | Version: | 2025.2.18+dfsg1-4 |
Binary: | python3-pymatgen | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2025.2.18+dfsg1-4 | Version: | 2025.2.18+dfsg1-4 |
pymatgen-test-files in sid |
Source: | pymatgen-test-files | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2025.2.18-1 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Drew Parsons <> |
Binary: | pymatgen-test-files:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2025.2.18-1 | Version: | 2025.2.18-1 |
pymol in sid |
Source: | pymol | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 3.1.0+dfsg-1 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | pymol:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.1.0+dfsg-1 | Version: | 3.1.0+dfsg-1 |
Binary: | pymol-data:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.1.0+dfsg-1 | Version: | 3.1.0+dfsg-1 |
Binary: | python3-pymol | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.1.0+dfsg-1 | Version: | 3.1.0+dfsg-1 |
python-ase in sid |
Source: | python-ase | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 3.24.0-1 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Ask Hjorth Larsen <>, Graham Inggs <>, Andrius Merkys <> |
Binary: | ase:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.24.0-1 | Version: | 3.24.0-1 |
Binary: | python-ase-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.24.0-1 | Version: | 3.24.0-1 |
Binary: | python3-ase:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.24.0-1 | Version: | 3.24.0-1 |
python-emmet-core in sid |
Source: | python-emmet-core | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.84.2-2 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Drew Parsons <> |
Binary: | python3-emmet-core:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.84.2-2 | Version: | 0.84.2-2 |
python-griddataformats in sid |
Source: | python-griddataformats | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.0.2-2 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Drew Parsons <> |
Binary: | python3-griddataformats:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.2-2 | Version: | 1.0.2-2 |
python-gsd in sid |
Source: | python-gsd | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 3.4.2-2 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Drew Parsons <> |
Binary: | python-gsd-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.4.2-2 | Version: | 3.4.2-2 |
Binary: | python3-gsd | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 3.4.2-2+b1 | Version: | 3.4.2-2+b1 |
python-mp-api in sid |
Source: | python-mp-api | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.45.3-4 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Drew Parsons <>, Roland Mas <>, |
Binary: | python3-mp-api:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.45.3-4 | Version: | 0.45.3-4 |
python-pymzml in sid |
Source: | python-pymzml | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2.5.10+repack1-1 |
Maintainer: | The Debichem Group <> |
Uploaders: | Filippo Rusconi <> |
Binary: | python-pymzml-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.5.10+repack1-1 | Version: | 2.5.10+repack1-1 |
Binary: | python3-pymzml:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2.5.10+repack1-1 | Version: | 2.5.10+repack1-1 |
qcelemental in sid |
Source: | qcelemental | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.29.0-2 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | python3-qcelemental:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.29.0-2 | Version: | 0.29.0-2 |
qcengine in sid |
Source: | qcengine | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.30.0-2 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | python3-qcengine:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.30.0-2 | Version: | 0.30.0-2 |
qutemol in sid |
Source: | qutemol | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.4.1~cvs20081111-15 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Morten Kjeldgaard <>, Michael Banck <>, Graham Inggs <> |
Binary: | qutemol | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.4.1~cvs20081111-15+b3 | Version: | 0.4.1~cvs20081111-15+b3 |
rdkit in sid |
Source: | rdkit | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 202409.6-2 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <>, Andrius Merkys <> |
Binary: | librdkit-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 202409.6-2 | Version: | 202409.6-2 |
Binary: | librdkit1t64 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 202409.6-2 | Version: | 202409.6-2 |
Binary: | postgresql-17-rdkit | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 202409.6-2 | Version: | 202409.6-2 |
Binary: | python3-rdkit | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 202409.6-2 | Version: | 202409.6-2 |
Binary: | rdkit-data:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 202409.6-2 | Version: | 202409.6-2 |
Binary: | rdkit-doc:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 202409.6-2 | Version: | 202409.6-2 |
shelxle in sid |
Source: | shelxle | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.0.1552-1 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Daniel Leidert <> |
Binary: | shelxle | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.0.1552-1+b2 | Version: | 1.0.1552-1+b2 |
smiles-scripts in sid |
Source: | smiles-scripts | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 0.3.0+svn878+branch+system+deps-2 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Andrius Merkys <>, |
Binary: | libsmiles-scripts-java:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.3.0+svn878+branch+system+deps-2 | Version: | 0.3.0+svn878+branch+system+deps-2 |
Binary: | libsmiles-scripts-perl:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.3.0+svn878+branch+system+deps-2 | Version: | 0.3.0+svn878+branch+system+deps-2 |
Binary: | smiles-scripts:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.3.0+svn878+branch+system+deps-2 | Version: | 0.3.0+svn878+branch+system+deps-2 |
tandem-mass in sid |
Source: | tandem-mass | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1:201702011-1 |
Maintainer: | The Debichem Group <> |
Uploaders: | Filippo Rusconi <> |
Binary: | tandem-mass | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1:201702011-1+b1 | Version: | 1:201702011-1+b1 |
testsweeper in sid |
Source: | testsweeper | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2024.05.31-1 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | libtestsweeper-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2024.05.31-1+b1 | Version: | 2024.05.31-1+b1 |
Binary: | libtestsweeper1 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2024.05.31-1+b1 | Version: | 2024.05.31-1+b1 |
tiledarray in sid |
Source: | tiledarray | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.0.0-1 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | libtiledarray-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 0.6.0-5.2 | Version: | 0.6.0-5.2 [cruft] |
toppic in sid |
Source: | toppic | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.5.3+dfsg1-1 |
Maintainer: | The Debichem Group <> |
Uploaders: | Filippo Rusconi <> |
Binary: | toppic | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.5.3+dfsg1-1+b2 | Version: | 1.5.3+dfsg1-1+b2 |
Binary: | toppic-common:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.5.3+dfsg1-1 | Version: | 1.5.3+dfsg1-1 |
travis in sid |
Source: | travis | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 220729-1 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Daniel Leidert <> |
Binary: | travis | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 220729-1 | Version: | 220729-1 |
votca in sid |
Source: | votca | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 2024.2-2 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <>, Nicholas Breen <> |
Binary: | libvotca-2024 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2024.2-2 | Version: | 2024.2-2 |
Binary: | libvotca-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2024.2-2 | Version: | 2024.2-2 |
Binary: | votca | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2024.2-2 | Version: | 2024.2-2 |
Binary: | votca-data:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2024.2-2 | Version: | 2024.2-2 |
Binary: | votca-tutorials:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 2024.2-2 | Version: | 2024.2-2 |
xcrysden in sid |
Source: | xcrysden | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 1.6.2-4 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Anton Kokalj <>, Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | xcrysden | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.6.2-4 | Version: | 1.6.2-4 |
Binary: | xcrysden-data:all | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 1.6.2-4 | Version: | 1.6.2-4 |
xmakemol in sid |
Source: | xmakemol | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 5.16-11 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Michael Banck <> |
Binary: | xmakemol | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.16-11 | Version: | 5.16-11 |
Binary: | xmakemol-gl | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 5.16-11 | Version: | 5.16-11 |
xtb in sid |
Source: | xtb | piuparts summary: |  | Version: | 6.7.1-1 |
Maintainer: | Debichem Team <> |
Uploaders: | Andrius Merkys <>, |
Binary: | libxtb-dev | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 6.7.0-1 | Version: | 6.7.0-1 [cruft] |
Binary: | libxtb6 | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 6.7.0-1 | Version: | 6.7.0-1 [cruft] |
Binary: | xtb | piuparts-result: | successfully-tested 6.7.0-1 | Version: | 6.7.0-1 [cruft] |